confusing istikhara dream
i am zain asif. my age is 21 years old.
i have done istikhara for my marriage. but i m confused.
i have seen that both of us travelling in a car and looked outside the window. he is on one window and i m on other. and one rose between us.
kindly tell me the meaning of it.
- zain asif
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Dear Zain, Asalaamualaykum,
We here at are not qualified to interpret dreams.
My understanding is that instead, you should use the signs that are visibly infront of you to determine the answer to your Istikhara. Also, continue in making dua to Allah asking Him(swt) to clarify His(swt) signs to you.
SisterZ Editor
Assalam Alaykum SisterZ,
I No What Am About To Ask Is Totally Off Topic And Rather Random, Buh Do App Live In Scotland, And Happen To Watch Noor Tv By Any Chance..* ??
Assalam Alaykum Zain Asif,
While I Was Researching About Istikhara, I Came Across Some Usual Information,
Am Going To Copy Paste That Information Here, Hopefully It Will Help You In Understanding Istikhara Better Too.
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: "And it is very possible that you dislike something whereas it is good for you; and (similarly) it is very possible that you like something whereas it is bad for you". (Baqarah 16)
From the above ayah, we learn that man has limited knowledge and deficient intellect. Therefore, many a times, he may desire something, which may prove harmful to him, and on the other hand, he may dislike something, while it is good for him. The sole possessor of perfect knowledge, and the only knower of the unseen is Allah, the Creator of man and the Controller of the system of the entire universe. Therefore if man desires good, he can only find it in the hands of Allah. According to one Hadith: "It is from the good fortune of man that he makes Istikharah (seeks good) from Allah, and it is from his misfortune that he discards Istikharah."
'Allamah Aini (RA) writes: "Man should never overlook any matter due to its insignificance and discard Istikharah. How many matters are regarded as insignificant and Istikharah is not made for them, due to which great harm is suffered when carrying them out or abandoning them. It is for this reason that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "(Every) one of you should ask his need from his sustainer to the extent that he should ask Him for salt, and for a shoelace when it breaks."
"Allamah Ibnul Qayyim (RA) has written: "The person who makes Istikharah (seek good) from his Creator and makes 'mashwarah' (consults) the creation never regrets, since Allah said to (His Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)): "Consult them in matters. Thus, when You make a decision, place your trust in Allah".
Shaikh Tahir bin Husain bin Abdullah bin Tahir wrote in a letter to his son after he had become an amir or governor: "Whenever any matter of importance comes upon you, seek assistance in it by making Istikharah to Allah and fearing him". He also advised him thus: "and perform Istikharah abundantly in all your matters". (Al-Istikharah by M.T. Hakeem)
Hadrat Shah Waliyyullah (RA) writes: "From amongst the greatest benefits of Istikharah is that man becomes detached from his carnal desires, his animalistic characteristics become subject to his angelic nature and he hands himself over to Allah. When he does this, he reaches the stages of the angels whose quality is that they await the command of Allah. When Allah's command is received, they exert themselves through divine motivation and not carnal motivation. I believe that excessive Istikharah is a proven tonic for the inculcation of angelic qualities."
But alas, today, Istikharah has become as equally difficult as making a decision. People hesitate so much to perform this great act of worship, that only at the last alternative, when no other way can be perceived, they would turn to some innovated act that has no basis in the Hadith, such as the taking of a good omen by opening the Qur'an and counting lines and letters, etc.; or asking someone else to perform Istikharah on their behalf. Shaikh Nuruddin Itr says: As far as the common practice today which people aspire to uphold, that Istikharah will only be correct if it is carried out by certain persons, and that a dream is necessary, this is extremism and obstanance, and is not the command of Allah nor His Rasul (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). This all stems from such constraint among the Muslims that does not behove of them. This led them to abandoning one great Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), thus they deprived themselves of the merits of this great Sunnah and it’s blessings, and from blemishing it's purity. Similarly Hadrat Moulana Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar (RA) states in his book "Sunnats" on page 49, that "asking another person to make Istikharah on one's behalf is not substantiated from any Hadith. To make mashwarah' (consult) with someone else is Sunnah.' Sometimes Istikharah becomes a means of greater confusion. A person who does not generally see dreams, nor perceives an inclination towards or away from the object of his Istikharah, now finds himself in a greater predicament. As for the person who does see a dream, he is put through the inconvenience of finding someone to interpret it for him. And if he saw a clear dream, or received an interpretation indicating to one particular option, and thereafter was not able to overcome the obstacles obstructing his path to achieving his aim, this person is left in sheer perplexity.
Firstly, one must understand that none of the narrations in the Ahadith have any mention regarding a dream, or even about performing the 'Istikharah' before sleeping. However, some "Ulama do prefer that Istikharah be performed before sleeping.
With regards to the person who does see a dream after performing 'Istikharah', this dream is just like any other dream that a person sees. This means that just as other dreams fall under one of three categories (which will be explained shortly), likewise will the dreams seen after Istikharah1 be. It is reported in a Hadith narrated in Sahih Bukhari and other books of Hadith that dreams are of three types:
1. Hadeeth-un-Nafs (imaginations)
2. ‘takhweefus shaytaan’ a dream instilled in the mind by shaytan. This also known as ‘wasaaisu-us-shaytaan’ or ‘tahzeenu-us-shaytaan’.
3. ‘Bushraa minallaah’ True dreams, which are also known as ‘mubash-sharaat’
It is mentioned in a Hadith that the dreams of pious muminin (believers) are generally true dreams.
Another Hadith states: "The most true dreams are those seen at the time of Sahar (early dawn).
A dream like this is usually interpreted as passion in the relationship. Because it was you and the man and the position of the rose in the middle of both people this means "between you" The rose signifies "passion".
So literally it is interpretated as "Passion between the two people envisioned."
sir, mara nam mushtaq ha ma apne future ke bare main janana chahata hun
You have written in saying: 'Sir, I want to know about my fututre'.
No-one knows the future, except Allah.
Although we can be hopeful of a good future and good Hereafter, by purifying our intentions and actions and striving in the way of Allah. If we all knew our futures, we would not bother to strive or worship Allah. And our purpose on this earth is only to worship Allah and do that which brings us closer to Him and abstain from that which takes us away from Him.
SisterZ Editor
My mother did istakhara for my new busiess proposal. What she saw was that she went somewhere and all four sides are sorrounded by GOLD.
I wanted to inquire whethe it was a good sign or bad.Moreover she is satisfied by heart.Like she feels no stress or anything like that after doing this istakhara.
sir, I love a muslim girl and she also loves me. she has performed istikhara for her marriage and saw me on the very first day,that i was sitting with her mother . i want to know that will i get married to her.please reply.i had sent it earlier also but not got any response.
1. Istikhara is not about dreams. Please see the links at the top of our website and read about Salat-al-Istikhara to get a proper understanding.
2. Are you Muslim? A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim.
3. If you need more advice, please log in and write your question as a separate post.
Wael Editor
If u go by name i think he is a punjabi sikh
Which are hindus
I know, but we cannot make assumptions based only on a person's name.
Wael Editor
dude what ur religion?
i m an hindu.and want to ask one thing religion is for human or human are meant for religion.u guys are asking my religion but does allahpak discriminate his own creation on the basis of religion .this really tragic that people ask religion and not belief.if u really believe in allah pak than u should not do this thing..u guys believe that every one has to give his/her doings after death .when u will die go there he will ask u why u have done discrimination.and than give him answer.plz tell me that istikhara is true or not?
Brother singh,
Allah (swt) is creator of all mankind and He specifically stated how He should be worshipped.
Allah (swt) have made it clear to mankind that He should be worshipped alone and Muhammad(saw) is the last and final messenger of Allah (swt).
Allah (swt) does not discriminate but yes He has commanded the women believers of Islam to marry Muslim man only. Muslim girls/women at any cost are NOT allowed to marry non-muslim men.
The Istekhara the muslim girl that u r with performed is not valid!- it is not true on this basis. pls when u see her tell her that. And also I am sorry, I know this going to be well difficult for u and possibly for her too, but u have to leave her. You need to break this pre-martial relationship with her as it is not allowed in Islam.
Please inform/remind her that she is committing major sin! She needs to fear Allah (swt). And if she doubts this answer then pls direct her to this site or any practising muslim and inshaAllah they wil say the same thing.
Please brother leave this muslim girl and let her marry a muslim man. I know all this may sound harsh or mean towards you but please brother understand. Please learn about Allah(swt), learn about Islam.
Ur sister in Islam.
Br. Amit
If you truly love her, don't get into arguments - read about Islam -and see for yourself what it is about BEFORE arguing what is discrimination and by who!
No, Allah does not discriminate against "religions" ....He did not create "religions", WE humans did! All He said was that follow this set of rules and you will be judged by Him. Just like if you buy a car, don't you want to read its manual to see how it will give you the best of it? Would you not want to know when to take it for maintainence service, what gas to use(unleaded, premium, diesel??), when to rotate its tires and to what inflation pressure to keep tires at, etc. Do you go an argue with the car maker and ask and argue why.what/when etc??? No, you don't, right? You just follow the instructions and the care will serve you well. Just like that, Allah, who created us all, gave us the manual, Quran. He sent different messengers thruout time, to remind us of his messages, He did not call us "jews", "Christians", "Hindus", "Sikhs", "Muslims"....WE did. The 4 books He sent thru time had the same message, but they were corrupted by us humans over time for political reasons..
If you love her, you would want to respect what she respects - that is all I want you to think, as you take a step forward to read about Islam with an open mind = halt all judgements until then.
May Allah guide you to what is right, and to know the difference b/w right and wrong.
sorry, i don't agree with views of u guys.i always thought that if god really exists than he should not have done this type of thing.And dear sister,i want to tell u that, i will not leave her till my last breath.because i treat her as my wife,and in SANATAN DHARM marriage is done only one time in life.and we also don't have "TALAK" system.we have decided that we will get married only when our parents agree for it .and now it depends on her that what she wants.and one thing u said that ISLAM does not discriminate between boy and girl.than tell me that boy are allowed to marry any girl of any religion and girl not.u don't think it is discrimination?i know u guys will make it justify by hook or crook.i will not force any one but if i will not get married to her than one thing will definetly happen. i will definetly tell people that don't believe in ISLAM bcoz it is the only religion in the world who don't believe in LOVE. sorry my intention is not to hurt yours feeling.and please reply to the question i asked.
Brother Amit,
Sorry :-/ but we are here on this earth to worship Allah (swt) alone and so we are being tested by Him.The commands of Allah (swt) cannot be altered.
This worldly attachment that one tends to have for a human being is not everlasting but temprory it is in this life and in the hereafter Allah (swt) will judge us based on our beliefs and deeds that we performed on this earth.
In many ways Islam doesnt just encourages loveeee but encorages respect and mercy, such as:
*love towards our parents, esply towards our MOTHERS,
*love towards our brothers and sisters;
*love towards our sons and daughters;
*love towards our next of kins;
*love towards our friends and neighbours;
*love between a husband and wife!!!
*love towards animals
*and many more but yes love before marriage is not allowed and muslim girls are only to marry muslim man.
If u r finding it hard to leave the muslim girl, then please spare some of ur precious time and with an open heart look into Islam. And with Allah (swt)'s guidance inshaAllah u might come to realisation of true purpose of this life and u might InshaAllah choose Islam for urself because u will start to care about ur hereafter!!!
And brother, Islam is not just a religion but it is complete way of life (it clearly states what is allowed and what is disallowed, and what is reward to what is punishment). The Quran-e-pak does not just talks about islam and muslims but also other faiths and believes. Please do not underestimate the word of ur Creator- Allah (swt)- clearly He has given us this life and He indeed will take it from us and no one can change that.
The rest is ur decision.
Ur sister in Islam.
And Singh brother,
Allah (swt) permitted divorce in Islam. Please read the rulings of divorce as only then u will understand and inshaAllah agree with the command of Allah (swt). And Islam is the only religion that have allowed divorce. No other religion have this law mentioned in their holy books yet many nonMuslums practises it! So, brother does this not make Islam complete way of life?- I mean divorce is just one example and Islam/ Allah (swt) have taken into consideration all other aspects of this life too.. That is why Allah (swt) have said to the mankind:
“Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (Quran chapter 5: verse 3)
for ur kind information i had read "QURAN" .and i also know about the divorce system.i would like to ask one question.divorce is allowed in islam but after that girl are not allowed to marry than to any one but boy can do so.why? and boy can marry to any girl of any religion but girl cannot.why so? and i will tell u one thing that first i don't believe in god 2nd for me god is my MAA &PAPA.and i worshiped them....thats why i decided not to marry without their and her parents approvals.bcoz religion teach only one thing just divide people.and if ALLAH is really there than why this thing happening.?sorry i m not harsh on any particular religion. these are my personal views.and plz reply to the above questions.
brother amit,
I think before even looking into Islam, u will have to believe that God exists, otherwise whatever reasoning one gives in here u will not uderstand and all u will do is rebel. But anyhow, the basic answers to ur questions are:
A divorcee muslim girl is free to remarry someone else provided the guy is muslim and not the husband she divorced.
A muslim boy/man/guy is not allowed to marry any girl other than a muslim and/or practising christain/jew girl
And just like any other human being on this earth (dead or live), ur respected Maa and Paa are creation of Allah (swt) is well....
Allah Almighty knows best....
blank isitkhara ka mean negtive hota hai? istikhara 3 din kia gya bt blank answer ki wja c proposal reject kr dia jae. ye theak hai? or agr istikhara mei big snakes dekhe jaein tou?
What do you mean by 'blank istikhara'? This does not make sense. Your understanding of istikhara is incorrect. Please read our articles on istikhara. And if you have any further questions, log in and submit them as a separate post in English. Thank you.
SisterZ Editor
i want to know that i did istekhara and what i dreamt was
the person my parents want me to marry came to our house and he looks like a mad man with weird eyes and face and no one talk to him and on the other side the person i like,i am talking with his mom and she said to me that i wished to gift u a gold coin and then he also came and stand in frnt of me and there in a chart two slippers were hang i detach them from the chart and put them in front of him...plzz tell me about it..!!and mail me the answer plzzz..
ana, Istikhara is not based on dream interpretation. Please read the articles we have posted about Salat-al-Istikhara to understand it better (links at the top of the page).
Wael Editor
Wa Alaikum as Salam,
Syeda, you need not see a dream in order to conclude on a decision. The dream you saw seems to be a reflection from your life, from what you watch of movies. Additionally, we are not qualified to interpret dreams.
Muhammad Waseem Editor
i agree but then i read it somewhere , to see red and black colour in the dream is not a good sign.
Hello! I want to get the interpretation of my isikhara dream that I hair had 2 days ago. I did te isikhara aiming to get guidance from Allah for one of the proposal that I have. (one of my firat cousin). In my dream I saw myself cleaning my home, one of my old home.i saw myself having a broom and washing the floor of the house with alot of clean water. My brother cleaned it before and then I started washing it with pure clean water.
Can you please translate this dream for me kindly.
Khan, please read the answers already given on this post by myself and SisterZ.
Wael Editor
going through this blog and also other websites and Ahadees I have come to this understanding that when you perform istikharah it is not compulsory to see any kind of dreams. then question is how will you know what is right and what is wrong. some say you will have a feeling of but what if you still stay confused on that matter. please kindly reply asap.
many thanks
Salam, I wanted to ask two things
1) that are we strictly bound to follow the istikhara dream timings? i mean if we see a dream and suddenly wake up at around 8:45 am so that makes it seeing it quite after fajr. I read it at many places that the dream one sees in the third part of the night can be called as a true dream either its an ordinary one or one happens to see it as a result of istikhara.
2) if a person sees in a dream (at around 8:45 am) a villain from a hollywood movie killing people all around and then a dented black car arrives in a dream so would that be fine if to categorize the dream as Satanic dream or "nafsi dream"? is it right to claim it as a reflection of the world or what we see in the movies?
Mana, Istikhara is not dependent on dreams or dream interpretation.
Wael Editor
Thank you. So how can we get to know about the right decision if one does not always see a sign in a dream?
Follow your heart and trust that Allah is guiding you to what is best, in response to your prayer. Istikhara is a prayer to Allah to bring you near to what is good, and keep you away from what is bad, and to make you satisfied with the result. So trust Allah to do His work on your behalf.
I know that almost everyone thinks you have to have a dream, or see colors in a dream, but it's a misconception.
Wael Editor