Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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I’m in love…with my cousin’s wife!(3)

February 24, 2024

I am in the unfortunate situation of loving the unattainable.

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My father said I’m better off with her than a spouse from outside the family

My parents emotionally forced me to get married to a cousin. I am now majorly regretting this Nikkah. Help!

I can’t see my cousin marrying anyone else…should I fight for this?

I don’t know what to do anymore. I think I can get over these feelings with Allah’s help, but at the same time, I don’t think I can see him getting married to someone else.

What if our children will have genetic abnormalities?

I have lost interest in the man I’ve been engaged to for a long time, due to compatibility and concerns over the health of any children we may conceive.

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