Zawaj.com's Islamic Polls

May 2000:

What Do You Look for in a Marriage Partner?

   What do you look for in a marriage partner?



Financial stability








Sense of humor


Islamic character

Total Votes Cast: 2365

Over 2,000 votes were cast, making this Zawaj.com's most popular poll so far.

About half of the respondents said Islamic character was the most important factor. One poetic person commented that, "Beauty fades.... iman shines forth like a blazing sun." Many people seemed to feel that looks are important, but Islamic character is paramount. A surprisingly small number of people chose nationality, ethnicity, or career. A few people complained that there should have been a choice for "personality" rather than simply sense of humor.

Overall, we at Zawaj.com felt the results were very positive and encouraging, though there is a little more emphasis on looks than we are comfortable with. But considering the influence from Western culture, which is so preoccupied with appearance and superficialities, perhaps that is to be expected. Thank you all for your participation.

These are some of your comments:

Our prophet has asked muslims to consider the most takwa person as their choose of spouse.

If we get engaged to a real muslim, who knows the rights of both, then no problems expected!

Not following Islam in choosing spouse led to lots of problems to a lot of people; crowded courts, busy lawyers and miserable lives. Where is Islam?

Islamic character is the first thing to look for in person, if the person fail to have islamic character then they will fail everything else.

Alhamdulilah Islamic Character wins! Because without Islam the other qualities are pointless.

if she looks good then you can enjoy throught your life.

if u realy wanna real stable life don't think of other thing ecsept islam.

The Prophets saw said, we should get marride for DEEN!

"Real Islam" means fearing God and treating spouse kindly. I'm almost 37 & still looking for my man. I met all sorts; no Deen, no marriage & no REGRETS.

"beauty comes from within" is something ugly people believe in.

Off course the islamic character, looks that is matter, the rest, O mankind, we created you one soul, male and female.

besed on the prophet's hadith (SAWS): choose the one with the islamic character

Of the seven listed characteristics, Islamic Character stands supreme; next is sense of humor, and the rest are peripheral--mky

Islamic character is the most important thing to achieve Allah's ridho (pleasure), marriage is one of the way to perfect our ibadah in front of Allah SWT.

Islam comes 1st; fearing God is crucial. Sense of humor makes life easier. Average finance helps. Same culture lessens gaps. Average looks & stable career Okay.

I like my choice becasue with good character in Islam there is also much more toa person and with humor too elhamdhillha

What is beauty without a mind?

Character does'nt fade away

Religion then Looks then Sense of humor then the rest aren't important.

looks is also improtant to me, but religion always comes first.

sincerely, i can't marry a girl that is not a muslim and who does not act islamic

I think, if a man want to marry, he has to choose a wife who fear Allah soubhanah wa ta a'ala. otherwise he 'll lose a very important part of the deen.

I've everything but not still satisfied..empty life without islamic chracter

Someone can be pretty, but if they're not religious, they can ruin your life.

The islamic character of a person can make that person rich, good looking, beautiful, humorous and intelligent.

Although looks play and important part of ones attraction to another, taqwa is whats MOST important in a relationship. Looks are second.

A PRACTISING muslim/muslimah IS the best spouse, friend and partner one could ever have, insha-Allah.

Islamic character is the best one to be chosen cause it will not be reduced, or be a problem until the end of this world.

The prophet of Islam taught us to marry women for their Imam, not their Beauty or Lineage.

I like religious women who her duties as a Muslimah.

As a whole if somebody is truly muslim nothing comes difficult in selection and can be proportionate.

Honest and neqab wearing.

Thanks everyone for your great input.

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