Interest (Riba / Usury)
Does Islam permit working in real estate company that takes loans on interest?
Please give me clear and authenticated views on which bases I can take decision.
Burdened by debts
Now the debts have become so much that I am not finding anyway to pay it. My life has become a living hell.
In debt and surrounded by non-practising in-laws
There is no barakat in my house and I try to keep my children away from it but I can’t. I’m struggling…
More in this category
- Trapped between the risk of zina and usury
- Depressed and needing guidance about work
- Would a bank loan be permissible in this situation?
- Should I miss the wedding or go into debt to please my husband’s family?
- Wife not allowing sex because I can’t afford her
- I cleared my father’s debts after he died, now my siblings want to profit from this.