Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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I sent him nude photos and can’t live with the guilt(1)

April 16, 2024

While we were talking about sex, he asked me to send him my nude photos. I didn’t want to do it at first. Days went by and he again asked me for them. I was so in the mood now that, without thinking, I gave him my one picture.

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Am I too “cheap” to marry?

She said the future with me is insecure. That she can’t be with someone who is content how things come to him and says “Allah will always provide for us, our goal is Jannah.”

My Narcissistic boyfriend won’t let me go…I feel trapped

Should I say “I wear hijab now so can you take those pictures down?” He said he has them for his memory only, so why post? Should I just not say anything and maybe block him for a few weeks?

I want to go to Umrah with my milk-brother

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