Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Divorce through text messaging, where the message was sent five times


Divorce through SMS

Assalam o Alaikum

i want to ask a thing please please guide me well. i am in a complex situation. once i had a fight between me and my husband. we were not living together as we only had nikah yet, not rukshtai.

i was speaking so much and in bad way that my husband send me a message on Mobile (SMS) in which he wrote: "i give you Tallaq. and if you will speak more then i will you the other two tallaqs also " it means he only gave me 1 tallaq. but he was in rage and he wanted me to read that messsage again and again so that i would got ashamed.

so he sent that same message again again five times. later on we met again and got peace. all things got right again. i considered and told my husband that you sent me that message five times. he ssaid" i meant only one tallaq that time. and i sent that only to make you repent or shocked. i donot gave u other two tallaqs. nor i meant so. "

then afterwards i did istikhara . the answer was the same that he gave only one tallaq. but my brother was asking me that it may be possible that it would be considered five times by Allah. please i am in big confusion.

~ hadiageee

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6 Responses »

  1. Assalam-Alaikum,

    Sister different Imams have interpreted Talaq differently. I think this matter is something which should not be asked over the internet. Its a matter of living the life of halal and haram. Perhaps a better way is to consult an imam.

    In my limited knowledge as a regular muslim, given your husband's intention was to say it once. Message also explicitly mentioned it that he is giving it once. Your Istikhara was for one talaq also. I'll consider it to be one talaq. But again I am nobody, a knowledgeable person in islam an imam who has got education from good madrassah, should be consulted.

    May Allah help us stay away from divorce.

  2. salaam

    my dear sister don't let anyone confuse you it is only one talaq, but to put your heart at ease go to your local mosque ask to speak to the person who has dealings with the issues of divorce and all will be explained and reassured

    allah hafiz

  3. I mean you should consult an Imam for those reasons as to if your still considered married? I would just wonder why would you want to marry someone who says hell divorce you over a matter even though you guys argued, but what if in the future he does that again. I would have a serious conversation with him about that, you should tell him that saying that lightly its not right.

  4. Assalamualaikum,

    I can not comment on whether "divorce through SMS" is acceptable. But if it is, then it is only one divorce as the statement of all the Ulama goes. Before the expiry of the Iddah, your husband can't pronounce the second divorce. It would be invalid.

    Abu Abdul Bari Editor

  5. Assalamu aleikum sister

    Go to your Local Imam who is known for knowledge and sincerity.

    May Allah have mercy on you....

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