Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Call on Muslims for da’wah

Shining masjid, revelation, Islam, light


Though I am new on this site I what to make a comment about what I saw yesterday on the television. This is also  advice to some riches arab people about wht they are doing with their currency at it is prohibited in islam.

First of all,  missionaries use their own currency to build their religion in every part of the world. But today in our muslim countries we dont have any rich person who will take this responsibility for da'wah. Is this not a challege to these people when they die?

- ibrahim umar sani

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2 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    Giving dawah is something every Muslim should spend some effort or time toward, and I certainly believe we will all be accountable for our efforts and opportunities in that area. I don't think anyone would argue that those who have been given more (the richer among us) will be held to a bit of a higher standard as to how they used that barakah. Needless to say, none of us know how each will be judged on these matters, so it is best for us to look at what we can do individually to use our resources in the best way possible and share the beauty of Islam with others in a peaceful way. That way we can have a better assurance of dying in a more obedient state.

  2. Assalamu aalykum Brother,

    Allah alone knows which of His slave spends how much in His way.

    We have no knowledge.

    To withold hands from spending in the way of Allah is an act displeasing to Allah, spending in the way of Allah has many rewards.

    I am sure, Alhamdulillaah and Insha Allah all Muslims are aware of this.

    18. O ye who believe! Observe your duty to Allah. And let every soul look to that which it sendeth on before for the morrow. And observe your duty to Allah! Lo! Allah is informed of what ye do.
    19. And be not ye as those who forgot Allah, therefore He caused them to forget their souls. Such are the evil doers.
    20. Not equal are the owners of the Fire and the owners of the Garden. The owners of the Garden, they are the victorious
    . - Surah Al Hashr.

    Your brother.

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