Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can I marry her?


Can a married Muslim man marry a Christian woman who is separated from her husband?



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7 Responses »

  1. Enigma,

    A Muslim man cannot marry any woman who is 'still married' to another man, be she Muslim, Christian or Jewish.

    SisterZ Editor

  2. no it is not allowed in islam

  3. God forbid it,lt's a sin.

  4. Assalam Alaikum
    I am sunni muslim
    any one help me
    i am loving a girl and my parents and her parents agree with us. can i get marry with her one time without telling anyone and after 2 years again marry with her without divorce and Wishes with our's parents its a sin or not thanks......

    • There is no secret marriage in Islam. If your parents agree, then why do you need to marry secretly?

      If you want more advice, please log in and write your question as a separate post, thank you.

      Wael Editor

      • i am studying and my told that i can get marry after completed my study so we wanna secretly
        marry.After 2 years the consent of our Parents will be grander than this marriage in Islam is right
        Because we want not to tell anyone of getting married in 2 months And again after 2 years to marry If you have information to give me the right advice

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