Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Beautiful dreams – but what do they mean?

Salaam alakum.

There was a point about a month ago where I had a dream twice in one week about two completely different guys that I've never met before. And in the dream they're usually my fiancé or soon to be fiancé. And I am totally in love with them! I can't explain those dreams. They made me happy just being with them in my dream.

And suddenly today, I awoke for fajr prayer alhamduallah and went to sleep an hour later and had a dream about me going to a completely weird place full of white people, it was my sisters anniversary party that day so I had make up on, and I had a scarf and abaya, that place was full of white people and I was the only Arab, they were all looking at me and laughing, and some were disgusted. But I managed to climb up this rocky road and I'd slip a lot but when I got up to the top I met a lot of white people and I was announcing "Please listen to me, I am NOT here to force you to convert to Islam, but I am here to inform all of you that Islam isn't bad, and Muslims are great people. The media just makes us look bad but its not true were great people, we don't go around throwing around riots/bombs we're good." and they were actually smiling to me.

And then I suddenly walked away Thinking "I have to leave b/c I have to go to my sisters anniversary" but when I was going I met this guy.. Whom I've never seen before and he was just talking to me, I think that he loved the speech I gave. I've never felt this way before. We didn't do anything inappropriate, but he did hold my hand, and we hung out with each other talking about our lives, I was completely in love with him that moment I met him, and so was he. It's so weird I've never seen him before. He had long black hair up to his shoulder. Wallah only Allah(swt) knows how I felt in the dream. I've never felt this affection before.

But there came a point where I had to leave and he was so sad, and I ended up leaving for my sister's anniversary, but I went back and tried finding him and I did. Ya allah, only he knows how I felt towards this guy. And this is what happened in the other two dreams, same feelings, except this was stronger.

It felt so real, I woke up smiling and saying Alhamduallah cause it was just amazing and I felt that these dreams are signs I just don't know what they mean. Any help from my brothers and sisters?  Can anyone tell me what's up with these random guy dreams? Btw I'm 18/female if that's helps.

Jazakum allah khairan.


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3 Responses »

  1. Dear Sister, Walaykumsalaam,

    None of us on this website are qualified to interpret dreams. But your dreams do sound quite amazing, I would say just sleep and enjoy them, at the same time ask Allah to give you good and save you from bad, as Allah alone knows their exact meaning.

    This is just my personal feeling: I've always felt and understood that climbing up something in a dream, especially something as difficult as you described, is a sign of achievement and success. And that you were doing dawah is lovely. Maybe doing dawah is something you may want to pursue actively. As for the fiances in your dream, cherish the moment, lol and make dua for Allah to bless you with a spouse who is good for you in this life and the next, aameen.

    If I was having dreams like yours, I would want to sleep more often, lol.

    SisterZ Editor

  2. I used to have sweet dreams regularly a few years back sister so I've been through it. And no I never did meet any of them. Lol. I wouldn't worry about it - try not to dwell on it too much. Its normal to want it to be real but the best thing is dreams feel real so just enjoy them. It's just part of growing up.

    Your subconscious picks up things everyday. You may be walking past somewhere and you dont notice the tiny details - but your brain picks it up. Likewise the same thing happens with your feelings. Everything you've ever seen is somewhere in your mind - SubhanAllah - you just cant actively remember it. But your subconscious knows that. Dreams are a means of processing all that information - sorting it out. So you may get random things from your subconscious all mixed together with a mix of how you are feeling etc. Or you get to be someone else in your dreams. Its like a whole new world.

    Either way it is nothing to worry about - dont seek out anything in your dream and dont act upon just ask Allah that if it has a meaning - let it be a good one. Ask Him to grant you the best spouse and enjoy the dreams. Know that in reality meeting and holding hands is of course Islamically inappropriate. But you are not accountable for what you dream.

    Sara Editor

    • salamu'alaikum

      you know what? I once had a dream that I liked this girl whose name was Masjid... Lol...
      Sister, this dream of yours seems to be a good sign. Thank Allah for it and continue your Remembrance of Him. Practice Hijaab as you should, and Worship Allah as much as possible

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