Islamic marriage advice and family advice

British tourist marriage in Pakistan, is it valid?

A Pakistani wedding

A Pakistani wedding

Two british nationals and british residents 18 years ago traveled to Pakistan on a tourist visa and married under Islamic ceremony Nikah, returned to live in England, but never informed British embassy nor Foreign Office or any other british authority.

Does anyone know if this marriage deemed valid in the United Kingdom?

Anybody else has come across such situation?


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3 Responses »

  1. Salaam,

    It would be better if you could ask this question to a solicitor / lawyer who is more knowledgeable about the laws of UK.

  2. anybody can get married (nikkah)anywere in the world but residency were you live you must apply or fill form out that you are married. you can have walimah and use that to give info. Dont make things hard on yourself be simple.It will help you avoid problems especially being paki

  3. Your nikkah under islamic law is valid but in English law your not unless you register husband and wife. According to British law your not married.

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