Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘religious’

Dream interpretation

In my dream, when I woke up my beard was fully shaved.

Help me please, the guilt is hurting me

Aslam alaikum sister I was in a haram relationship for 1 month but I talked to the guy about everyday for about 4 or 5 months. Also I ended it becuase of the guilt and knowing what I did was wrong. I have been feeling guilty everyday for about 2 months. How do I get rid of the guilt myself.

I’m Muslim, he’s Christian & we are in love, but do not know how to work the religious difference

I am a muslim girl and my boyfriend is a Christian.

We are madly in love, but we do not know how to work the religious difference and we really dont want to part because we are willing to take the relationship further.

What should I do?

I found my Mr. Right online but don’t know how to tell my parents

I started looking for a husband by myself online. Why ? Because I wanted to give myself a chance to find the partner I want, then let my parents find someone for me if it doesn’t work. I met someone compatible. He’s from UK and I live in France. Both of us are serious about marriage, and we were very surprised to find out that we have the same views about life. Ok, now you’re probably thinking I’m kinda naive lol. Honestly, I’m not.