Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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The man I loved betrayed me and married another. Who will marry me?(10)

June 23, 2012

I wrote to you all regarding my break up and betrayal by my ex in April. That day must of been the darkest day of my life as I felt everything had just crumbled. Since that day I’ve become to close to Allah I repent my sins, how I filled my heart for love for a man not Allah, how I was blinded and failed to read the signs and I’m trying to understand slowly yeah everything happens for a reason and Allah has saved me in the long run. I have many times throughout the day where my heart sinks and I feel depressed. But I think more what makes me down and depressed is what’s next for me?

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Want to convert from Ahmedi to Sunni but fear family will disown me

I am 17 and I live in England, my parents are ahmedi. However, recently I’ve been wanting to convert to sunni and I now practice as one without my parents knowledge. If im going to tell my parents I will get kicked out my house or put on ‘house arrest’…