Are these children regarded as milk brother and sister?
I breastfed my husband's brother 's daughter when she was born because her mother was not able to breastfeed her. So I was breastfeeding my first born son and her at the same time so it made them milk brother and sister.
After two years I gave birth again to my second son.
Is my second son also considered to be her milk brother?
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Heliena, As-salamu alaykum,
You are that girl's foster mother or milk mother. For purposes of determining marriageability and mahrem status, she is like your own daughter. Therefore I believe she cannot marry any of your children.
As the Prophet said, "What is forbidden by reason of kinship is forbidden by reason of suckling." (Al-Bukhari)
See more here, and pay particular attention to the last few paragraphs:
And Allah knows best.
Wael Editor
My youngest brother was breastfed by my aunt. My aunt has two daughters, one that was breastfed at the time when my brother was breastfed and one younger daughter after that daughter. Now question is whether, one of my brother except the one who was breastfed can marry the younger daughter?
Adeel, only the boy who was breastfed becomes a milk brother to his cousins. Other boys who were not breastfed by your aunt are not milk brothers and can marry her daughters. However, I do not recommend first cousin marriage in general. Although it is allowed by Islam, it is known to create a slightly higher risk of birth defects in the children.
Wael Editor