Can a Muslim man marry a separated Christian woman?
Good Day!
Just want to have a question and seek your heartily advice because I don't want that in the end I will suffer.
I'm a Christian woman separated with the husband in Philippines for 8 years. and now I have a Muslim boyfriend for 3 years. Can he marry me legally? We are both working in a Muslim country so can we have have our marriage in Muslim ceremony in a legal way, in the country where we stay? I just want to have a valid papers that we are husband and wife while we live together because we have planned soon to have a baby. Can we go to a mosque or where we go to have our marriage in the muslim country that we are staying?
As I mentioned early I'm separated in Philippines and this coming March 2015 when I go home I will start processing our annulment, though its a bit long procedure but at least I can start with it.
Appreciate it very much if you could reply and advise me the right thing we need to do...
God bless and more power!
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dear Naerms,
How are you?
No, because you are still legally married even though you are separated. I am a filipina as well and was married in a UAE Court. For you to be married outside Philippines may it be in a muslim country or not, you will be required to submit along with the marriage application the Singleness Certificate which you can get in NSO only or Annulment or legal separation paper. This is actually a requirement of the Philippines government so as to keep safe the marriages of two who are separated due to overseas employment.
Hope you will be clarified.
Best Regards
In UAE b/f g/f relationship may be a punishable crime. Try to make your relationship halal. Having a baby may require some kind of proof of marriage? I don't any thing about laws of UAE.
thats true . gf bf punishable in arabic countries
Dear Naerns:
Before you get married to your fiancé, you are required to clear yourself from your previous marriage. Meaning, see to it that your previous marriage is already annulled before entering into a new marriage. Otherwise you will be liable of bigamy.
If you need further legal advice on marriage and annulment as well as divorce for Muslim Filipino, please feel free to contact us at +639089116211/ +639166830077.
I am a former catholic and married in 2006 , but since 2011 we parted . then in 2012 I decided to convert to Islam , and I met a woman and christian single and married us with Islam even if I was not convert . can do the laws of the Philippines who registered our wedding here in saudi arabia .
Assalamoalaikum im converted muslim for 13 years and im seperated iwant to ask question regarding marrying non muslim women and we are planning to get married soon to make it halal
is it possible to authenticate our marriage contract to nso and what are the process and papers needed to process the marriage contract..jazakallahukaire
I don't know what nso stands for.
Wael Editor
Yes, it is possible as long as they are really separated.
You have posted your question on an Islamic website asking for Islamic advice.
The Islamic advice is that right now, your relationship is sinful and haraam. There are no blessings in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. You are asking if yo are allowed to have an Islamic marriage, but your boyfriend is not allowed to have this relationship with you before marriage. Right now, your "relationship" will not be recognized by an imam, Islamic court, or Islamic country. Please be careful because in most muslim countries you guys will be subject to 100 lashes.
You are taking steps to have your previous marriage annulled/divorced, which is great, but perhaps you and your "muslim boyfriend" should take steps towards Islam before you ask for Islamic advice????
i want get marriage with christian or muslim infertile . divorced ,widowd,or desable woman but i have no any one for marriage . ANY BUDDY CAN HELP ME ?
kamran, we do not allow solicitation for marriage on this website. You can try any of the online matrimonial services, or other more traditional methods of seeking a spouse.
Wael Editor
i have a question and i would like to help me about this please
i have a christian Friend that we want to get married she has been married to a person that he converted to muslim just to be able to get married to another woman
can i get married with my friends ? she wants to convert to muslim also because i am a muslim
Best Regards
It is allowed for a Muslim man to marry a Christian woman or of course a Muslim woman; so I see no reason why you cannot marry her. Perhaps I don't understand your question properly. She is divorced, yes?
If you are saying that she is still married, then obviously you cannot marry her and you are committing a sin by your involvement with her.
Wael Editor
What is the case of a woman who legally separated by court order and is Islamically divorced with both parties agreeing and witness established as proof of Islamic divorce. But the woman is still waiting a civil divorce which is holding for long time now. Is she permitted to make a nikah Islamic marriage while she is waiting a civil divorce. Would her marriage be accepted.
As far as I know she can do a nikah and it would be Islamically accepted.
Wael Editor
Hi, I have a friend who is having a relationship with a married muslim man. The man is not living with his wife for almost 2 years and because he said that they were separated but not legally because they have a child. My friend wants to marry this guy but she is worried that she will be at lost in the end because he had other wife. On top of that, her boyfriend wants to visit her in Thailand. We read about that girlfriend-boyfriend relationship is not allowed in Islam. Will she also receive 100 slashes when they pursue their relationship outside Islamic country? Im too worried for her cause she loves the guy so much. What should she do?
I recommend that she not marry him unless he gets a divorce from his first wife. But from a moral perspective she should not be involved with him at all, as he is still a married man, and as you are aware, premarital relationships are considered sinful in Islam.
Wael Editor
I will be marrying a Muslim this year but I have no religion which he has said isn't allowed. You have to be Christian, Muslim or Jewish. He says I need to get proof of a religion but I don't know how to go about this. Does anyone know a way around this problem?
Rather than it being a matter of paperwork, this is a matter of faith. Regardless of whether you have a piece of paper or a certificate saying you belong to a religion, what matters is this - What do you believe?
A Muslim man cannot marry a woman who does not believe in Islam, Christianity or Judaism. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. There isn't a way around this. It's Allah's guidance.
Midnightmoon editor
Thank you. If I was to become a Christian formally so I could marry my fiancé what would I have to do to show my faith. I've always believed in God but just never go to church or had any formal ceremony so that will be hard to show to allow the wedding to take place. His lawyer says I need a paper to show my faith and that should only take one day!! I'm confused
hi! i just want to ask if it is allowed or haram.Im a christian woman and my boyfriend is a christian and married man we are working in muslim country and we are planning to convert into islam to get married. what are we going to do is there any hope for us to get married? thank u!
hello, i am jana i have ask something important, because my bf muslim well planed to get married and i am already converted to islam now, and i am married before in the philippines with the christian guy, but we are separeted already for 4 years, me and my bf is both living her in islamic country, can i get devorce my christian husband in the philippines? and got merraid with my bf?
jana, please search our archives as we have answered this exact question so many times.
Wael Editor
Hi i just want to ask, do i need to convert to islam before i can marry my fiance? I am a christian and according to him we can have 2 wedding ceremony 1 can be a christian wedding here in my country and 1 muslim wedding in Qatar. Is this really possible?
You do not have to convert before marrying your fiance, since a Muslim man can marry a Christian woman. I'm not sure what you mean by a "Christian wedding", but if you mean, "in the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost," or "in Jesus' name", etc, then that would be prohibited in Islam and a Muslim cannot participate in such things. It sounds like your fiance is apparently not a very religious Muslim or does not know much about his religion. That being the case, I'm not sure why our advice is needed.
Wael Editor
Hi sir,
Thank you for your response to my query. I really appreciate it. This is very helpful to me.
If your marriage was done in a Civil Rite, you really have to annul the same before you contract another marriage, otherwise you will be penalized.
Your conversion to Islam, if ever, does not automatically give you the right to contract marriage unless your first marriage is already annuled.
Mohammad Khalil
Assalamu alaikum,
I want an advice regarding to my situation. I'm a married muslim woman for 5months, into a AUE national, then I discover my husband has a filipina girlfriend and have a 10mos. old baby. The lady was already married and have 5 children but not legally separated for 3 yrs. And as I know, she asked advice from one of the filipino imam in her place, and was told that she can marry my husband without any divorced paper if she converted to Islam. Just today, I read there conversation secretly from my husband messenger that she already converted to Islam. So, they can get married as soon as they want to.
My questions are, is it really possible that they can get married? and even without my consent as the wife of a man? and is Halal doing it so?
Hello I'm Cindy I'm planning to become a Muslim because I want to marry a Muslim man here in Kuwait but I'm desperate 5yrs ago and my past husband he have a new family now I'm asking now if my married still valid if I convert to a muslim
If you convert to Islam your past marriage will be Islamically invalidated, and you would be free to marry the Muslim man. However, your past marriage would still be valid according to the laws of your nation, so you would still need to seek a civil divorce.
Wael Editor
Good day I don't have already contact to my ex husband and I dont know where is he now I just hear from my side and his side that he has a wife and baby girl now.. Now I want to ask I dont carry the ne of my ex all my documents is my fathers name I dont change my family name also my passport its still single can we go to mosque with my muslim bf here in Kuwait to get married what can we need to do pls help me thank u
Dear Brothers & Sisters
I was married to a man who abused me physically and mentally by him and his family. after suffering for 3 years I requested him to give me citizenship to get the passport. I got the passport and search for the job in the UAE. the day I was leaving his country he told me never to come back . after that he married a lady from his own country. I am here in the UAE since 12 years and never been back to him.
now I have accepted Islam and few days before I received a proposal from Muslim man for the marriage. I am afraid to get marry and suffer again but still I m young and I think I need to start my life again. I am not sure if I will get marry but still I would like to know if I can marry because I am still not divorced and I don't have contact number of that man with whom I was married. i am still holding the passport in his name. i have no father and mother and I cannot go back to my country also as there is no one.
i am also new in Islam still learning and reciting surahs . kindly help me .
I have a question...I'm a muslim convert since 2002 and married but not legaly seperated inthe philippine. I want to get married with my partner an indonesian national...what documents do required from me to get married
This is like when a muslim man divorce his wife but not legally finished his paper so his wife can married after passed 3 period .. The legally paper not need as our ancestors grand father they used to do marriage without documents need it.. But must be that separated agreement for divorce not temporary ..