Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Financial Problems rss

My mother is stealing from father to send relatives money!(2)

February 16, 2022

My mom has had magic done on her by one of our relatives abroad. The relatives keep asking for money and my mom complies!

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My wife is disobedient to me and has anger issues

My long distance marriage with my wife wasn’t working and coronavirus affected my job, so I moved back in with my difficult wife who is disobedient to me and confides in her sisters for everything, rather than me.

I am certain I will commit zina…I have no faith in myself or Allah

My faith in Allah is waning the longer I go without a spouse.

My abusive father is creating family unrest and chaos

My father is not in control of his anger and is constantly picking fights and criticizing all of us. He isn’t religious but preaches to the rest of us!

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