Can I massage my private parts to make them grow?
ASSALAM O ALAIKUM Sir and Madam I am a 13 year old boy has hit puberty, my penis is kinda really small and I did not want to take pills or nasty stuff. I saw on the internet that exercises and massaging your penis with Olive oil is good for penis enlargement is it allowed in Islam ?? Is it like masturbation? I never tried that's why I am asking first THANK YOU
Brother 12
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Firstly, don't worry about the sizes of various parts of your body. At 13, you're just starting puberty - over the next few years, your body will inshaAllah develop and you'll become an adult. You don't need to do lots of exercises or look up tips on the internet. It's normal for a 13 year old not to have adult sexual characteristics, as the changes your body goes through in puberty are gradual.
Be careful about what you read online. Not all websites will be reliable. So, when you read something that you're not sure of, or something that you're planning to act on, it's important to discuss it with a trusted adult (ideally your parents) so that you can get their perspective on it. You might also want to get your parents to talk to you about puberty and the changes you may experience over the next few years - it's usually better to have "the talk" with them about this rather than trying to figure it out for yourself.
Midnightmoon editor
Assalamualaikom brother
Massaging the privates is actually damaging to the sensitive nerve endings and it will ruin your adult life later. you are still young, do not worry about the size now, and let things grow naturally and you will be fine trust me. stay away from seeing websites that talk about sex and private parts, you cannot really trust them.
Your body is in the growing stage. The best thing to do in your age is to play sports and make use of your energy to build a healthy lifestyle, and a fit body. Also make use of your time in acquiring knowledge and healthy habits that will shape your character as a good Muslim and responsible adult. Hangout with good peers who draw you closer to Allah, attend lectures to increase your knowledge in deen, Give some of your time for charity and o volunteer activities whenever you have some spare time.
Remember that a young man/woman who grow up in obedience to Allah is among the 7 types of people who will be under the shade on the Day of Judgement, where there no shade at all.
May Allah protect you from all harm.
kukhtar: Massaging the privates is actually damaging to the sensitive nerve endings and it will ruin your adult life later. you are still young, do not worry about the size now, and let things grow naturally and you will be fine trust me. stay away from seeing websites that talk about sex and private parts,
What is your source information that supports your statement that massaging privates can damage sensitive nerve endings? Also what effect this damage does to the private parts.
Assalamualaikom .
my friend went first time in body massage but she did also his private part massage.. but not sex .now he is very sad. what he can do please tell us....
He should make tawbah and not repeat this sin, and try to do 'ibadah and good deeds as much as possible.
Wael Editor
Hi, can a male give body massage to male?
Pl reply
If you mean a normal muscle massage to the back, etc, then yes, as long as he does not touch the 'awrah.
Wael Editor
Applying olive oil on private part is ok or permissable or impermissible in Islam as olive may be considered as pure and sacred because it's name is mentioned in the Holy Quran and ALLAH ALMIGHTY takes oath of it.?
hi my name is musab ali and my age is 14 year old
my penis size is very small.
i can try massage on my private body part penis almost 20 days ago.
i appling sarso oil on penis private body part and start massage on them
by my own hand i can massaging my private body part in last penis (looli) give output white greasy liquid (mani)
that's mean i sex my onself.
Musab Ali, first of all your penis is probably normal sized. Secondly, this is not something you need to worry about. It's not an issue to concern yourself with. You have whatever Allah gave you, and it will suffice.
Wael Editor
Hello sir my private part is slightly left curved is their any qurani dua or something and I can’t go to doctor any home medication
Ali, this is fairly common. It does not pose a problem. You don't have to worry about it.
Wael Editor
Asalamualikum. I am a 15 and half years old boy. And my pennis size is very small so can I give it a massage to grow it? If my intention is not pleasing myself?
Aryan, there is no way to increase penis size. But how do you know it is small? Maybe it is a normal size. Also, at your age, why should you care about such a thing? Focus on your studies and your worship of Allah, not your penis size, for goodness sake. When the time comes to get married, I am sure you will satisfy your wife.
Wael Editor
Assalamu Alaikum,
1. I am a 25 years old unmarried male, not satisfied with my length and grith of my private part. Is there islamically medicine or dua or food or anything that sort of to make improvement.
2. Can I apply olive to my private part? Because it is a recommended healer and has Holy respect. So I am not sure if it is kinda disgracing/humiliating it
aliyudin, yes, you can apply olive oil, but it won't do anything. It will not change your size. The only change that needs to happen is in your mind, so that you can accept what Allah gave you.
Wael Editor