Author Archives
I'm a Muslim woman, trying to improve myself and hopeful of a future filled with genuine eemaan and deen. I've learned many lessons in life, few in class and more through life's many experiences. I also absolutely love learning about Islam. I want to use this gift of insight and knowledge - albeit small, to enable me to humbly and sincerely help others.
Posts by SisterZ:
- Have you suffered from domestic violence or sexual abuse? Can you help us?(8)
- I am 15 & my father beats my mother and is an alcoholic(4)
- Was it right choosing parents over a guy?(9)
- Can a Malay Muslim man marry a Catholic girl?(7)
- Constructing a stone monument around our father’s grave(2)
- We did Istikhara and our answers are not the same(5)
- Lost my virginity and I’m ashamed and tormented(32)
- My husband constantly asks me to divorce him(18)
- Married against my will at age 14 and dating a non-Muslim(5)
- My family does not practise Islam. How can I guide them?(17)