Can I make a non-Muslim girl my slave ?
Asalam alaikum,
I was at a gas station and a girl approached me asking for money. She said she was trying to run away from her abusive boyfriend who was an alcoholic and would sometimes get drunk and beat her. I asked her if she had family she could go to. She said she does not want to go to her parents because they disowned her.
So I offered to let her stay at my house for the night and feed her because she was hungry and I think she was on drugs and appeared to be hysterical. She agreed. I have a spare bedroom and am not married, nor do I have a girlfriend. She said she was 19 years old and "not religious."
So my question is, am I allowed to make her my slave? I want to have sex with her, but I do not think I am permitted to do that unless she is my slave? Or am I wrong about that? Could I just rape her?
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You are interested to have sex with her and are asking if you are allowed to rape her? I'm sorry and I will probably be scolded by the editors but that is pathetic! What type of a question is that honestly!? That is totally un-acceptable and no religion allows such dispicable beahviour. I hope others can shed light on this issue because now you've got me worried. I really hope you haven't hurt that girl in any way inshAllah.
-Helping sister
Sister .. your right iv already reported this man's comments to the authorities who are going to investigate's his claims of rape ...
To be clear, the answer to your question is categorically NO, NO, NO. To enslave any human being is a sin and a crime. Rape is a heinous crime, punishable by death in Islam.
What's the matter with you, brother? You took her home because she was hungry and drunk and confused, so I guess you wanted to help her? And then you ask if you can rape her?
Let this woman go on her way. You should have nothing to do with her any longer. If necessary you can drop her at a women's shelter, then you should never see her again.
As Helping Sister said, I truly hope that you have not harmed this woman in any way.
Also, Raheel, I believe that you need psychological help. I say this sincerely, not as an insult. I think you should consult a psychologist and talk about some of these violent impulses. You need to find a way to get these ideas under control before you hurt someone.
Remember, Allah is watching you. A Muslim is one from whose hands others are safe. Whatever pain you cause to others will come back to you in this life and the next.
Wael Editor
I have written to the questioner and asked him to provide me with information about the girl and what happened to her. I will post any updates Insha'Allah.
Wael Editor
As salamu alaykum, Raheel,
I hope you haven´t touched her, she is a human being with the same rights you have, would you like anyone wanting to rape you because you don´t have shelter and food? Are you going to take advantage of her because she is in a weak position? I want to think you have a Heart and that is why you have asked the question, Alhamdulillah.
Please take her to a shelter where she can be safe from you and people like you, as fast as possible, you just see on her a piece of flesh, take her out of your house before you do something you will regret the rest of your life, to rape it is a delictive act and can be punished with jail, if there is not other thing that scares you and keep you far from her, just think about being in jail.
If you are muslim, stay away from her as fire, you are not allowed to be close to her, less than that to touch her after you marry her. Learn about your duties as muslim man and honour your religion, your Prophet(saw) and Allah(swt) with your straight acts, insha´Allah.
I talk to the part of you that can feel regret just for the fact of thinking about what you have mentioned, and I hope it is a big part of yourself, insha´Allah.
May Allah(swt) give Light, Love, Respect and Compassion to our Hearts. Ameen.
María Editor
I am certain that your question is not a sincere one. Either that or you have mental health issues.
If you really do have this girl in your flat, direct her to a women's shelter. She is çlearly not safe with you either. Apart from this no man should be staying alone with a non mahram woman, the question of muslim or non muslim woman does not even arise. Sex, slavery and rape? You seem to have some ugly and sick thoughts playing in your mind. Unmarital sex, slavery and rape are evil acts and this is common knowledge not just amongst Muslims but across humanity. So you must surely know this too.
I suggest you seek refuge with Allah from shaytan immediately. Furthermore purify your thoughts and actions and do right by this girl. As helpingsister said, I really hope you have not done anything to hurt her!
SisterZ Editor
I was pretty sure your post was a joke when I first saw it as I couldnt think why anyone in their right mind would ask something like this?! May Allah forgive me for the delay . I really hope it was a joke (albeit not a funny one ) and the girl is OK.
If it is not you have some serious issues and need to see a psychiatrist. Your mind is seriously messed up. I will not reiterate. But Do not harm the girl. Let her go.
I pray that you havent hurt her in any way
Sara Editor
Another thing: how would you feel if it was your sister or mother in that girls situation and another man raped them or wanted to harm them God forbid. Like you seem to think its ok to use and abuse non- Muslims astaghfirullah, a few non Muslim individuals may feel the same towards Muslims like your family. Think about it carefully - how would YOU feel?! Hopefully you can see how disgusting and wrong that sort of behaviour is.
May Allah guide you, help this poor girl, protect her and protect us all from people like you.
Sara Editor
It also occurred to me that it might be a prank. But just in case, I decided to treat it seriously. After all, people do commit such acts. I think I will write to the brother Insha'Allah and make sure that he did not harm the girl in any way.
Wael Editor
Brother, when I first read this post a few minutes passed before I was able to close my mouth. I was in shock. I can't believe that anyone could be so stupid to even think of such a thing. Do you really think that this is acceptable? Even if this is a joke there is nothing funny about what you have asked.
You need some serious help. As Wael said, please seek out psychological help right away. I hope that you have not done anything to this girl who turned to you for help.
If she is still with you then you need to find a womens shelter for her to go to. You need to do this now.
Allah knows everything that you do. Also, anything you do is a reflection on all Muslims. Do the right thing, help her with money and either take her to a shelter or send her on her way.
Your Brother in Islam
Abdul Wali Editor
Did you just ask if you can RAPE her? You are crazy!!! how could you even think of that! If you had good intentions in you and if you had a good heart, you could of propsed marriage to her. But for now STAY AWAY from her. You don't deserve to be married for your evil thinking.
NO, you cant turn a free girl to a slave.
Now, as far as my knowledge goes, I know that Islam allows concubine. Like many companions of the Messenger of Allah had slave girls with whom they could have had sexual relations. Now, you can attain a slave girl in two ways:
01. If there a VALID Islamic Jihad, and if Muslims can defeat the opponents, they can take the women from the defeated as slaves.
02. When the slavery existed, people were allowed to buy and sell people who were actually slaves.
But there is neither any VALID Islamic jihad nor do the slavery exist. Plus you can't make a free women to slave.
And in our religion, great rewards have been described for freeing people from slavery.
Correct me if I have said anything wrong.
Islam does NOT permit slavery any longer under any circumstances. From the beginning Islam came to eliminate human slavery and make all human beings servants only to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) urged people to free slaves. Islam found the slavery system already existing and put forward a strong plan to abolish it gradually. Nowadays slavery is considered abolished. There is no situation under which anyone may enslave anyone else.
Wael Editor
P.S., here is an article on the subject from, written by Dr. Muzzammil Siddiqui, a respected scholar in the USA:
Dear questioner, we are greatly pleased to receive your question which shows the confidence you place in us. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam.
Islam provides rights for every creature. It urges a Muslim to show good and kind treatment to anyone under his control; he should neither maltreat him nor exploit him in any way.
Islam totally objects and fights all forms of slavery. The focus of Islam in all its teachings and practices was to eradicate this practice, which was then prevailing. Now slavery has been abolished by international conventions, and this goes in line with the aims of Islam, which called for this several centuries ago.
We have forwarded your question to Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America and Director of the Islamic Society of Orange County, Garden Grove, California. He states the following:
"The author claims that “the Bible condemns slavery” and “one who practices slavery contradicts right teachings.” In order to prove his point he even adds “the slave traders” in 1Timothy 1:10. There is no such word there in the Revised Standard Version.
Actually in the whole Bible this word does not exist. The author also makes false allegation against Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by saying that he used to buy, sell, hire, and rent slaves.
Slavery existed throughout the Biblical period including the time of Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him). Most of the Biblical prophets had slaves, both males and females. Perhaps the author of this flyer did not read his own New Testament. Otherwise he would have found there the following advice to slaves: “Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be defamed.” (1 Timothy 6:1) and “Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to be refractory…” (Titus 2:9)
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not own slaves. He had many slaves purchased and freed. The author quotes Muslim scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim who said about the Prophet, “His purchases of slaves were more then he sold.” This is correct because he used to purchase slaves in order to free them, not to sell them. However, the author of the pamphlet mistranslates Ibn Al-Qayyim when he says, “The Prophet used to rent out and hiring many slaves, but he hired more slaves then he rented out.” The author has mischievously added the words “many slaves” and “more slaves” in the text. Ibn Al-Qayyim is not talking here about the sale, purchase, renting, and hiring of slaves, but about general business practices of the Prophet before he received the Prophethood. Actually, he is saying that “the Prophet himself was hired before he became the Prophet to take care of some sheep and he was hired by Khadijah to do business for her.” (see Zad Al-Ma’ad, vol. 1, p. 154)
The Qur’an teaches that freeing the slaves is a great virtue (See Surah 90:13). One of the expenditures of zakah (obligatory charity) is to spend the money for the freedom of the slaves (surah 9:60). It is forbidden in Islam to enslave a free person. If Muslims had consistently followed the Islamic teachings in this regard, slavery would have become extinct a long time ago. It is unfortunate that some Muslims did not follow these teachings of Islam and slavery continued in Muslim lands for centuries. We are ashamed that some Muslims practiced slavery against the teachings of Islam. However, it is also a historical fact that for centuries the worst type of slavery in its most extensive and horrible form was practiced by those who claimed themselves to be the followers of Christ. They enslaved millions of free men, women, and children and shipped them like animals from one continent to another. They made millions in profit by this most shameful trade of human beings.
I wish to remind the author of this flyer what Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” (Matthew 7:3-5)"
Actually I gained this knowledge from the link below:
But anyway, I believe that guy that posted this question is simply trying take advantage of this helpless girl. And even according to the ruling of Shykh Salih Al Munajjid, he simply can't have any relationship with this girl without marriage.
True say, I also read the same when I was researching on 'concubines'. Slavery and having concubines was so widespread that it had to be gradually phased out.
Common sense and anyone with an ounce of humanity would never think about enslaving someone.
SisterZ Editor
slavery is not phased out under islam sister, it may no longer exist in modern day, but islam allows to keep a countless number of slaves, to sell, buy, or free them, to free them is encouraged always, and is an expiation of many many many sins.
i know that the conditions of a slave got better with the the sharee'ah but please dont say its phased out, no, aayah, hadeeth ever says that.
Slavery no longer exists, and I will not allow any comments that advocate taking, buying, or selling of slaves. Fellow editors, please make a note of that and do not publish such comments.
Slavery was a pre-existing institution in Arabia and other parts of the world when Islam arrived. Islam prescribed equitable treatment for slaves, and prescribed the freeing of slaves as expiation for various sins. The Quran exhorts people to free slaves.
There is no mechanism in Islam for the acquisition and keeping of slaves. Therefore, if Muslims were encouraged to free those pre-existing slaves, and there is no acquisition of new slaves, then how can slavery still exist? It does not exist and cannot exist.
Don't encourage people like Raheel, who wrote the post above. Such thinking is a sickness and a crime.
Wael Editor
you have spoken the truth stranger.
thank you for clearing some confusion
This guy is a pervert and this post is probably his sick way of getting some attention he so badly craves. If by any chance this is true, then may Allah help that poor girl.
Astaghfirullah, Gosh.... It's unbelievable, I hope for yourself that you were just kidding. You aks
the question as if you are someone who doesn't practice the religion the way he should. Maybe
you asked out of ignorance. How can you even assume that Islam allows such an inhuman treat-
ment? Think about the image you have of Islam that you dare to ask such a question.
Fi Aman Allah
Someone please tell me this is a joke!!! Allahul Musta'an! may Allah, Most High protect everyone from people like you!
@Brother Wael...yes please do update us...I would also recommend to give the email id of this guy to the authorities or police to ensure this girl's safety.
This person is obviously trying to insinuate that Islam encourages rape and slavery. They most likely are not even muslim.
Kinnebrew stole the thoughts out of my head.
Wow, this guy is disgusting.
then wat is the difference between you and her drunkard boyfrnd?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ! Oh Allah I pray nothing happened to that girl. Man she is so much safer with her boyfriend than you you sick sick animal. How would you feel if this was your mother or sister or daughter? How would you feel if some strange man wanted to rape and enslave your mother when she needed help? Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!! May Allah cure your evil soul. Allah threw her at your feet and gave you an opportunity to earn His Mercy and to help her because she is HIS slave and can never be YOUR slave. Congratulations you have made me cry loser. I don't even care if it's a joke. That's soooooo evil. I can't believe it. I can't sleep.