What is difference between wet dream and masturbations?
I am 21years old. I have a serious question; I avoid TV; I don't listen to music; I recite Quran daily Alhumdulillah. I pray 5 times and even offer tahajud prayer. I keep myself busy in day time but when I go to bed at night; I get evil thoughts which cause wet dream. I did research and found that wet dream means ejaculation while sleeping; and it's not sin but, in my case I get evil thoughts while I am awake which cause ejaculations. I try a lot to deviate my mind by thinking about Quran or Prophet (PBUH)'s life but that doesn't work; then, I heard about masturbation which is a major sin but I don't touch my private parts or insert anything in them. I am confused because I don't want to commit any sin; either small or big. I don't know how to get out of this problem? So, can you explain me what is the difference between masturbation and wet dream?
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Salaam sister zoha.
Please be warned I am going to be blunt in the email. Reader discretion advised* lol
Masterbation is when you touch your private parts in order to get satisfaction (not for medical or hygiene reasons etc). This may cause ejaculation but it is not the same as a wet dream. Masterbation is forbidden - this is the general consensus among the scholars, except in one or two exceptional circumstances. Ghusul (bath after ritual impurity) is required after masterbation.
A wet dream is when you have a sexual dream when you sleep. This is not a sin - it happens from time to time. Particularly in those who either are hyper sexualised, think about sex a lot of try very hard not to. You cannot be blamed for what you dream so long as you do not entertain sexual thoughts before you go to sleep. So the two are very different. However, after a wet dream Ghusul (bath after ritual impurity) is required.
The evil thoughts thing and ejaculations. Apparently that is actually pretty common - I am fortunate enough that a brave sister asked this question at a sisters halaka so I will try to answer it best as I can. so try not to worry too much. If a thought enters your head counteract it with another thought, say astaghfirullah. To the best of my knowledge, evil thoughts are only sinful or we are only accountable if we entertain them. So we may suddenly get a weird evil thought. Do we hang onto it and feel lustful or do we let it pass. If we let it pass we are not accountable InshaAllah. As for the ejaculation I am not 100% sure if it requires ghusul. The Ustadha said it depends on the type of ejaculation but I feel it is a bit too graphic to discuss what type is ok and what type is not, especially as males read this. If you need more details/info let me know InshaAllah.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Are you sure? I feel like sexual dreams can happen to a person if they repress their urges and desire (which they should if they aren't married), and since they are tensed, and their urges are strong (yet they repress them), then this manifest In their dream. I could be wrong tho.
Altho, I did read such dreams come from iblees. So maybe if there is something someone can recite before sleeping, it would be best, and probably sleeping in a state of purity. (preform wadhu before sleep). However, I could be wrong, I am not a scholar and this is my opinion.
Wa alaikum assalaam,
Wet dreams are unintentional whereas masturbation is intentional. You dont really have control or do anything yourself when you have an orgasm due to a 'wet dream.' It is the body's way our naturally flushing out if too much builds up I guess, lol.
However masturbation is done intentionally, whether that is by stimulating with the hand or by objects, etc..in order to get pleasure.
Even though there is a difference between the two, I just want to point out that whatever the case, if orgasm/ejaculation occurs then ghusl becomes necessary - even if it was a wet dream.
If you are awake, and you ejaculate whilst awake but dont physically do anything to cause them, then clearly it is beyond your control. As you have said, try to keep your thoughts pure inshallah and most importantly, if your desires are this high then consider marriage inshallah.
Was salaam
Faith: If you are awake, and you ejaculate whilst awake but dont physically do anything to cause them, then clearly it is beyond your control.
Can a man ejaculate whilst awake without doing any thing? Can a woman orgasm whilst awake without doing any thing like fantasy/masturbation?
Can masturbation be a solution to lessen wet dream? Does Islam supports it?
if i see a dream in which i'm alone (no man or Boy) but i am naked and touching myself or kissing.. (ugh).. i didn't have this dream on purpose but whatever.. so is it a wet dream???
plus, the discharge on waking up is the kind which women usually have all the time, means the normal wetness, but nothing extra...
Muslimgurl: if i see a dream in which i'm alone (no man or Boy) but i am naked and touching myself or kissing.. (ugh).. i didn't have this dream on purpose but whatever.. so is it a wet dream???....plus, the discharge on waking up is the kind which women usually have all the time, means the normal wetness, but nothing extra...
Usually term wet dream is used for an erotic dream associated with involuntary ejaculation of semen. I guess if a woman gets an orgasm it could be a wet dream.
What you describe is just a sexual dream involving self touching.
Hello can any one guide me if I get wet dream in Fast. What is the effect ? Do I continue my fast ?
Quoting from Islamqa.info:
Having a wet dream during the day in Ramadaan does not invalidate the fast, because this is a matter that is beyond a person’s control, and he cannot prevent it. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope”[al-Baqarah 2:286]
“If a man experiences a wet dream this does not invalidate his fast, because it was involuntary on his part; it is similar to the case when something enters his throat whilst he is sleeping.”
See al-Mughni by Ibn Qudaamah, vol. 3, p. 22
The Standing Committee was asked about a man who had a wet dream during the day in Ramadaan – what is the ruling on that? They replied:
Whoever has a wet dream whilst he is fasting or is in a state of ihraam for Hajj or ‘Umrah, there is no sin on him and he does not have to offer expiation (kafaarah). It does not affect his fast, but he does have to do ghusl to cleanse himself from janaabah (impurity) if maniy (semen) was emitted.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, vol. 10, p. 274
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Dear sisters and brothers can u guide how to concentrate in my prayers?i am distracted while prayers.after prayer i never feel relaxed n satisfy with my self that Allah is nt happy with me n he didnt like my prayers.plz guide me wot to do?
dn't see here and there and try to say the prayer by heart and run the meanings or translation of prayer in mind just consider that there is no one between u and Allah and u r talking to Allah in front of him.... u must knw the meanings or translation of prayer which u r saying .....
H must be capital for "HIM" being used for Allah or Prophet PBUH.
Walaikumassalam .... Just the best way is to know the meaning of surahs which u r going to recite then u can concentrate!
So if a person touches themselves ,but does not intend to please themselves,doesn't even know what pleasure it will give them,is it masturbation?
If you mean touching like when you're going to the bathroom, shaving/trimming, scratching, etc, these things are not considered masturbation.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
What if you were half asleep half awake and forgot you were fasting?
Assalam U Alaikum,
So my question is about wet dreams, What if i got alot of wet dreams even i tried my best to avoid evil thoughts, I just did everything to control on my thoughts but i'm not getting positive respond , I feel scared about the causes? So there is any causes behinds wet dreams what if a guy got wet dreams alot ,
The one thing make me more worried is, I discuss with my friends about this to get my burden low, But no one has wet dreams or they didn't know about this
It'd be appreciate if someone clear.
What physical body effect cause by wet dream and masturbation...????
Is both not harmful.....
Mudasir, it does not cause any harmful effects. But be sure to make ghusl and do not miss your prayers.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor