Allah is angry on me – Help me out
I'm also depressed by now.When I was 14 years old I was the most beautiful boy trust me.I still remember people turning their heads on road to see me.My eyes were hazel.My color was enriched with noor and white color,my looks were perfect.Trust me I was very very beautiful.
Now I'm 18.My face color is dull now.My eyes have been fainted.My cheeks are so thick and rough.I'm not saying that I'm ugly.But I don't know what's happening.People who watched me after many years have weird expressions about my face and they say what I have done to my face.Everyone is saying that you are not Yousaf that you were once used to be.That is making me so sad.
Apart from this I would like to tell that I'm cut off from Islam.I have fear of Allah in my heart.But I didn't even remember the last prayer I offered to Allah.
Some people telling me that I'm rude to my mother that's your face is becoming ugly.
However I have never even touched a girl once.I do every thing with justice.I care for people and help them to solve their problems..
According to me,Allah is extremely angry on me 🙁 🙁 🙁 He is taking my looks back 🙁 🙁 🙁
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Read quran for Noor and respect your parents.
Asalam alaikum,brother Allah is not angry at you.You are being tested.Allah may test his slave with sickness or a defect or ugliness.
Allah is not angry at you, but everyone is very good looking in their teenage years you cant expect to be like that forever and the more you age the less beautiful you will become but you can always become more and more beautiful on the inside by being a good muslim
Asslamulaikum I am so sorry to hear this.
May allah forgive you and guide you to his path. I think the reason behind all this is that you have disobeyed Allah because you did leave Islam and being rude to your mother. However, no one is perfect in world. Allah is given a test to every peron in whole world and even Muslims.
However, I agree with people i mean you cannot except to look beautiful ad young in entire life. We are born and get old and than die. Thats how life is..
Allah has created this way of life and one day we all will return to him. the only good thing is that you fear Allah which is good and we all should fear Allah and ask for his forgiveness.
You should seek forgivness from Allah ad try to think of your past sins and mistake you have done and try to fix those and come back to Islam. You should also aplogise to mother because Allah has given you beautiful mother and also father. you are lucky because those children who doesn't even have parents so you should thank Allah for it. you should think of like she took care of you when you were baby, teached you to crawl , walk and all other things that mothers do even your father. she raised you to be an adult and every mother has jannah on her feet. so try to aplogise to your both parents and respect them.
beauty is not everything, personility is also more than beauty. you should try to beautiful from inside, your personilty and be kindness and respectful Muslim person like our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).
You should not be thing about your beauty right now .. look at the state of Gaza, palestine and Syria, those our muslim sisters and brother and innocent children are dying and yet we are not doing anything for them. They do not even have anything to fight with. we are all so selfish and scared that we cannot do anything for them. I feel really upset and shameless. I feel also sorry for them and please do make dua for them that May allah ease their sorrows, [pain, guide them and send a help for them. Jazakumallah kheir