Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Islamic Answers 2009 rss

My husband drinks alcohol(17)

December 30, 2009

Hi, I’m an Indian married to a Pakistani. I converted to a Muslim, we have been married 5 years but I never felt one day that mine and my husband’s relationship would feel this way – like its dead. I think he is just using me to get his permanent stay. I feel so sad sometimes, I cry most of the time. We have a daughter aged 3 years, I think he is planing to kidnap her from me soon as he gets his permanent visa.

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Christian Muslim marriage

My fiance is Muslim, I on the other hand am Christian. We agreed that we will get married, even if our parents do not agree. My fiance just changed his mind and said again, that we cannot get married, if I don’t change religion, and that he will test me if I am doing it from real faith or from just love, that I would do it, because I want to marry him.

Husband does not love me

My husband does not love me.. What should i do?

I said “Ashadu”, am I still Muslim?

A few months back, I took Islamic lectures and the young girl giving us this lecture told us that if you say Ashadu, you can convert yourself to not being a Muslim.

Well the thing is, I said Ashadu while listening to her lecture and when she was done talking that’s when she said, “saying Ashadu can take you out of islam”. I was too afraid and ashamed to talk to her about it.

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