Is there a dua to get pregnant
My problem is that it's been 6 months i got married. i am trying to conceive but invain..
i would like to know isn't there any jadoo or any other hindrance?
i read Surah Mariam last whole month but still couldn't go through and really disappointed.
now what should we do?
what dua me and my husband should make that would be effective.
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Walaykumsalaam Sister,
First things first: quit all the mumbo jumbo jaadoo(magic) talk. You have been married only six months, why would you think you cannot have children because of 'magic'?
Secondly, usually, doctors recommend that you try to conceive for a year before seeking medical help. But if you are worried, then go and see a doctor now. Whats stopping you?
Here are some duas for you:
1)Du'a of Zakariyya (Zakariah) (as), which he made in his old age while his wife was barren. Allah(swt) answered his call and gave him Yahyah (John)(as), in Qur'an, Surah Al-'Imran 3:38: "O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation."
2) Du’a of Ibrahim (as). Allah accepted his dua and granted Prophet Ibraheem two sons: Ismael and Ishaq (as), in Quran Surah Saaffaat: "My Lord, grant me from the righteous ones."
3) Du’a of Zakariyya(as). Quran Suratul Anbiyaa: 89: "Oh Allah, please don't leave me alone (childless), for you are the best of those who give inheritors."
4) Du’a in Qur'an 25:74: "Our Lord! give us spouse and children who will be the joy( and the comfort ) of our eyes, and guide us to be models of righteous (Leader of God-concious people)."
5) Du’a in Quran - 46:15 Surah Al-Ahqaf: "...Oh Rabb, inspire me to give You thanks for the bounties you have granted to me and my parents, and to act righteously to please You. Lord, make my offspring virtuous. Lord I turn to you in repentance; I am a Muslim".
Best Wishes,
SisterZ Editor
Assalamu alaykum Sister.
Jadoo? No jaadoo sister. We are believers in Allah. No one can do any jadoo on us. Do not let these doubts come in your mind. If Allah is your helper none can overcome you and if He withdraws His help, who is there who can help you?
Recite: Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas with meanings in good frequency.
Du'aa from the heart is the best du'aa.
You and your husband may pray tahajjud together and recite the Qur'an.
A du'aa for example could be words coming from your heart in sujood or sitting or standing like:
O Allah ! Creator of heavens and the earth, all praise and thanks are directed to you. We seek your forgiveness, we seek your refuge. O Allah ! The shaper of all things, bestow upon us offspring as You did bestow us as offspring to our parents. O Allah ! The multiplier of human beings ranging widely, it is You who created mankind from a single soul, You are able to do all things. O Allah ! Keep not any defect in our bodies but rather make them adjustable to for child bearing. O Allah ! You have provided many of your slaves with children, we too are your slaves turning to your for our needs, our Lord, accept our du'aa and grant us joy of offspring. O Allah ! It is you who created everything out of nothing, it is you who brought us in to existence when we were nothing, our Lord ! bestow upon us offspring in a similar manner. Our Lord ! There is not a seed breaking its sheath in the darkness of the earth but You know it, there is not a female that bears a child but it is in Your knowledge, our Lord, accept our du'aa, remove this grief from us, give us patience and joy until you bestow a child upon us. Our Lord, to you we turn for Help. Our Lord help us. Reject not us our Lord, forgive us, have mercy upon us and make us patterns for those who ward off evil.
There is a beautiful du'aa which best describes what I wrote above in just a few words, Insha Allah, if you recite it with strong faith, Allah will, Insha Allah bestow upon you joy of offspring. If a Muslim does not get something in dunya, Insha Allah, in aakhirah he will have much better than what he couldn't get in dunya:
74. And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil).
75. They will be awarded the high place forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the word of peace,
76. Abiding there for ever. Happy is it as abode and station! - Surah Furqaan.
Remember sister, du'aa and patience are required from us Muslims at all times to keep moving on. So keep to prayer and patience. Seek medical aid if required.
Allah gave children to Prophet Ibhraahiim (peace be upon him) in an old age. He gave to Zachchariya (peace be upon him) in an old age. I think you read his du'aa in begining of Surah Maryam.
Do good deeds as per the Qur'an, be constant in your ibaadat, Insha Allah, you will see the results.
I pray for you too.
Hope you soon have joy of offspring coming your way.
Your brother.
Bro Munib,
You said: 'No one can do any jadoo on us'. This is incorrect, we can be afflicted by 'magic', but only by Allah's leave.
SisterZ Editor
Assalamu alaykum Sister Z,
Jazaakallah for your post. I was expecting it.
Sister Z, could you throw some light on the issue?
Like could you please define "jaadoo and explain it's working. How does it work?
Who can do jaadoo and how?
If there is a belief, it must be backed up by some proof.
I would be happy if you enlighten me on the matter.
Your brother.
- According to an internet search: "Magic/Sihr is sometimes defined as deception by showing something to an audience, which is contrary to reality. In Islam this is part of magic, which is, however, defined as seeking the help of demons to perform something harmful against somebody." This is in line with my understanding aswell.
- Evidence in the Quran that Magic exists: Surah Al Baqarah, Verse 101-102:
"And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the scripture threw away the book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know. And they followed what the devils gave out falsely of magic of the reign of Solomon; for Solomon did not disbelieve but the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angles) taught anyone (such things) until they had said: we are only for trial, so don't disbelieve. And from them (magicians) people learn that through which they would cause separation between a person and his spouse, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's leave; and they learn that which harms them rather than profits them. And indeed they knew that its practitioner would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves if they but knew" (2:101-2).
Harut and Marut warned the people that at a specific place and time, some devils would be teaching magic. They made clear that magic is forbidden and that no-one should attend this gathering. But the people went and they were taught magic by the devils.
- No one should go seeking how to do black magic. Its an evil thing and we must stay far away from it. Those who do black magic use the help of bad jinns. Jinns like filth and disobedience to Allah(swt), so these people attain the help of bad jinn by engaging in extreme filth, sometimes using menstruating blood, urine and feces/stool.
- The Prophet(saw) was also afflicted by magic. He became ill and prayed to Allah to heal him. Allah then showed Rasool(saw) a dream. In this dream, he(saw) was shown who had done the magic. The person had used the hair of the Prophet(saw) from a comb and thrown this in a well. He(saw) was shown where the well was aswell. When Rasool(saw) awoke from his sleep, he did not tell anyone who the person was or which well his hair had been thrown in. Instead he did what Allah had shown him in his dream, and that was to seek cure from Allah(swt) alone. During this episode, Allah(swt) revealed Surah Falaq and Surah Naas, and we have been told to read this to seek protection from magic. However, before this, we must of course be doing the obligatory acts of worship and striving to stay away from what Allah has forbidden.
- The main points to take from the experience of our Prophet(saw) is to know that magic can afflict us but only by Allah's leave and the cure is only with Allah, hence don't focus on 'who' did it or 'how'.
- At the same time, we need to drop the 'big jinn hype'. Magic happens, like other ailments. As we find the cure for other ailments, we can find the cure for magic with rememberance and obedience of Allah. We must do our best to do the obligatory and also incorporate the duas of Rasool(saw) into our daily lives. So there are duas to say when you wake up, before you sleep, before you eat, after you eat, when you leave and enter your home etc. Increase rememberance as much as possible and you will be stronger inshaAllah. Of course the spiritually strong can be afflicted too, as Rasool(saw) the best of mankind had been by Allah's leave, but just strive to stay close to Allah always.
SisterZ Editor
Assalamu alaykum Sister Z,
The topic of magic has always taken my attention. I always liked to go in to these beliefs and know how people believe in it.
According to internet search as you gave above, there is "deception" involved in magic. Magic itself is deception. It is not accepting reality, rather being decieved.
It is decieving people. So if the Angels in Harut and Marut said something about not learning magic, people could have gone to the decievers and they might put pins in dolls, or burrying dolls in the ground, or giving a husband or wife something to distract their mind and put suspicion and doubt in between them or doing similar stuff to decieve people that these things possess power to hurt someone, where as power belongs wholly to Allah.
Same thing about Musa (peace be upon him). Did Pharoah magicians possess some supernatural powers? No. They only decieved people. So when Musa threw the staff, their deception came to an end by an actual miracle, a reality, and this reality refuted the "magic".
Regarding the magic on the Prophet (peace be upon him), I saw the reply on and I wanted to post it back, but somehow could not. The Sheikhs somehow, I dont know why, completely ignore verses of the Qur'an while propogating the story of magic on the Prophet.
The magic in this matter is evil/ unclean satanic possession by which a person is made to forget things and dissociate himself from realities of life. As it is mentioned in the hadith related to this matter that the Prophet (Salallaahu alayhi wasallam) was affected by magic and thought he had intercourse with his wives when he did not do so. He had a temporary dissociation from reality. Be it a worldly matter or a religious matter, a Prophet, and that too no ordinary messenger, but the Last & Final Messenger of God, being dissociated from reality, being bewitched or possessed by magic is something that brings the truthfulness of his whole Prophetic message in to jeopardy. All his life the Qur’an refuted of him being under influence of any magic. Not only his message of Islam, the Qur’an, but also the message of Islam brought out to people by other Prophets in their times fails miserably if one accepts that Prophets, whom Allah and His angels protect, by the permission of Allah, can still be possessed by magic.
Allah deals with this subject in great detail in the Qur’an:
Surah 5, Al Maidah,
67. O Messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou will not have conveyed His message. Allah will protect thee from mankind. Lo! Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk.
Surah 17, Al Israaa
45. And when thou recitest the Qur’an We place between thee, and those who believe not in the Hereafter a hidden barrier;
46. And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur’an, they turn their backs in aversion.
47. We are best aware of what they wish to hear when they give ear to thee and when they take secret counsel, when the evil doers say: Ye follow but a man bewitched.
48. See what similitudes they coin for thee, and thus are all astray, and cannot find a road!
101. And verily We gave unto Moses nine tokens, clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty) . Do but ask the Children of Israel how he came unto them, then Pharaoh said unto him : Lo! I deem thee one bewitched, O Moses.
Surah 25, Al Furqaan
7. And they say: What aileth this messenger (of Allah) that he eateth food and walketh in the markets? Why is not an angel sent down unto him, to be a warner with him.
8. Or (why is not) a treasure thrown down unto him, or why hath he not a paradise from whence to eat? And the evildoers say: Ye are but following a man bewitched.
9. See how they coin similitudes for thee, so that they are all astray and cannot find a road!
Surah 26, Ash Shu’aara,
153. They said: Thou art but one of the bewitched; (People among those of Thamud said to Prophet Salih (May peace be upon him)
185. They said: Thou art but one of the bewitched; (People among those of Midian said to Prophet Shueyb (May peace be upon him)
Allah reveals to the Prophet (Salallaahu alayhi wasallam) to tell the disbelievers who accuse him of being possessed by devils in the below verses of the same Surah:
221. Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
222. They descend on every sinful, false one.
Accusing a Prophet of being possessed was an easy accusation of disbelievers. Not only in the time of the Prophet (may peace be upon him) but also in the time of other prophets before him. They faced the same accusations of being possessed so that people could easily make an excuse to deny their divine message by such accusations. In the case of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salallaahu alayhi wasallam) the disbelievers and hypocrites made this accusation time and again. Allah not only refutes this accusation in the verses of the Qur’an, but also says that those who say the Prophet is bewitched are all astray and cannot find a road ! So how could a Muslim believe in something which Allah is displeased with in the Qur’an? How could any Muslim believe in such stories made up about the Prophet when in the Qur’an Allah clearly states on whom the devils descend. “ They descend on every sinful, false one”. By Allah, our Prophet was Al Amin, the trust worthy, the most truthful man his people had ever seen. I seek refuge in Allah. Why do we need to even think he was possessed?
What are we doing by accepting such stories which state he was possessed? Is this anything less than submitting to the accusations of the disbelievers of all ages? They only wanted the Prophets to accept that some magic was done on them, what are we doing by accepting something which Allah and His messengers denied all their lives? When Allah mentions in the Qur’an, those who coin such similitudes for the Prophet are all astray, is he not 100% correct? Is this belief nothing but going astray from the Qur’an?
Magic is nothing but being decieved from reality. A clear deception of ignoring the Truth , the Reality and trying to refute it with something unreal, suspicious and doubtful, which is totally unIslamic.
As the disbelievers do, they always deny even clear truth and are always decieved, as Allah reveals further:
Surah 15, Al Hijr,
14. And even if We opened unto them a Gate of Heaven and they kept mounting through it.
15. They would say: Our sight is wrong nay, but we are folk bewitched.
Surah 23, Al Muminuun
88. Say: In Whose hand is the dominion over all things and He protecteth, while against Him there is no protection, if ye have knowledge?
89. They will say: Unto Allah (all that belongeth). Say: How then are ye bewitched?
90. Nay, but We have brought them the Truth, and lo! they are liars.
Let us all come out of the age of Ignorance, Islam invites us to Light, to the Power of Allah, not deception of magicians.
Your brother.
I do not believe in 'made up' stories. I have attended a course on the topic of black magic by Shaykh Ibn Jalal Saeed, a well known qualified person. All of what I have said has hadeeth to back it up, which I did not add because I was in a rush. So I will do so at some point, however not on this thread.
If you read a good Tafsir of Surah Falaq and Surah Naas (explanation and context of revelation), you will find the information I gave you to be quite true. Try perhaps Ibn Kathir.
SisterZ Editor
Assalamu alaykum Sister Z,
I have read the ahadith related to this from the Sahih collection. I have read reply of Shaikhs from and I am also aware of the view point of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama'ah on this issue.
The only thing I mentioned with "proofs" from the Qur'an, which I think you must have read the verses in bold letters is Prophets cannot be affected by possession or magic as clearly stated by Allah. But even if after reading the Book of Allah, you continue to think Prophets are affected by magic, I a mere mortal cannot make you understand something, if Allah's revelations have not been enough for you to see the truth.
The story is made up story because Allah says in the Qur'an twice with the meaning: " Whosoever says Muhammad is bewitched, is indeed astray and cannot find a road". (Surah 17: 47-48 and Surah 25: 8,9)
I am sorry but by accepting Prophet Muhammad was bewitched for no less than 15 days, forget even a minute, the hadith says fifteen days, we are denying the whole message of Muhammad.
We are denying the Qur'an by accepting this hadith. Very sorry to say so.
How clearly Allah says "magic and possession is not for the Prophets" and we ignore what Allah says and believe what the "Sheikhs" say.
I am sorry Sister Z, we need to pay heed to the Qur'an. A sheikh may lack knowledge, Allah is Full of Knowledge when He reveals a verse, He is well aware of its Truth. We need to understand the Message of the Qur'an, we really do.
Your brother.
Asalaam u alikum brother,
you are mixing different things together....Magic was indeed performed on Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him).
Please read
Regarding the following verse:
We are best aware of what they wish to hear when they give ear to thee and when they take secret counsel, when the evil doers say: Ye follow but a man bewitched. Surah 25, Al Furqaan
People have always accused the Prophets of being bewitched whenever they have come with the message of Allah. This verse is talking about something totally different.
Assalamu alaykum Sister Ayesha,
I am not mixing two things.
Allah says in the Qur'an with the meaning: Whosoever says Muhammad is bewitched, has been afftected by magic, he has indeed uttered a false thing, a wrong similitude and they are astray and cannot find a road.
Muhammad - A Prophet and a Messenger of Allah cannot be played with by some fools who do tricks and make him go crazy. I seek refuge in Allah.
You want me to reject the Qur'an and believe in a story made up to satisfy the condition of revelation of Surah Falaq and Naas?
By accepting the Prophet of being "bewtiched. affected by magic" you say this can happen. Where as Allah says this can never be the case with Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Should I reject what Allah says in the Qur'an and believe what others say?
Would I be a Muslim then?
Your brother.
By accepting this story, you also accept that the accusations of people against Prophets could be true, they could be affected by magic and would be continuing their Prophetic career under magic spells?
This is baseless. The Qur'an rejects such claims.
If the Book of Allah and it;s "clear" verses do not make people understand something. What can I do?
Allah has said those who say Muhammad is affected by magic are astray. So they are. Allah has given a judgement. I cannot add up or subtract from it nor disbelieve it for some made up stories.
Your brother.
You are quite right.
Alhumdulillah, it seems that you are learning Tafsir.
SisterZ Editor
How could the Prophet be bewitched or under magic spell? How could a " Muslim" believe it?
Full of lies is the link of the page you gave.
It is against the Qur'an, against the Qu'ran, against the Qur'an.
I am ready to challenge any scholar on this topic. Any scholar of any time. This is nothing but fooling people.
The foolishness on the "tafsir" you are learning is visible by their words " The disbelievers accused the Prophet of being bewitched, which is confirmed by Surah Israa and also by other traditions. Of course, they accused him, but do your eyes, ears and hearts have a covering that you don't read the verses ahead and tell about those verses to people???? Can't you see how Allah refutes their accusations in the Qu'ran?
47. We are best aware of what they wish to hear when they give ear to thee and when they take secret counsel, when the evil doers say: Ye follow but a man bewitched.
48. See what similitudes they coin for thee, and thus are all astray, and cannot find a road!
How true is Allah's word and how astray those who disbelieve in it are. They also like the disbelievers say , yes, O kuffaars, yes, our Prophet was affected by magic, but not life long, just few days. What??????? What sort of iimaan is this?
Sister Z wrote black magic if effect due to bad and evil jinns used by people and also the "Ummah" is made to believe he was bewitched.
But the Prophet was not an "ordinary man", He was the "Messenger of Allah".
Allah refutes the liars and disbelievers in the Qur'an who accused that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was possessed by a devil who brought him the Qur'an. Allah says in Surah Shuuara:
221. Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?
222. They descend on every sinful, false one.
Evil jinns become comrades of sinful people, of liars.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) was Al Amiin, the Trustworthy, the Most truthful man people had even known.
By saying yes, he was under possession even for fifteen days in as in hadith, a person denies Allah's Message of Truth, the Qur'an.
What explanation does any Scholars have of "Al Amiin" being possessed when the abvoe verses of the Qur'an clearly say upon whom the devils descend. They descend on liars.
We are Muslims and it is a shame for me to say, but Truth has to give so many proofs to prove itself and falsehood is accepted by the world without proof.
There is no greater wrong than to turn away from the revelations of Allah when a person is reminded of them.
22. And who doth greater wrong than he who is reminded of the revelations of his Lord, then turneth from them. we shall requite the guilty.. ..... Surah Sajdaa.
Of course these verses were for the kuffar who denied Qur'an, but do they not equally apply on anyone else who denies the Qur'an and follows some other way?
It is all for you to answer. I cannot believe in made up stories, for me the Book of Allah has set the case clear and any person, as less in knowledge as me and as much high knowledge as a big scholar is welcome to challenge me on the verses of the Qur'an that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) can never be under any possession.
Your brother.
Brother, you are knocking down a straw man. No one said that the Prophet (sws) was under possession. According to the scholars, the black magic that was directed against him made him physically ill, and affected his personal life to the extent that it made him very distracted. That's all. It did not "bewitch" him or possess him, or affect his mind, or affect the revelation. Nor did devils descend upon him. There is no allegation that it affected his Prophetic duties in any way, nor that he ever made a mistake in the recitation of the Quran.
The incident that occurred is a matter of historical record. It has been related by Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Imam Ahmad, Abdur Razzaq, Humaidi, Baihaqi, Tabarani, Ibn Sad, Ibn Mardayah, Ibn Abi Shaibah, Hakim, Abd bin Humaid and other traditionists on the authority of Hadrat Aishah, Hadrat Zaid bin Arqam and Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas, through so many different and numerous channels that forgery is out of the question.
As for the one who cast the spell, his name was Labid. He was an Arab who was paid by a group of Jews to do it. After the angels told the Prophet what had been done and how to undo it, and after he was cured, he called Labid to him. Labid confessed, and the Prophet let him go, as he never took personal vengeance against anyone.
All of this does not relate to the allegations made by the polytheists that the Prophet (sws) was bewitched. They did not mean that he was suffering from a spell that made him ill. Their allegation was far greater - that he had been made insane or mad by magic, and that his claim to Prophethood was a lie. That is the allegation that Allah rejected in the Quran, and declared the Prophet to be immune against.
It's important to remember that the Prophet (sws) was a man. He was injured in Uhud, he was bitten by a scorpion... his body was subject to the same wounds and hurts as other human beings. But none of it affected his station as a Prophet, or deterred him from his mission.
Brother Munib, you do not have to agree with this. You have your opinion, and others have theirs. You cannot force us to accept your opinion, and we cannot compel you to accept ours.
Let's just say, Allah knows best, and leave it at that.
Wael Editor
aslamalikum to everyone.
just came across this page as i am hoping to become a mother again soon.. inshallah.
My first born has a very severe disability and is a quadriplegic child therefore completely dependant on me.
i am a little confused, am i making the right chose?
will i be able to cope?
Mashallah i have 3 children. they are all very well behaved and have never been a problem in any way.
i have indeed been blessed.
Please can all the brothers and sisters on this page make dua for me.
i do not know why, but i am feeling a little scared..
Can i also add.. the dua by the brother above brought tears to my eyes.!!
all i can say is SUBHANALLAH
may allah swt reward you for your kind words, dua.
May allah swt make it easy and bless us all with what our hearts desire.
Jazakallah khair
sister N K
Insha Allah we pray for you and you also make it a top priority to pray for yourself and your children, Insha Allah.
Your brother.
As salamu alaykum, Sister LW,
You can read the comments on this posts, they will be useful for you, insha´Allah. You can read many good advices to get pregnant.
All my Unconditional Respect,
María Editor
Dear sister,
There are many reasons a woman may not become pregnant. Find a good doctor, they will be able to help you God willing to find out why you are not conceiving.
assalamu alaikum my dear sisters and brothers
please give me some dua's 2 get pregnet fast ...alwz im hving miscarrage ...hv lot hopes islamic bro and sisters pary 4 me 2 get pregnet fast without any harm..
Mrs...RB, Walaykumsalaam,
Please read the comments in this thread and other questions about pregnancy on this website. You will find many duas from the Quran and Sunnah. Apart from this, please seek medical attention.
If you have any further queries, please log in and submit your question as a separate post.
SisterZ Editor
Assalamu alaykum sister RB,
I quote again what I wrote above to the sister who posted the question.
I did not put my words in bold letters, as I prefer to keep Allah's words in bold text to separate from words of a mere mortal like me.
Du'aa is a call and Du'aa to Allah is a call to Allah. A slave calls upon his/her Master, Allah.
A du'aa for example could be words coming from your heart in sujood or sitting or standing like:
O Allah ! Creator of heavens and the earth, all praise and thanks are directed to you. We seek your forgiveness, we seek your refuge. O Allah ! The shaper of all things, bestow upon us offspring as You did bestow us as offspring to our parents. O Allah ! The multiplier of human beings ranging widely, it is You who created mankind from a single soul, You are able to do all things. O Allah ! Keep not any defect in our bodies but rather make them adjustable to for child bearing. O Allah ! You have provided many of your slaves with children, we too are your slaves turning to your for our needs, our Lord, accept our du'aa and grant us joy of offspring. O Allah ! It is you who created everything out of nothing, it is you who brought us in to existence when we were nothing, our Lord ! bestow upon us offspring in a similar manner. Our Lord ! There is not a seed breaking its sheath in the darkness of the earth but You know it, there is not a female that bears a child but it is in Your knowledge, our Lord, accept our du'aa, remove this grief from us, give us patience and joy until you bestow a child upon us. Our Lord, to you we turn for Help. Our Lord help us. Reject not us our Lord, forgive us, have mercy upon us and make us patterns for those who ward off evil.
There is a beautiful du'aa which best describes what I wrote above in just a few words, Insha Allah, if you recite it with strong faith, Allah will, Insha Allah bestow upon you joy of offspring. If a Muslim does not get something in dunya, Insha Allah, in aakhirah he will have much better than what he couldn't get in dunya:
74. And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us comfort of our wives and of our offspring, and make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil).
75. They will be awarded the high place forasmuch as they were steadfast, and they will meet therein with welcome and the word of peace,
76. Abiding there for ever. Happy is it as abode and station! - Surah Furqaan.
Remember sister, du'aa and patience are required from us Muslims at all times to keep moving on. So keep to prayer and patience. Seek medical aid if required.
Allah gave children to Prophet Ibhraahiim (peace be upon him) in an old age. He gave to Zachchariya (peace be upon him) in an old age. I think you read his du'aa in begining of Surah Maryam.
Do good deeds as per the Qur'an, be constant in your ibaadat, Insha Allah, you will see the results.
I pray for you too.
Hope you soon have joy of offspring coming your way.
Your brother.
@ Brother Wael,
I am ready to accept anything which is true. Islam is not you make your point, I make my point. What Allah has revealed, He has revealed, finished, no Muslim should argue with the revelations of the Qur'an.
You write:
Their allegation was far greater - that he had been made insane or mad by magic, and that his claim to Prophethood was a lie. That is the allegation that Allah rejected in the Quran, and declared the Prophet to be immune against.
You yourself said Allah said that the Prophet was immune against "any influence" of magic. So if Allah says this "man" chosen by me is immune against any magic or devil or evil jinn, who are we to say yes yes, immune only for religious duties and not in personal life? Who gave us authority to say so? Did Allah give us this authority that say " My prophet was affected only in personal life by magic and not in religious life "?
You wrote further:
It's important to remember that the Prophet (sws) was a man. He was injured in Uhud, he was bitten by a scorpion... his body was subject to the same wounds and hurts as other human beings. But none of it affected his station as a Prophet, or deterred him from his mission
About this same man Allah said in Surah Tahriim:
4. If ye twain turn unto Allah repentant, (ye have cause to do so) for your hearts desired (the ban); and if ye aid one another against him (Muhammad) then lo! Allah, even He, is his protecting Friend, and Gabriel and the righteous among the believers; and furthermore the angels are his helpers.
Even his wives, forget aboud any Labid, if they aid one another against the Prophet, then Allah is His Protector, and will come to his aid and next to Allah, Gabriel will protect him and next to him the righteous believers will protect him and further more even the angels are his helpers.
The Prophet was no ordinary man. We are doing a huge mistake by putting him in line of the bewtiched or possesed even for the smallest amount of time and reason.
Okay brother, can you please tell me what is "black magic" ?
How is it's working. If Labid put the Prophet's hair and tied them and put them in a well, what does tying of the Prophet's hair do?
If a Kuffar has your hair and gives them for black magic to be done upon you. How will your hair help in making you sick from a far off distance?
Please explain the process of this black magic.
Arabs of jahiliyyah did it and so do practioners around the world today, who decieve people.
We are Muslims, Islam brings an Arab and a Non Arab from Jahiliyyah to knowledge, darkness to light.
Would be pleased to have an explanation of hair use for black magic and how a person's hair can make him sick?
Your brother.
I could respond, but I don't feel that an endless debate of the subject is productive. Or at least, this is not the right place for it. I will only say that just because I do not understand how something works, it does not mean that it doesn't exist.
Wael Editor
A Muslim would not know how Black magic is done, because we have been forbidden to learn it.
All we need to know is that its exists as Allah has told us in Surah Baqarah, that it is an evil thing and is done by the help of jinns, the unseen.
@ Brother Wael,
My brother, if you could, you should. If not here, send me an email to my id, explaining how a hair can affect a person. Let us get ourselves out of blind belief.
@ Sister Z, Sister, I atleast did not expect a "narrow" approach as this from someone knowledgable as you.
A Muslim would not know how black magic is done? Subhaan Allah.
Magic is not of the unseen, mind you. Magic is deception. It is clear in the Qur'an. It is also what you found on internet search and pasted here.
Magic is what Pharaoh's magicians did. Did they have knowledge of ghaib? No. They played tricks. Magicians use worldly objects, to be used in worldly ways to fool and decieve people of the world.
Their friends are Shaytaan and his army, and they are the friends of every sinful liar, and who can be a bigger liar than a magician?
Sister Z, I am sorry to say, but you people should have the proof before imposing anything on people's mind.
Allah does not ask for blind adherence to anything. So do not impose ayaats blindly.
Magicians have no knowledge of the ghaib.
Huwallaahullazi laa ilaahaa illahu 'aalimul ghaibi wasshaahaadatinw hu ar rahmaan ur raheem.
The jinns have no knowledge of ghaib, the unseen.
12. And unto Solomon (We gave) the wind, whereof the morning course was a month's journey and the evening course a month's journey, and We caused the fount of copper to gush forth for him, and (We gave him) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming fire.
13. They made for him what he willed: synagogues and statues, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground. Give thanks, O House of David! Few of My bondmen are thankful.
14. And when We decreed death for him, nothing showed his death to them save a creeping creature of the earth which gnawed away his staff. And when he fell the jinn saw clearly how, if they had known the unseen, they would not have continued in despised toil. - Surah Sabaa.
Sister Z, jinns have no knowledge of ghaib. They only whisper in the hearts of mankind, they do was was and people think " O ! Has someone done magic on me? Why am I sick all year aroud? ", " O ! Has someone done magic on my house? Why we have fights all the time? ", " O ! Has someone done magic on my husband? Why is he not loving me like before? ".
Magic is deception. Someone can decieve someone. It is very much possible. Shaytaan can decieve men and this deception can be called magic.
If such magic as practiced on the Prophet in the story you quote from hadith was real, then kuffar would have done it on all Sahaabas, on all warriors of Islam and wiped them off and made them sick by their magic and there was no need for them to join the wars and fight.
If black magic worked, America would not spend billions on finding Osama, they could have gone to a sorcerer and got him wiped off.
If such things worked people would not allow anyone to live in peace.
Yes, deception works, doubting works, suspicion works, but it is all due to " was was" and this is the real reason of the nuzuul of Surah Falaq and Naas to seek Allah's protection from "was was" and those who use "deception and tricks" due to their envy.
I am feeling extremely sorry for myself and for my belief, that to "prove" the Qur'an true I have to give so many proofs to Muslims, forget about non Muslims. And to "prove" hadith true, my very own people are putting the Qur'an behind their backs.
And yes, if Allah puts covering on someones eyes and hearing and hearts, no matter if they have 100 verses of the Qur'an to say that Muhammad Rasulallaah (salallaahu alayhi wasallam) could not have been affected by magic or possession of jinns or jinns harming him with sickness, they would not believe.
The Prophets do get sick as they are humans and it does not mean that they got sick due to some hair tied and put in to a well??? What logic is that? Please explain this play of Labid.
Prophets do get sick:
Here it is about Ibhrahiim (peace be upon him)
77. Lo! they are (all) an enemy unto me, save the Lord of the Worlds.
78. Who created me, and He doth guide me,
79. And Who feedeth me and watereth me.
80. And when I sicken, then He healeth me,
81. And Who causeth me to die, the giveth me life (again), - Surah Ash Shuura.
Yunus (peace be upon him)
144. He would have tarried in its belly till the day when they are raised;
145. Then We cast him on a desert shore while he was sick;
146. And We caused a tree of gourd to grow above him; - Surah Saffat
To get sick does not mean it is magic done upon a person.
Open up your eyes to the Qur'an O people ! Allah tells the Truth, there can eb no magic done to Muhammad (ever) nor could he be decieved.
Surah 53. An-Najm
1. By the Star when it setteth,
2. Your comrade erreth not, nor is deceived;
Allah has given all examples in the Qur'an itself.
58. Verily We have coined for mankind in the Qur’an all kinds of similitudes; and indeed if thou comest unto them with a miracle, those who disbelieve would verily exclaim: Ye are but tricksters!
59. Thus doth Allah seal the hearts of those who know not.
60. So have patience (O Muhammad)! Allah's promise is the very truth, and let not those who have no certainty make
thee impatient. - Surah Ar Ruum.
Muslims should know - someone can decieve them and put was was in their hearts, and it is none but Shaytaan. It can make them deny the truth, the reality.
Dissociation from reality is called Schizophrenia in psychology. None but Shaytaan causes a man to dissociate himself from the Truth and fall in to an unreal world.
So gaurd yourself from such was was with Surah Falaq and Naas.
They are also placed last in the Qur'an as Allah has delivered His Message to us, now we have to save ourselves from those who "envy" of us and the shaytaan among jinn and humankind who do "was was" to go against Allah after we have read and understood the Message. So we seek refuge in Allah from the Shaytaan, among men and jinn, who are unable to see a believer turning to His Lord and on His Guidance and who are always trying to put "was was".
Forget about black and white magic. It is deception. Satan's deception. And this is where we seek Allah's refuge.
Surah 113. Al-Falaq
1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak
2. From the evil of that which He created;
3. From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,
4. And from the evil of those who blow the knots,
5. And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.
A person who blows a knot is one who complicates simple matters to make them look crooked. He can do nothing but to tell people, see, I did blowed knots, your work got done, so and so got sick. So and so lost his xxxx property. We seek refuge in Allah from their evil, because their blowing of knots put was was in people's hearts that yes, this man is able to do something. Where as it is only Allah who has all power.
Plus, such people, if their knot blowing does not work, could try to harm a person in another way to prove that their secret arts work. So we seek refuge in Allah from their evil.
Surah 114. Al-Nas
1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
2. The King of mankind,
3. The God of mankind,
4. From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,
5. Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,
6. Of the jinn and of mankind.
Surah Naas Alhamdulillaah, is refuge from all was was of human and jinn shaytaan and a beautiful du'aa to keep us guided and stay firm on Islam after our surrender.
A person who has no will to surrender to Allah, for him was was does not matter much as he is already in to sins and has no will to come out of it.
But those who say " same'na wa ata'na, we hear and we obey, they do need protection of Allah from Shaytaan's "was was" to adhere the Straight Path and remain in the state of surrender to Allah.
May Allah make seekers of truth, see the truth visible in His Clear revelations.
Your brother.
Brother Munib, you don't seem to be getting the point and frankly I am getting rather frustrated. My reluctance to continue the debate is because:
1. It's clear that we are not going to agree, partly because we have different methodologies of understanding Quran and Islam. And that's fine, it's not necessary that we agree. You cannot impose your viewpoint on us by sheer will, or by expressions of "sadness". After the last time when I said, "Let's just say Allah knows best, and leave it at that," that should have been the end of the debate.
2. An endless debate on this subject is not consistent with the purpose of this website, which is to advise people who are having family and marriage problems.
Wael Editor
@ Brother Wael,
The responses began when giving response to the questioner who said is magic affecting pregnancy.
I belive you and sister Z are of the opinion that if someone pins up a doll, or ties knots on her hair etc, she may be affected by it and may not be able to concieve because "magic can cause this".
I believe it is all in the hands of Allah Ta'aalaa. In His full Knowledge. If He wills she may concieve. Unless and until someone harms her physically, by the will of Allah, I do not think any magic can trouble her.
My view is clear. All power to give a child or not belong to Allah and not a magician. To think that a human being sitting somewhere away from you can cause your pregnancy to alter by his magic is nothing but doing Shirk, associating a partnet with Allah, that what Allah can do by orders, even a magician or sorcerer can do by magic.
I abstain from such sin and ignorant thinking.
Your brother.
So now you have put words in my mouth, and because of that you are accusing me of shirk, ignorance and sin? Is that right?
Wael Editor
My lovely brother Wael,
You and Sister Z believe in the "magic" theory. You put it forward and also believe it is true.
You stated clearly the idea that the Prophet got physically ill due to magic.
All this was in response to my post to the questioner where I said " this cannot be the case, no jadoo (magic - like the one in the Prophet's story) can harm us Muslims.
Both of you firmly propogated the idea of magic, right?
Implying that a pregnancy may also be affected due to someone's magic spell? Am I correct?
If this is not the case, then none of you would oppose me and put forward your posts in that regards.
Now I said in very clear language, that I do not believe a magician can cause harm in pregnancy sitting at a place to tie knots or blow them etc, nor can he make anyone sick by his magic, all that Power belongs to Allah and to think that a human being has an ability to do this, is clearly Shirk.
Alladhi lahu mulkus samaawati wal ard. - Him unto whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth.
In His dominion which human being can interfere by his "magical skills"? He will let conceive whom He wills. He will heals who He wills.
This is what Islam came against, this very thinking that all Power belongs to Allah.
By saying that the Prophet got physically ill due to magic and so anyone of the ummah can also, is something to which I gave enough explanation above.
I just put the words together, not in to your mouth. Every post form you and Sister Z was directed in the direction of proving magic theory.
I simply stated what I stated.
Something clearly reflected in the Qur'an, remocving the Jahiliyyah outlook and guiding one to witness Allah's power over all things and not of magicians interference in His dominion:
105. And, (O Muhammad) set thy purpose resolutely for religion, as a man by nature upright, and be not of those who ascribe partners (to Allah).
106. And cry not, beside Allah, unto that which cannot profit thee nor hurt thee, for if thou didst so then wert thou of the wrong-doers.
107. If Allah aflicteth thee with some hurt, there is none who can remove it save Him; and if He desireth good for thee, (none can restrain it)
108. Say: O mankind! Now hath the Truth from your Lord come unto you. So whosoever is guided, is guided only for (the good of) his soul, and whosoever erreth erreth only against it. And I am not a warder over you.
109. And (O Muhammad) follow that which is inspired in thee, and forbear until Allah give judgment. And He is the Best of Judges. - Surah Yunus.
Brother we have clear vesres of the Qur'an, yet I have to give so many proofs to prove the Truth of the Qur'an.
See this is the irony of the world. Falsehood is accepted with ease and Truth has to present proofs to prove itself.
I said what I said, I stand by my words.
Your brother.
I have asked you a simple question. Are you accusing me and other Editors of shirk, ignorance and sin? Yes or no?
Wael Editor
Brother Munib, You do realise one major thing= That TAFSIR of the quran is not the job of an ordinary Muslim like you or me?
Do you realise that you have to be a Mufassir to be able to take quranic verses and derive what you are deriving?
As it is said - Magic is Haqq but committing it is Kufr. And so it is. Magic exists for sure and I am baffled as to how you can deny it after having read the simple translation (forget tafseer) of Surah Falaq for example.
Scholars have agreed upon the different types of magic that is performed and one of them is to cause miscarriages through jinns. It is a physical act which we cannot see because we cannot see jinns. Magicians USE jinns to do their magic.
I strongly recommend you to approach a good sheikh and inshallah seek some more knowledge on this issue.
Was salaam
@ Faith,
Sister, Insha Allah, I will consider this advice of yours as always. Jazaakallah.
@ Brother Wael,
My elder brother, yes or no is for you to decide what you believe. I have explained my view point very clearly twice.
Regarding tafsiir and mufassir. Good point.
In what era was the Qur'an revealed? Did they have education and learning as we have today or less then us?
Did the people of that time were in Jahilliyah more or we Muslims in our homes today? Who was more jahiil?
In whose era was the Qur'an revealed?
The Qur'an is for the most comman man to the most intelligent person we may find around. The Message is extremely clear.
This is not my personal opinion. This is what Allah says. Have you read one verse of the Qur'an which says you need a mufassir to understand it?
But you will read verses again and again saying: Will "they" not ponder upon the Qur'an? Will "they" not then pay heed? Will "they" not then take admonishment?
Who is the "they"? It is anyone who reads it.
How many Sahaba wrote a "tafsiir" of the Qur'an? Why do we not have written material from the time of the Prophet and the Sahabas? Why not anyone write another Kitab on the Sunnah on the Tafsiir of Qur'an?
Did they not care that the later generations would require Tafsiir and only then they will understand the Qur'an? What do you say sister? Did they not care for this?
Why was this job left to be done by later mufassirs who would collect hadith and then place them in order and then write a Kitab of Tafsiir?
Why at all the job to get lacs of hadith and sort out thousands from them be left upon to people who would come 200 years after the Prophet?
Why was the first "biography" of the Prophet, the Seerah written 150 years after the Prophet passed away?
All hadith books, Seerah comes up after 100 years of the Prophet in to the picture. And the more years pass, the more is the increase in the number of hadiths from hundreds to lacs.
Why did not anyone dare to write a book on Seerah or Sunnah during the life of the Prophet? or even during the reign of the Righteous Caliphs?
Who were more concerned about Islam? The righteous Caliphs or we?
Ask these questions to any Sheikh you know, Insha Allah, I would love to see the answers.
I do not have Sheikhs here who are well versed in English and my studies of Islam are in English.
If you have email id of Shaikhs who could sit down and reply to my questions, pass me on their email info. Insha Allah, I shall speak with them and put forward to them these questions.
The reason why the people are turning so much to Qur'an and people are on other side becoming aggressive "Sunnah" protectors is because "people who think" are finding flaws in what is presented to them in the form of Islam. The translations of Qur'an are easily available and when people read they find astonishing differences in various matters.
And the Scholars of the Ummah have always been " degrading" the questioners, where as they should appreciate a thinking mind and respond with good responses to their questions.
I am looking for a knowledgeable Shaikh to put forward my list of questions. But I am unable to find one who knows English and can respond.
If you know someone, do let me know Insha Allah.
Your brother.
All of your assumptions are incorrect, and only demonstrate your lack of proper Islamic education. Some of the Sahabah did indeed write down their own hadith collections. For example:
1. The journal of `Abdullaah bin `Amr ibn Al-`Aas, which contained one-thousand Hadeeths.
2. The books of Sa`d bin `Ubaadah.
3. The book of Mu`aath bin Jabal.
4. The book of Abee Raafi`, the supporter of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
5. The journal of `Ali bin Abee Taalib.
6. The journal of Jaabir bin `Abdullaah Al-Ansaari.
There were also some Sahabah who were known for their knowledge of Tafsir (for example Ibn Abbas RA), and others would go to them to ask the explanation of Quranic verses. So even the Sahabah, who lived during the time of the revelation of the Quran, and memorized the entire Quran, and knew the Prophet (sws) personally, realized that some among them had a better understanding of the Quran than others.
However, in general, the Sahabah were reluctant to write down their knowledge, because they felt that if they had not been commanded to do so by the Prophet (sws), then maybe it should not be done. And before anyone echoes this viewpoint, note that the Prophet (pbuh) was aware that 'Amr ibn Al-Aas and Anas ibn Malik had written down thousands of his sayings, and he never objected.
Also, there so many thousands of Sahabah who had intimate knowledge of the life of the Prophet; and the Arabian culture was primarily a culture of oral transmission, not written transmission; that it simply did not occur to them that might be necessary to write it down. Their vision in this matter was limited by their culture. It was only when thousands of Sahabah and Tabi'een began to be killed in various wars, that some of the rulers and scholars realized the need to preserve the knowledge in writing.
So again, even the Sahabah realized that some among them understood the Quran better than others, and yet you, brother Munib, do not seem to have this realization, and seem to think that you know better than generations of scholars, and that you can - based on your own limited knowledge - simply dismiss any authentic hadith that you do not agree with, or that you think contradicts the Quran. And you want to cast doubt on the writing of the Tafsir and the Seerah, and the collection of the hadith, and the process of authentication.
This strikes me as either the arrogance of the unlearned, and the folly of youth; or something more insidious and sinister. It is very common among the enemies of Islam to try to undermine the deen by destroying the adherence to Sunnah, because when the Sunnah is disregarded then no one can interpret the Quran, and immediately the people begin to divide into deviant sects. This is what happened among the Shi'ah, and why so many deviant sects such as Ismaili, Alawi, Druze and others have sprung from the Shi'ah. Because when you discount the Sunnah, you no longer have a guide to understanding the Quran.
Then, you want to come to this website and imply that myself and others, who are less reluctant than you to throw away the Seerah and Sunnah, are mushrikeen, because we do not agree with your self-glorified understanding of a few verses.
Brother Munib, you have given good advice to many people on this website. I was pleased to see your focus on the Quran and your common-sense responses. But lately you have gotten badly sidetracked and seem to have forgotten the purpose of this website. You seem to be on a crusade to convert us to your anti-Sunnah attitudes. I'm sorry, but I will not allow this website to be plagued in this way.
I'm not banning you from the site, but I am placing you on moderated status. Anytime you are willing to stick to the subject matter and help people with good advice, you are welcome.
But if you want to continue trying to promulgate a point of view that conflicts with the ideology of Ahlus-Sunnah, and this website, and if you want to continue insulting me and other editors, then your comments will be deleted. Last but not least, you have repeatedly ignored me when I have told you to stick to the subject of the questions and not debate certain issues endlessly. This website does have rules, and if you want to remain then you must follow them.
Wael Editor
Mashallah brother Wael has already said much of what I wanted to reply you with...All of which were very valid points. I must say..I am very disappointed to be reminded of the sect 'quranites' whilst I was reading your post and can only pray to Allah swt that you are kept away from them and their misguidance and deviance, (Ameen).
Just a final point I would like to mention, for your benefit is the fact that you repeatedly mention your learning of the deen is in English and that itself shows where one of the major flaws is - Bro, you encouraging people to follow the Quran and ponder over it (as well as to question the Sunnah), whereas the book you are referring to, you are not even studying it in the orginal language it was revealed in???
Do you realise that translation can never take the place of the original? I am sure you are multi/bia you not see how many things are changed and not the the same when interpreted?
Yet this is the word of ALLAH...Sheikhs dont even call the translations as ' The Qur'an'...They are the 'translations of the Qur'an'....
The minimal requirement for a good understanding of the Quran is to know the arabic language. That much is not disputed by any of our scholars.
I thought that was important to point out to you as there is no point in you reading further upon the matter, without even realising this.
The Sunnah was and is the living Quran, without which the Quran cannot be understood.
Was salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
Brother Munib did submit a detailed response and I deleted it as I do not wish to continue this debate. So let's let it go now, Insha'Allah.
Wael Editor
Assalamu alaykum Sister Faith,
I am not of the Qur'anites. No one knows here about me much. And I request brother Wael, to make it clear that no one on this website feels I have anything to do with those fools called Qu'ranites or Submitters.
I have been brought up in a hanafi fiqh following atmosphere as most of India is that. When I took up Qur'an and internet, I got to the salafi approach. I liked much of it, began to accept much as well and even in our masjid there are about 200 men Alhamdulillaah in each salaah and I am sometimes only one person raising the hands in prayer are reported about the Prophet.
Sister faith, which Muslim would not like to walk on the path of the Prophet?
I would love to imitate the Prophet as much as I can. Only a fool would leave his way and try and construct a new way.
I am not against the Prophetic ways brothers and sisters. I am against the people and the hadiths which have been "dividing" the ummah for long. Hadiths for which Muslims fight with one another, hate one another when they stand in salaat because the other one is praying in another way. May sound strange but people have very ill feelings towards the isolated one who does not follow their way.
I only want unity of Ummah and one Islam for all, Shia and Sunni. It is a huge task, seems very tough too, especially when I have not begun study of Arabic.
But some people in the Ummah have to rise up and work towards unity, else the disbelieving world is ready to swallow us up in one gulp. The condition of coming generations will be more hard if we do not make an easy approach for them in learning Islam and make it as simple as it was at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) without later additions.
The complete Deen, just what Imam Malik said about it something like: I would not add anything of my own, what the Deen was then, it should be that now.
"....This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear
them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion AL- ISLAM....." - Surah Al Maidah.
This verse has always made my eyes wet almost every time I have read it...
Khair....may Allah help us..
Your brother.
*** The scholars of the Ummah in recent times who call every questioner who does not agree to them as an " innovator", or "faasiq" etc instead of giving respectful reply with proof.
* There are good, mild natured scholars as well. Not everyone is narrow in approach. But those who have put their "reign" on the internet worldwide today are of the former quality.
Assalamu alaykum Brother Wael,
Thank's for the explanation. I have some works to finish now, I read quitely what you wrote. I respect your right to"approach" towards me and my description as you gave above, it is your view, opinion, you have the right to write it.
Insha Allah, I shall respond to every point without "ignorance" and with "knowledge" in the next post, Allah willing.
This is your website, you may do as you like, it is your right to delete, publish, allow, disallow whomever you like. This is your space.
Insha Allah you shall get a detailed response to your mentioned points soon, if you publish it.
Your brother.
I do not need a response.
Wael Editor
SalamAlekum Brother Muniib , Wael and my Dear Sister Z
i came across this website while searching for dua to get pregnant, and went through the whole discussion you all were having
I am not as well versed and knowledgeable as you all, but Alhumdolelah i know what you all are discussing about and i feel very much inclined towards sharing something i know with regard to " Magic"
I remember from my childhood, My aunt whose husband (my uncle) had some stroke and was not able to understand much and talk much as normal people do, so she decided to seek some black magic help and went to some guy and came home and told my mom that, this man (Black magician) did something with the meat of dead animal and there was blood dripping from it!!! I still remember the scene .... !! almost blurr memory of my childhood , my mother told her not to seek help from such evil people but only bow herself for mercy and guidance towards Allah Paak
But, she never listened, my uncle passed away after sometime, my aunt didnt wanted us to be happy too
one day my elder brother went to her room and saw lots and lots of hair in her lap and she was trying to make braids with that ... and all surprised she giggled and said "Oh ! my child i like collecting hair" and hid them inside her closet
Soon after that my father fell really ill and passed away in no time, everything came down!
there are alot more things which i cant write in here or tell people around me, because nobody will believe me , for all those people who havent had any experience like this (and God forbid) can never understand Black magic is something very very evil!!!
Coming back to the topic ; Our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was human, Allah (SWT) made him human (so that we humans should do and try to do things which he did (as Sunah) and when he can follow Allah SWT , why cant we !! ) AND this is the reason Prophet PBUH was the messenger and not an ANGEL or Jinn !!
A Human can be possessed by evil, and so was our Prophet (PBUH)
and to tell us how to get rid of that evil Allah SWT send His Angel with Surah Falak and Surah Naas
Assalamu alaykum,
i think the only thing you can do is Day and night ask Allah for help.
in your prayers ask Allah to help you.
Hope Allah will help you. He is nice, He gives and forgives.
------ From 14 year old girl------
Assalamu alaikum I am married 4years but I am not conceiving. My husband work in abroad so what surah do I ask Allah.
nisha, read the answers already given.
Wael Editor
Stop worrying about it. Enjoy life and things will happen when they are meant to be. I understand pressure but have complete faith in Allah.
Also, recite " ya mutakabiro ya wahido" all d time. It will help u in child bearing iA.
Say your prayers and b happy.
Stress also hinders such things.
May Allah ease ur worries iA.
Question was is there a dua for a women to read so she can get pregnent ......... so is there??????
Jadoo??i heard by hadees NABI(SAW) also suffered from jadoo???is it true???