He financed his wedding with my money
Sisters and brothers,
I am writing to you for guidance and understanding
My explanation is on the long side, but please bear with me. My situation is as follows:-
I met a man about 2 years ago whilst I was in ***** receiving medical dental treatment. I shall refer to him as "S" from now. He is Kurdish, in his mid 30s, and very devout in his faith and practice.
"S" and I kept in contact after that, and when it was time to see my doctor again, I returned to *****, 10 months later. During this time I was away, "S" repeatedly asked me to return to see him, although I did not, preferring to watch the situation and know my own feelings.
When I returned to ***, "S" told me that he wished to continue our friendship. I made it clear to him that it would have to be platonic. After all, there was much to consider as I am older than him, a Christian, but already in love with Allah and close to conversion (entirely through my own study and by the leaning of my own heart), therefore this would be the most serious decision at my time in life. I am in my later 40s. However, my appearance is that of someone considerably younger.
Over and over, I asked "S" if he was married or engaged or had a girlfriend and his answer was NO.
Nevertheless, I only agreed to friendship with him, with a view to perhaps a business relationship as we had discussed business many times before.
Before I would agree to starting a business relationship, I returned to **** once again, but this time with my business partner (a man of 50), to meet and 'vet' "S" and review the situation without emotion.
"S" met my business partner and told this gentleman that he was serious about me and was not married, or in any relationship with a girl or a woman. He wished to be with me, with a view to marriage, and wanted to also go into business with me, and would be prepared to share 50% of his business as a gesture of his seriousness.
During this time, I would not commit to an intimate relationship with "S", as I had known him for under a year and mostly from a distance. If he was a true Muslim, I told him, he would understand. He was very committed in his Muslim faith and practice of Islam. I have long wished to commit myself to the faith in just this way, for these reasons I loved and respected him - not just as a man - and trusted him.
Further, I asked a long-standing friend to speak with "S". My friend is a family member, a cousin, an intelligent, thoughtful and trusted person, and a Muslim brother. I asked him to discuss with "S" about the developing friendship, possible future marriage, and business relationship. This friend called "S", and spoke with him, and once again, "S" said he was serious about me and all these things.
After these meetings and discussions, "S" asked me to go into business with him by purchasing a property that we would develop together. He explained that if I paid a certain amount of money as an investment this would greatly help him and our business together. The amount was in excess of 10,000 euro. It was a really difficult time for me financially, but with my mother's help, I sent "S" this money for the house/business partnership, and sent it to "S" in response to his request for help.
To cut a long story short, "S" used this money to pay for his wedding to his Kurdish/Turkish girlfriend.
I had a strange feeling something was not right, but only found out by accident that he had married shortly after I had sent him the funds he had asked for. He used these funds to buy his wife her wedding jewelry, clothes, start a business and set up home.
Please remember I had asked "S" repeatedly if he was married, so had my business partner and a trusted friend. "S" had made it clear to them what his intentions were to me, and "S" had also made his intentions to me clear as well.
I learned subsequently that he had known his girlfriend for 5 years, and she knew his family and friends. When I discovered the truth, "S" denied everthing, although the 2 other gentlemen he spoke to remain totally clear what he promised. I wanted answers. I wanted the truth. "S" initially denied he was married for 3 months. When "S" finally admitted his marital status to me, he told that I MUST ACCEPT his marriage, and what he then tried to do was wriggle away, first by provoking fights with me to say that I was ' unreasonable 'or 'jealous'. He tried to build an antagonism between him and I to justify 'a breakdown' in our relationship, and then tried to RUN AWAY.
He attempted to do this by verbal insults, verbal threats, pretending that I had actually offended him and his family by finding out the truth (?) and telling me not to bother him again, not trying to use a solicitor to return my money, that I was just stupid, cheap and sick to expect to have any thing returned or any answers given, that I was simply upset because I "thought I was buying a boyfriend".
After this, "S" then ceased to reply to any phone call or message. He told me to see a psychiatrist and good bye.
"S" had intended that my feelings of embarrassment and humiliation would be too much, and that I would fade away and simply let him keep my mother's money and put the whole experience down to 'life'. He said I would get nothing, not my money, not the property bought- just goodbye - so that he could continue with his marriage unbothered by me.
I let "S" know that the situation was transparent, and would not be tolerated. I would not be his victim.
"S" found it hard to apologise or accept any wrong-doing on his part. He simply felt this was his entitlement because I was another religion. Is this correct? Perhaps also because I am another colour and race, as everyone in his family only marry other, white skinned, Kurds, he says? Is this correct? "S" denies my assertion that he felt he could do this to me because of my 'different' religion and brown skin-colour. Whether it is because of my religion or skin colour, the hurt and betrayal has been indescribable.
During this unhappy time, "S"'s wife contacted me by email, in an extraordinarily rude way, to tell me who she was (his wife and, very important, more important than me), who he was (her husband and her property) and demanded that I tell her everything about him.
I did not reply then, or later, to her repeated and increasingly attacking emails (which were translated from ***** as she does not speak English). "S" had not disclosed any information about me to her, but she had been searching in his files, phones - as I later discovered to learn of my existence, but not much more.
When "S" contacted me, I informed "S" and told him to deal with with his personal life without me, and keep his wife separate from me as I never knew of her existence until she announced herself and intruded into my life.
I since learned that although "S"s wife knows I am 'in business' with her husband, she is unaware of my part in paying for her wedding, enabling her to become a wife and sustaining her lifestyle. Nor does anyone of "S"s family or friends know about his deception or attempted to rob me.
"S" seems to believe that this situation should be absolutely acceptable to me. That I should consider his wife more than myself and put myself "in her shoes "when she attacks me. However little thought seems to be spared for the pressure of keeping his secret, minding her feelings but not responding to her verbal attacks, after buying her wedding and feathering her nest - at my and my mother's expense - all through her husband's lies and false promises. I certainly did NOT know of her existence and I was no-one's mistress!
The action I have taken has been to go through the appropriate authorities to press "S" to take his deeds seriously, pay me back my money, etc. I have been careful to tell no-one in his circle the true circumstances, as it is not my wish to dishonour "S", in the manner he has dishonoured me.
However, "S" knows what he has done, and why. I have told "S" that he shall need not only to:
1. Work back every cent he took from me, but,
2. Face me, my business partner and his Muslim brother again.
The other way, of staying in ***** and working in his job, will take "S" more than 15 years to pay me back, if I am lucky. However, he can work the money owed in the EU within 2 years. Therefore my business partners and myself have arranged for "S" to come to the EU and work with us, under strict contracts.
I also feel he needs a chance to see himself and reflect on his life outside of home-country for a time.
"S" has repeatedly told me, since I learned about his marriage, that he "does not love" his wife but that it was his fate, but I consider this unkind and unfair both to myself and to this innocent person, and the child they now have.
"S" still pronounces his affection for me, which he says now is far more than he could have imagined. I would prefer his respect and honesty instead. "S" says he is deeply ashamed of what he has done, and says he was utterly shocked by my fairness, gentleness and self-discipline, that I did not dishonour him or his wife, or bend to her intimidations. If I am fair and disciplined, IT IS ONLY through Allah's grace.
Perhaps "S" sincerely wishes to live another way, and make amends. In any case, he has agreed to do this in EU, and maybe this is why he obtained a passport and will travel for the first time outside of ****. I am processing his travel and visa paperwork and he should be able to travel in the next few months to myself and my business partners. "S" knows that he must register with the police here, and sign a number of binding legal contracts.
My questions to you is, what can "S" do and say, as a sincere Muslim, to make amends for past wrongs to his wife and to me? What should I expect from "S"? What should his wife expect of him now? What must "S" do, if he really wishes to separate from his wife (as he says)?
How can I better myself in Allah's eyes to find peace in my heart?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
- emadia
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Assalaamu alaikum sis Emadia.
Congratulations on your conversion to Islam! Alhumdulilah - this deen is beautiful. I am sorry to hear that you have been cheated out of your money in such a way and wronged. Please forgive me for I am not the best person to advice on this topic - please take it with a pinch of salt - it is mainly opinion.
Islamically speaking S should pay you back the money he took from you, ask Allah to forgive him and ask those people he has wronged to forgive him as well. This however may not be possible as it could mean he has to admit his mistake to his wife and that is uncovering a sin. If you cannot seek the forgiveness of the person, then pray for them at least.
But personally his wrongs are between him and Allah - you will not be punished for his wrongs - so I advise you to leave them to him. Take care not involve yourself too much in this situation. He is responsible for making amends, not you. That is the beauty of it - that we are responsible for ourselves.
With respect to what you should expect from 'S'. I dont know thats the truth - expect the worse and hope for the best.
Try to get your money back if you can and remain as detached from him as possible - then when you have it InshaAllah send him on his way. Know that even if you cannot get it back, you will not lose it - you will get it back in another form in the hereafter God willing. So try your best to do everything you can, and do not despair. If someone takes from us - they will owe us some reward on that day. Nothing is ever lost with Allah and He sees all so put your trust in Him, do your best and leave the rest to Allah.
I do not know what S has to do to seperate from his wife. Divorce her I assume. I personally think you should avoid any sort of friendship/relationship/business partnership of any kind with this man and only make contact with him when necessary. Why not defer the business-side of things onto a (very) trusted relative? If you do not have one - just avoid all 'small talk.
I am sorry to be blunt - I have just heard of many cases of very smart women like yourself waiting for someone like 'S' to be free. Also his behaviour has not been the sort of behaviour of a nice potential husband and professing his affection to you, whether true or false - while MARRIED is not a reflection of a nice character is it? I think you deserve someone much nicer than this.
With respect to bettering yourself in Allahs eyes - its hard to comment - as I do not know to what level you are practicing - so I will offer a few points. If you are still learning about deen, continue - read the Qur'an in english. Ask Allah to guide you and give you peace of mind - and put you on the straight path and keep you there. Ask Him for the best of this life and the next life.
If you know how to pray - you could start praying. Take it one step at a time and most of all, always Ask of Allah.
Apologies - my post was quite sporadic so if there is anything you would like me to clarify or if you would like more advice, feel free to write on this post.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
This man played you and lied to you. He committed a fraud, plain and simple. It's unfortunate that he is Muslim, but bad people are bad people, regardless of religion or race. It has nothing to do with Muslim or Christian, Arab or European, Kurdish or white. He's just a rotten egg.
As soon as I started reading your post and I saw that you were mixing a possible relationship with a business deal, I knew it was a formula for disaster. Did he have any previous record of successful real estate developments? Did he sign a contract? I suspect that you allowed the potential relationship to overshadow your common sense.
But nothing excuses or justifies what this man did.
You should have no continuing contact with this man. Do not try to sponsor him to the EU. I don't know why you would believe that he will pay you back. He has demonstrated his complete untrustworthiness and lack of character. Don't believe anything he says to you.
The only thing you should be doing is filing a criminal or civil case against him for fraud. You should be able to do this through the courts in his home country. Whether you will actually get your money back, I don't know. You have experienced a painful and costly lesson.
If you insist on sponsoring him to work in the EU (I understand that you hope to get your money back) then it should be purely a business arrangement. Do not discuss personal matters with him and do not allow him to open such subjects with you.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Seems he played you and is still playing you. You need to wake up before he doesn't just take your money, he will take your dignity and self respect too! You should end any dealings with this scam artist for good. No phone calls, no emails...nothing. If you think he plans on ever giving you your money back, think again.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
As salamu alaykum Sister Emadia,
I agree with everyone above, stay as far as this man as if he was fire, don´t believe one single word coming out of his mouth, you are a bussiness woman but you have fallen directly in his web, get out of there, don´t contact him anymore, he won´t ever divorce, he would love to seduce you to have you completely under his control, even if you have to lose the money that is a cheap price to pay compare with what you can lose if you listen to this man whisperings.
Stay away of men like this one, he wants to use you, get money, papers and maybe if is possible you and your possesions, too, this man may not have limits once he gets free access to your Heart. Careful please, listen to everyone, this is shouting to be a mess.
Please forgive me for being so harsh, but I don´t want to see you lost and hopeless, I want to see you full of joy and hope, and you will get this far from this man, Insha´Allah.
All my unconditional Love, Support and Respect,
IslamicAnswers.com Editor