Her parents do not want her to marry me because I am a convert Muslim
Assalam O Alaikum,
I am a converted Muslim but have falling deeply in love with a girl and she loves me but her parents won't accept me because I'm not a born Muslim. I cant let the girl go because I believe I'm meant to be with her, she fears her parents will disown her for she marries me and I dont know what to do, is there any way around this?
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Wa-alaykumu salam, Brother
First, congratulation on being a Muslim revert. Alhumdulillah! I am as well. We are so fortunate that Allah chose to guide us to Islam.
I recommend that you do more study of Muslim teachings, read the Qur'an, Haddith, etc. You may have the seed of love, but real, halal, true love can and will only happen after marriage. What you are feeling is certainly real, and our emotions are certainly a wonderful gift from Allah. Be sure to follow the halal route in your actions related to this woman.
I recommend that you spend more time with her parents, and go to them to show you are sincere, and a pious Muslim. They want the best for their daughter. It is there role, and their duty to Allah to be sure their daughter is paired with a man who will be able to lead her spiritually, and will be an asset on her road to Jannah. They must think of the future of her soul.
Don't look for a way around this. Meet the issue head on. Convince her parents you are the right one for their daughter. Allow them the opportunity to see that your marriage to their daughter IS the will of Allah.
You may have to court her parents in some fashion, too. Do not, in any event, go against their wishes. You can be persistent, and be firm in your resolve, but gentle. But do not become a pest or a nuisance. That will only increase their opposition to the marriage.
Good Luck
-American Muslim
IslamicAnswers.com editor
Adding some points:
First of all, congratulations for accepting the Religion which is the Only one Acceptable with Allah, The Only Lord.
Secondly, please ponder over the reason for your acceptance of Islam. Was it due to the faith you had, or was it due to the girl?
If it was due to the girl, then you need some corrections to be made in your faith. You need to bring Ikhlaas (Sincerity) in your faith and all your actions. In any case, Ikhlaas in Religious actions is a necessity.
Muhammad Waseem
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Thanks for adding this, Brother, you picked up on a key point.
Have you spoken directly to this girls parents? If not, make a visit. As her parents, they have her best interests at heart and want to be careful. If you are sincere from your heart and her parents are able to see this, they may give your proposal some consideration. You can't hurt from trying. Good luck to you.
unfortunbately for her parents you two are both adults. I am sure her parents would like to have a close connection with their daughter's husband, but it is more important that you and your woman have a close connection. It is more important what you two feel for each other than what her parents feel. Live life to the fullest with no regrets!
i congratulate you with a new life i mean that you became muslim the first advice is very good for you my advice is the same for you by have a good life and beautiful hereafter with us too
Prove ur self that ur now a good muslim
give evidence and show trust that u never turn to any other religion
live as a muslim whole life and die as muslim believe that their is only allaha is go to worship
and their is no god except allaha
become good muslim do good deeds believe in allaha and offer 5 time prayes