I cannot get a job, can I take my hijab off at work?
Assalam aleykum brothers/sisters:
It is really hard to get a job with my hijab on. I am in great need of money; I mean in a really serious situation. Do you think it is a sin if I take off my hijab when I go to work, pretty much like my work uniform. For some reason, some employers are offended by wearing hijab. Please share your views in this matter.
Thanking you in advance.
Walaykumsalaam 'Inab61',
Allah (swt) created us for only one purpose and that is to worship Him(swt). He states in the Quran, Surah 51, Ayahs 56 & 57: "I have only created Jinns and men that they may worship Me; no support do I require from them nor do I require that they should feed Me."
Sister, as Muslims, we believe that to worship Allah is the focal point of our life. If we adapt our mindsets to fit everything around our Deen, instead of to fit around dunya, we will find a sense of peace coming over us. Allah created us only to worship Him(swt), so doing everything that is Halaal is worship, and everything that is Haraam is not worship. Wearing Hijaab is compulsory for a Muslim woman and for you to remove it would be a sinful. There are exceptions to certain rules, i.e. lying is haraam, but we can lie to bring a husband and wife back together; certain meats are haraam, but we can eat them only if we are point of starvation and have nothing else to eat. But, I cannot see that removing hijaab would be permitted in order to aid you to get a job.
Be steadfast in your identity as a Muslim and let everything else fit into that way of life. In this life, some people will make that difficult for you, but this is your test. Allah says He(swt) will test us, some of us with our health, some with our children, or wealth etc. But we must make every effort we can to find a job in which we can practise and live our Muslim identity, even if that means giving up a better paid or higher status job for a less paid or lower status job. Change your mindset and Allah will make a way for you my dear Sister.
At the same time, I find that if we show a humble confidence in our identity as Muslims, this will help others understand us better. When you go for your next job interview, ask the employer this question: 'I have just started wearing hijaab and I find it interesting to observe the different ways in which people feel react towards me. Overall it has been very positive. Do you mind telling me what you think of women in hijaab'. This will break the ice immediately and I think will be good for your confidence inshaAllah. I did this when I first started wearing hijaab and I ended up having a very positive conversation with the employer. So be 'you' and let the others see Islam through you. Let them see your determination and confidence and that mayeven spark a curiosity about Islam in their minds.
I know in some places, Muslims are discriminated against for wearing hijaab, i.e. in France, but if one employer refuses to employ you just because of your hijaab, there will be many more that will employ you because of your skills, experience and personality. Keep trying, keep struggling, it will soon pay off inshaAllah.
Imam Jamil Al-Amin wrote in 2006:
“In the heart there is an emptiness and a need which nothing can satisfy except for the remembrance of Allah (swt). The only proof of faith is in struggle, struggling in word and deed, in body and soul. The lack of faith will crush you far more than defeat ever could. ‘And what will explain to you the path that is steep?’ (90:12). Conscious struggle is the path that is steep. Struggle where bitter hardship and misfortune and difficulty becomes sweet tasting to the soul.”
So my sister, have patience and be steadfast and Allah will not let you down. He(swt) promises that after every difficulty, He(swt) will give us ease. Its all part of the test.
Read this article by Brother Wael, inshaAllah it will help you:
Allah(swt) says in a verse in the Quran:
“And whoever is conscious of Allah, He will make for him a way out, And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.”
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
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Walaykumsalaam 'Inab61',
Allah (swt) created us for only one purpose and that is to worship Him(swt). He states in the Quran, Surah 51, Ayahs 56 & 57: "I have only created Jinns and men that they may worship Me; no support do I require from them nor do I require that they should feed Me."
Sister, as Muslims, we believe that to worship Allah is the focal point of our life. If we adapt our mindsets to fit everything around our Deen, instead of to fit around dunya, we will find a sense of peace coming over us. Allah created us only to worship Him(swt), so doing everything that is Halaal is worship, and everything that is Haraam is not worship. Wearing Hijaab is compulsory for a Muslim woman and for you to remove it would be a sinful. There are exceptions to certain rules, i.e. lying is haraam, but we can lie to bring a husband and wife back together; certain meats are haraam, but we can eat them only if we are point of starvation and have nothing else to eat. But, I cannot see that removing hijaab would be permitted in order to aid you to get a job.
Be steadfast in your identity as a Muslim and let everything else fit into that way of life. In this life, some people will make that difficult for you, but this is your test. Allah says He(swt) will test us, some of us with our health, some with our children, or wealth etc. But we must make every effort we can to find a job in which we can practise and live our Muslim identity, even if that means giving up a better paid or higher status job for a less paid or lower status job. Change your mindset and Allah will make a way for you my dear Sister.
At the same time, I find that if we show a humble confidence in our identity as Muslims, this will help others understand us better. When you go for your next job interview, ask the employer this question: 'I have just started wearing hijaab and I find it interesting to observe the different ways in which people feel react towards me. Overall it has been very positive. Do you mind telling me what you think of women in hijaab'. This will break the ice immediately and I think will be good for your confidence inshaAllah. I did this when I first started wearing hijaab and I ended up having a very positive conversation with the employer. So be 'you' and let the others see Islam through you. Let them see your determination and confidence and that mayeven spark a curiosity about Islam in their minds.
I know in some places, Muslims are discriminated against for wearing hijaab, i.e. in France, but if one employer refuses to employ you just because of your hijaab, there will be many more that will employ you because of your skills, experience and personality. Keep trying, keep struggling, it will soon pay off inshaAllah.
Imam Jamil Al-Amin wrote in 2006:
“In the heart there is an emptiness and a need which nothing can satisfy except for the remembrance of Allah (swt). The only proof of faith is in struggle, struggling in word and deed, in body and soul. The lack of faith will crush you far more than defeat ever could. ‘And what will explain to you the path that is steep?’ (90:12). Conscious struggle is the path that is steep. Struggle where bitter hardship and misfortune and difficulty becomes sweet tasting to the soul.”
So my sister, have patience and be steadfast and Allah will not let you down. He(swt) promises that after every difficulty, He(swt) will give us ease. Its all part of the test.
Read this article by Brother Wael, inshaAllah it will help you:
Allah(swt) says in a verse in the Quran:
“And whoever is conscious of Allah, He will make for him a way out, And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.”
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
No sister do not do it, this is the shayton messin with you. these days hijabis work everywhere you just have to look harder, be positive and be creative in the places you go. you didnt mention what you were applying for or what level education you have? try looking online for jobs look harder, why would ou want to work for somone who cant accept you for who you are? and when you are applying for a job u dont put your picture along with your resume, when they call you go and give them somthing more then face value, present your self in a good manner, so they can look past hijab. good luck sister inshalah allah will make everything easier for you
ramadan kareem
"At the same time, I find that if we show a humble confidence in our identity as Muslims, this will help others understand us better. When you go for your next job interview, ask the employer this question: 'I have just started wearing hijaab and I find it interesting to observe the different ways in which people feel react towards me. Overall it has been very positive. Do you mind telling me what you think of women in hijaab'. This will break the ice immediately and I think will be good for your confidence inshaAllah. I did this when I first started wearing hijaab and I ended up having a very positive conversation with the employer. So be 'you' and let the others see Islam through you. Let them see your determination and confidence and that mayeven spark a curiosity about Islam in their minds.'
- sister Z
mashallah good advice
Salam sister!
I would not recommend to take off your hijab. I know girls who faced the same situations with their employers. Unfortunately they took off their hijabs and worked at that places not even more than 2months. Their employers and coworkers did not have any respect and mistreated them. So if you face an employer who asks you to take off your headscarf, please do not listen to him/her. If the manager cares more about how employees look rather than the quality of work employees do, it is not a good place to work.
People I totally disagree with all of you. Fact is there is discrimination against Muslims. I am facing the same dilemma---make a living or take off the hijab! I can't believe some are making it ACCEPTABLE for you to eat forbidden meat (pork) rather than taking off hijab. Hijab is how you present yourself. You do not need to cover your hair to be modest. I have a simple hairstyle with no frills or fanciness. My make up is very low key almost non-existent. I see hijabis all the time with so much make up on yet they think they are following Islam better than I am. Hijab is not fard, it is not one of the pillars. these days I see it as a culture war within the Muslim community. Many do it to be accepted by other Muslims because most who do wear the hijab make women who don't feel like outcasts. they back bite about how "awful" these women are for not being a true Muslim, when in reality they are the ones committing haram. I WOULD RATHER NOT WEAR HIJAB & HAVE A CLEAN HEART & NOT MAKE SOMEONE FEEL LIKE THEY WERE LESS OF A MUSLIM THAN PUT ON A FAKE FACADE IN FRONT OF OUR HYPOCRITICAL COMMUNITY.
I totally agree with you Neena how strange you said things how I feel right now.
I often see the same behaviors repeating right in front of my eyes at work and college. I have never had so much headache in my life i too have learnt how much my own community is hypocritical and has two roop faces.
I don't wear a hijab myself because I chose a halaal living over it. There are a lot of tense in communities at the moment and to bring your culture in work does not mix with employers don't want to know you they treat you like nothing and i believe you have to chose what is right for you. The main thing is when i pray my heart is pure towards allah and allah always grants my wishes why because i am not a bad person my intentions are always honest and clean hearted.
Sister you have to choose what is right for you, if you need a living then you may have to take it off otherwise live your life and make decisions right for you. No one else has a right to judge you.
Samina and Neena,
Alhumdulillah, living in the UK, I have never experienced any problems with observing hijaab, in fact it has been a positive experience. I have always thought though that if I lived in a country like France where the Hijaab has been banned, I would be more determined to wear it, but I hope I am never put in a situation like that - because I know it would be very difficult. Most Western countries do protect the individual's right to wear their religious attire, but I understand that discrimination still exists - and it is wrong.
Do you Sisters mind if I ask you which countries you reside in?
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
I live in the UK and my manager is NON-Muslim. My manager treats me no less than a princess and alhamdulillah all my co-workers- from the CEO to assistant workers always seeks my opinion on work or non-work related matters 🙂 Hijab is beautiful.
Even general public gives me so much more respected recognition that I never felt of of my existence on this earth until I started to wear hijab. And alhamdulillah, once a group of young muslim girls saw on me the train, between themself one of them said that she is going to wear Hijab from tomorrow. One of the girls on facebook friends list started to wear hijab after seeing my pic on facebook. I am not sharing all this to say that I am a noble person coz I know my own shortcomings but merely, outlining a point that many girls do not wear hijab because it is not seen as NORM in the west and fears rejection. But say if tomorrow trousers, long skirts, long sleeves are not seen as norm, are you going to wear mini-skirts or tang tops to fit in with the NORM??? Those, sisters seeing me wearing hijab and decided to wear hijab because they felt it is normal to wear hijab in the West. Their state of imaan shaken that they felt the NEED to wear hijab.
Hijab is not an overnight decision but it is PART of Islam. Hijab for Muslim girls/women are wajib/fard in Islam.
One thing I don't get is why is jonah witness ppl can easily express and practise their faith at work and Muslims finds it difficult? Why are muslims are so weak??? Jonah witness ppl, doesn't attend any social drinks, doesn't go to pubs/bars, doesn't sign birthday cards, doesn't attend xmas dinners, doesn't practise valentines day, doesn't celebrate easter, haloween yet us Muslims where Allah (swt) laws are black and white for us in front of, we make thousands if excuses saying as long as our intention is clean then it is okay to go the pubs, xmas dinners, sign birthday cards, no need to wear hijab, no need to pray at work etc...I could be wrong many ppl don't appreciate, in fact hates it when jonah witness comes round to their door step to preach their faith yet it is these jonah witness who easily with out any fear or rejection practices their faith both inside and outside of work.
Please pardon me if I offened anyone with my comment- wasn't my intention apart from trying to defend Allah (swt) law and prophet Muhammed (saw) practises.
In regards to make-up, I don't wear any makeup apart from a natural lipgloss 🙂 I just wish my family supports and encoursges with hijab a bit more but inshaAllah they will one day 😉
I totally agree with the above sisters! Its so easy for a Muslim man to comment but you dont know or understand because you are not a muslim women so how can you comment & suggest something like the Hijab (head covering) is compulsory when its not. Allah (SWT) does not leave things out nor does he make fuzzy of direct commandments that he requires us to follow!
A Hijab in the arabic lanaguage like the Khimara etc means covering, protection, drape etc, which is & could be used for table clothes, curtains, garments and so on. The areas we women we told to cover were specified- head not being one of them.
Arabs, men espcially (not all) need to stop enforcing their culture on the muslims as its a faith for all not for one. Alot of Arab, African & many other countries had this type of head covering in the day & alot of Islam has had culture added when it suits its people. Thats why you cant go wrong with the words of Allah All Mighty in his book! 🙂
There are so many muslim women that are anything but modest Hijab or otherwise! The ones who wear pants, make-up, small or tight shirts & high heels exposing their feet, fratenzing with men or in public display badly & using foul language are they modest because they're wearing the Hijab? No!!!
Hijab means to protect something from the outside forces whether it be the evil-eye or the elements. Modesty not only entails dresscode but equally important is behaviour & presentation. A muslim women can no longer be defined by the Hijab as its meaningless to the women who are told to wear it. We are muslims because we submit to Allah (SWT) not because of of clothing.
If you showcase your attributes & flaunt yourself the Hijab with all peoples insistance that its a form of protection & a sign of modesty becomes obsolete! Therefore, what us Muslim sisters should understand is just like you can make Dua for a Hijab (protection) from Allah (SWT), your actions & modesty will achieve the goal far better than any head covering. Thats IF youre wearing loose fitting garments, avoid adornments, show off attitudes, dont draw unnecessary behaviour to oneself & behave like a women with dignity, class & worth.
I didnt wear along time ago because the very women who wore it didnt give any clear indication about what its importance was. Now I know so I wear it well, Alhumdulillah! Its bad for the ummah to shun modest women purely because they have fabric missing on their head. Allah (SWT) knows all things in the heavens & on the earth. Allah also put what he wanted as a criteria for the daughters of Adam & Eve (Peace be upon them) regarding modesty in those verses that discuss men & womens behaviour. Its sad that our muslim brothers impose extra standards when the very nations that impose the toughest "Hijab Laws" have Airlines with indecent women working on them, purchasing alchol to cater for the kufur & letting the children of Palestine suffer while the jews try to destroy one our greatest legacies with the strictest Muslim Arab nations watching like its half time on a football match. When the men of today in Islam show some courage & die for the ummah in the name of Allah the most Just!
Then I'll change my position on this, until then I dont think the sister needs to be told of conditions she cant do something when the Quran doesnt indicate that no head covering is a sin! If its okay to eat pork etc in times of need & hardship, then I see no sin in her feeding herself by doing WORK (which is halal by the way) to take care of her needs.
I wish you the very best of luck & I do understand, I am faced with this too. Make Dua & follow Allah's modesty guidelines via the Quran you'll Inshallah be okay. Allah only knows your hardship & the fact youre reaching out to ask shows your fear. Preserve what beauties Allah has given you & you shall be rewarded.
I'll make dua for you.
Assalmualikum Rahamatullah 🙂
Oops hahaha I think it was a women who commented not a man. Please forgive my mistake 🙂
As salamu alaikum.
I'm glad I came across this post, as I too am in this same position right now. I haven't worked for several years but because of my current financial situation, I am looking for employment. I have really wrestled with whether to take off the headscarf to find work. I live in a small southern town in the US. There are very few muslims here, and even fewer who cover. As for me, I am in my 40's, married, and cannot bear children. Are the guidelines for hijab for older women different than for a young woman who is unmarried? My husband was injured on his job and is unable to provide adequately for us right now. I have been reduced to receiving food stamps in order to eat. I am very committed to the pillars of my faith. I honestly believe I would remain this way with or without hijab, but I feel like other muslims will view me as not being as committed or worst, that Allah (swt) will not be pleased with me. I have a lot of experience as an administrative assistant, but I have been unable to get a job. I haven't lived in this area very long so I have no family or friends here either. Not one. My hardship is becoming extreme and i feel I have no one who understands the dilima I am facing.
Dear Sister, Walaykumsalaam,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. As far as I am aware, the rulings of hijab do ease up slightly with much older women, but I do not believe you being in your forties fall into that category. I believe Allah will be pleased with you for making this struggle for Him. As long as you are striving in Allah's Way, doing your best to find work and you are fulfilling the rights of the people, try to disregard what people say. Allah will reward you for all your sacrifices. May He(swt) make your difficulties easy, aameen.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Ameen. Shukran sister for your dua and response.
Keep strong dear Sister, I just received this dua by email and think you will find it soothing:
"O Allah! Suffice me with Your halal (lawful) and (save me) from Your haram (unlawful), and enrich me with Your favours so that I am not dependent upon anyone except You." (al-Tirmidhi #2563)
It was narrated from ‘Ali (radiAllahu 'anhu) that a mukaatib (slave who had entered into a contract of manumission) came to him and said: “I am unable to pay off my manumission; help me.” He said: “Shall I not tell you some words which the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllahu 'alyhi wasallam) taught me? And if you have debt like the mountain of Seer, Allaah will pay it off for you. He said: ‘Say: Allaahumma akfini bi halaalika ‘an haraamika wa aghnini bi fadlika ‘amman siwaaka (O Allaah, suffice me with what You have permitted so that that I have no need of that which You have forbidden, and make me independent of means by Your bounty so that I have no need of anyone besides You).’”
[Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2563), classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi]
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Assalamu Alaykium wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear sister! I would love to know how you are doing . I am struggling with hijab right now and finding a job. I know your post is from 2012,but I'd love to hear from you.
So I have been thinking about taking my hajab off for about a year now!! I had many chances to take it off but I'm to scared from Allah. The reason why I want to take my hajab off is because I wAnt to be more natural no makeup no colord contect.. I just don't look half decent without that, but without my hajab I took just fine... Also I work at a bank and I have to look nice all the time. I'm trying to move up to a better posation had a couple of interviews but I feel that my hajab is stopping me from getting the position as well. I'm a very good person I do all the things that Allah tells me I have to do. Being a good mother and a teacher to my kids, a faithful wife, daughter, sister, so on and so on... It's just that I don't feel comfortable anymore with the hajab on. I had my hajab on for 10 years and now I feel that I'm going through a time that I need to take it off... This is so hard I can't stop thinking about it. Day and night that's all I think about. What my girls will think and all the things I teach them and what will happen to me from Allah after I take it off. Please I need help I don't know what to do!!
Maha Ibrahim ,
As you said you are good person being a good mother and a teacher to your kids, a faithful wife, daughter, sister, so on and so on .
But you seems to trying to convince yourself that as you are good in all those so whats wrong with little wrong with removing hijab like exposing hair and other things .
This is start of deviation as little things takes people to bigger deviation .
Also , there is no guaranty that you will get promotion if you remove your Hijab .
Overall , feel its not worth to disobey Allah for the sake of little promotion . I suggest you to avoid all these thoughts which will deviate you further . You have survived in the job with Hijab since 10 years that means it is not causing any extreme problems to think like this .
Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu my beloved sister. Please understand that removing your hijab is a disobedience to Allah subhanna wa ta'ala and we will never be successful while disobeying our Lord. There is nothing in this temporary life worth risking Jannah. If we remove our job for a promotion or a job, Allah will never allow us to be successful in that position because we will be disobeying Allah while working there exposing ourselves. I am a revert Muslim Al hamdu lilah, Allah guided me to this PERECT religion two years ago. It was not easy when I started wearing hijab but I knew it was the most beautiful thing I can do to please Allah azza wa jal. Our cover is what makes us the most beautiful in the sight of Allah and what sets us apart from the kufar. Please fear Allah my beautiful sister and know that you look much more beautiful with your head scarf. We are here to please our creator and not the creation. In the end we will stand in front of God and answer for our disobedience we will not stand in front of our boss or supervisor or coworker's or any of these people in this world. I love you so much for the sake of Allah my beloved sister. InShaa'Allah you will remember Allah and not remove your beautiful covering.
Sheikh Ibn Baaz, rahimahu Allah said ;
"The unlawful exposure of a woman in her clothing and naked appearance is evidence of the anger of Allah upon her. Therefore, when Allah became angry at Adam and Eve, He uncovered that which was hidden of their private parts, so the angrier Allah becomes with a woman the more He causes her to uncover and expose herself whereas the more pleased Allah is with a woman, the more He causes her to cover and conceal her beauty (out of modesty)."
May Allah subhanna wa ta'ala protect you from the whispers of Shaytaan and keep you steadfast in this perfected religion of Islam Ameen
I just wanted to say. I live in a small town in NY not far from NYC. I am a revert and have been studying Islam for two years.I have been covering well for a little bit now. I am unemployed with four children and receive assistance from the gov to aid us at this point but this money will not be available forever. I will start classes next year for four years this is for my RN. But it is difficult to get a job here! I love the hijab and as a muslimah wearing it is me. But I feel I am forced not to because I am a single mother no help from the fathers financially. I have to take care of my children. I do believe it is required of us. As a protection and a statement of my faith. People fear what they don't understand and as for me I would like to help invite others to Islam. I plan to leave this state and move to a more Muslim community because where I live there are none. As much as I don't want to I have to. I will keep my modesty but my hair will be showing until I can get myself and children out of here.