Does kissing another female break his nikah?
When a man commits sin by doing kissing and touching his wife's sister (or in other words his sister in law) but doesn't do sex and then does tobah - does his nikah remain valid?
If not, what should he do to keep his nikah?
~ Muhammadabeyan
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I'm not sure but I call this cheating and I wouldn't want to stay in a relationship with this kind of guy and this kind of sister... I wouldn't even call her a sister.
not sure about the nikah, from what i know it remains valid, but the mans a disgrace, he should cry infront of you and beg for forgivness from you and Allah, its bad enough with another girl, but your own sister, ignorant and sick man and your sister needs telling.
sorry in place of 'you' i meant whoever the matter concerns in terms of the mans wife and sister in law.
what has been happened is unforgivable. it's one thing to commit this sin, but with one's future bride's sister. i will be amazed if the marriage recovers from this. how to live with it is beyond my comprehension.
good luck with making it work. but for the brides sake i hope she is not burdened with such a husband and sister. if the guy did cheated once, whats to say it won't happen again
It does not break the nikah, but obviously the man and the sister should make a sincere tawbah and be very careful in the future not to have any personal contact, not to be alone together, not to exchange messages or emails, etc.
If the wife does not know then I recommend not telling her, otherwise your marriage may be finished, and her relationship with her sister will be destroyed. Just don't ever do it again, and shut off any path to such a sin in the future.
Wael Editor
if a married man have a sex and full adultery with his wife's sister, does his nikah break?
Adultery does not "break" a nikah, but it is a huge sin and a terrible betrayal. If it becomes known then I don't see how a marriage can survive.
Wael Editor