Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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Family dysfunction led to my Borderline Personality Disorder(3)

February 24, 2024

After a history of dysfunctional family and abuse in that environment, I realized that I likely have Borderline Personality Disorder. I am ashamed of this and furthermore do not have a well-paying, consistent job that would allow me to leave the family environment that is always in crisis.

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My parents abused me into signing nikah papers

After he beat me, my father threatened me that if I didn’t sign the nikkah papers, he would punish my three siblings by not letting them get further education and would marry them off as soon as possible

Mother will not let me become a commerical pilot because I am a girl!

If I marry a righteous Muslim man, he will not mind me being a pilot and would take care of the house and kids when I am gone because they are OUR house and OUR kids, not mine only, not ask me to give up my dream to serve him like a maid. Why can’t my mother see this?

Are my stepsister’s feelings and actions justified?

My stepsister has a lot of resentment towards my mother and even called her a “homewrecker” for marrying her father.

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