Islamic marriage advice and family advice

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What’s the point of marriage when it becomes “sex-less” eventually anyways?(7)

March 1, 2023

The way I see it, most marriages end up sexless eventually…so why waste time, money and effort getting married if I will only be getting sex for the first 2-3 years or like once in a month?

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How do I repent properly for the “secret habit?”

I’m 16 and discovered “the secret habit” when I was around 7. I didn’t use to do ghusl afterwards. Do I have to repeat all my prayers and fast from that time?

I met a beautiful girl while already engaged, so I prayed Istikhara

While engaged to a girl that I dated, I met another woman, beautiful in both looks and deeds. I was confused what to do so I prayed Istikhara, had a dream, and am wondering what it means.

Is it haram to eat very little?

Is it haram to eat extremely little like for example, going one day without food, then eating a yogurt and then some fruit the next day and repeating?

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