Website Announcements 
Eid Mubarak!(1)
Eid Mubarak to all our readers, blessed Eid, and may Allah accept our fasting and our prayers, and grant us our dua’, and forgive our sins, and make us among the people of Jannah.
As we enjoy ourselves on Eid, attending Eid salat by the thousands, satisfying ourselves with traditional sweets, and spending time with family and friends, let’s remember those who will continue to go hungry every day.
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Ramadan Mubarak!
In Ramadan we feed our spiritual selves and watch them shine. We see them grow strong and vibrant even as the body hungers.

Thank you, Br. Wael and contributors of
If you’re having a hard time right now, this is not where you will always be. Have the courage to do your part and believe that things will get better.