Tell me girls name for istikharah
Assalam O Alhkum,
I am Asad *** from ****** . I am pakistani. I want to ask name for my Baby by ISTAKHARA.
Son is born on english dated 21****
Day : ********
Time *********
Baby boy's mother's name : Y*******
Please tell me my girl name by help of istakhara few name as soon as possible I will wait for your reply.
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Brother pakistan7798 Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullah,
That is not how Istikhara prayer works. It's not a mathematical formula where you plug in some names and dates and star signs, and the machine hums and out pops your answer.
I was shocked recently when I came across the website of a so-called health care group in Pakistan that has an "Istikhara for marriage form" on their website where you enter the names of the prospective bride and groom, the names of their mothers, the birthdates including exact time and place of birth, and voila, they give you an answer! They don't even want to know anything about the situation, or the character of the parties, or anything at all except for names and dates.
Astaghfirullah! They have removed Allah from the matter altogether! They have replaced Allah with a formula based on names and dates. This is utter garbage and shirk, calling upon other than Allah for guidance. It is a big sin.
That is not istikhara, brothers and sisters! Istikhara does not depend on names and birth dates!
This practice is a holdover or carryover from Hinduism. Among Muslims, it is seen primarily in Muslims of the subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). These Muslims historically were converts from Hinduism, and they have continued to live with Hindus as their neighbors for hundreds of years. Many Hindus rely heavily on Vedic Astrology and numerology to make decisions, and among the main tools they use in their astrological calculations are names and birth dates. For example here is a description of the Hindu book "Numerology with Tantra, Ayurveda and Astrology" by Harish Johari:
"Indian Numerology" gives descriptions of the character and destiny of people. based on their birth date. It explains how to determine. the psychic number, name number, and destiny number;. how these numbers relate to each of the nine planets,. and how they apply to every aspect of life... "Indian. Numerology" gives recommendations regarding strong. and weak periods of day or year, favorable colors and. precious stones to be worn, and meditations and mantras. to be practiced for health and prosperity. "Indian. Numerology" also illustrates the Vedic Square and. the visual patterns that can be derived from it, (and)... on the interpretations of numbers and their relationship to one another.
It's not my intention to insult Hindus or Hinduism. They have their beliefs, and we have ours. We are not Hindus and we do not make decisions using numerology.
Islam considers all such things to be shirk and association of partners with Allah. This has absolutely nothing to do with Istikhara. In fact it is the polar opposite and it represents one of the primary differences between Muslims and mushrikeen (those who associate partners with Allah).
Correct Salat-ul-Istikhara Information
Istikhara is a sincere prayer that you make to Allah alone, in which you name the matter on which you need guidance, and ask Allah to guide you. It is a matter of turning to Allah with sincerity in your heart and then trusting Him to guide you to the best choice.
It has nothing to do with names, dates, numbers, planets, or precious stones. Nor is it necessarily a matter of getting a sign or a dream.
Please educate yourself about Istikhara by reading some of the articles on our website:
Istikhara Questions & Answers
Power of Salat-ul-Istikhara
Istikhara for second marriage
And Allah knows best.
If any readers have some additional advice for this questioner, I invite you to post your comments below.
(O Allah), Guide us to the straight path; The path of those whom you have favored; Not those with whom you are angry; Nor those who go astray.
Best regards,
- Wael Abdelgawad Marriage Advice Muslim Matrimonial Service
taken from
Dearest brothers and sisters
I hope you are well? I have read your response to the question asked by a brother in Pakistan, and was wondering if you could help me, my parents named me Erum as a child and spell it Arim in English, I have been told my name is the same name as a city where all that lived in it did not believe in Allah, I would like to change my name and was wondering if you could suggest anything islamic, arabic etc suitable with a good meaning. Thank you, may Allah bless you all.
Arim, yes, it means "garden" or "heaven", which would seem to be a nice name, but it is also referenced in the Quran as a city that was destroyed by Allah. "Iram of the Pillars" was a beautiful city - a garden on earth. They defied their Prophet Hud (as), so Allah smote them into the sands. It is mentioned in Surat al-Fajr (Surah 89).
I suggest you submit your question as a separate post, and we'll try to suggest some good names for you Insha'Allah.
Wael Editor
I or no other person can answer that question. Knowledge of the future comes from Allah swt Alone and NO PERSON, even if they say they can- can tell the future. So I strongly advise you to stay away from 'imams' or 'molvis' or any person who wants information from you such as names of birthdates for the purpose of predicting the future or choosing a childs name.
Brother this is shirk (Associating partners with Allah) as you are saying that people can have this knowledge which only Allah swt has. I hope you truly understand this.
However the Prophet SAW recommended that we seek Allahs guidance before deciding on a matter by reciting the Istikhaarah dua. This is halal and recommended if done the correct way, according to the Sunnah of the Rasool SAW. By doing this you are trusting Allah to guide you to the best decision, as only He (Swt) knows what is good for you. If you do decide to do istikhaarah in the future for any matter, you should do it yourself. If Allah knows the matter is good for tyou He will make it easy for you. Please read the links on Istikhaarah VERY carefully before you decide to do it.
And know that Istikhaarah has absolutely NOTHING to do with birthdates/names!
As for naming your child, why not buy a good Muslim names book and look for girls names. Try to choose any Muslim girls name with a nice meaining.
Sara Editor
Salamu'alaikum brother,
I would first of all like to re-iterate what sister Sara said above. Istikhaarah has nothing to do with baby names. Istikhaarah is a means of seeking Allah's counsel when taking a decision. It reveals no 'Ilm of Ghaib, but only lets us know what Allah has decreed.
Naming a baby is not done through Istikhaarah, and anyone who claims to do so is a liar. These people are common in the Indian subcontinent. They have a TV channel which they operate from Pakistan. They claim to do Istikhaarah and also inform you about 'Ilm al Ghaib. Astagfir Allah. People who claim to do this are Magicians and their likes. They have alliance with the Shaitaan who informs them about the questioner and the stupid questioner, on hearing about his secrets from the man, believes he has special knowledge.
I discussed this here, because the issue of Istikhaarah has been largely misunderstood, and these magicians are responsible for this.
You have mentioned the name of mother, the dates and so on. I suppose you have been to a 'Aamil before. And he might have asked you these details. Those are liars and the allies of Shaitaan ar Rajeem. Whenever someone asks you the name of the mother among these 'Aamils, then know that he is a magician, who will ruin your Dunyaa and your Aakhirah. Beware of these people and their allies, who happen to be our enemies.
If you want a good name for your baby girl, name her after any of the mothers of the believers such as Khadeejah, 'Aaishah, Hafsah, Juwairiyah, Maimoonah, Mariyah, and others, or name her after any of the daughters of Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam such as Faatimah, Ruqayyah, Zaynab or Umm Kulthoom; or name her after the other Sahaabiyyaat such as Asma, Khwlah, and others. Or name her after Aasiyah the wife of Fir'oun, or after Haajirah or Saarah, the wives of Ibraheem Alaihis Salaam. There are numerous names. Just choose whichever you like, and it's as simple as that. Seek Allah's Guidance in whatever you do and pray that Allah makes your daughter like these women.
Please ask, if you have any more doubts or queries.
I hope I was clear.
May Allah make your daughter a righteous Muslimah
Muhammad Waseem
I got a question i would if you could answer it then it would appriciated;
So if my wife in anger ask for a divorce and if i give (Remainder deleted by Editor)
Seriously. How many more times will I have to ask you not to ask your question in a comment?
With regards to your Divorce issue, please consult with a qualified Imam.
SisterZ Editor
can a muslim give a subordinate English name to his child like Precious,Micheal,Esther etc after the main islamic name. i have once witness it and want to know if it is good or bad
I think the better question would be, "Why would someone want to?" I hate to say it, but usually for someone who is Muslim to choose a name that is not Islamic or at least Arabic with a good meaning, it is because they are not choosing their names because of character or traits but because of what "sounds pretty". If someone really wants to show how proud they are of their faith and gather any inherent blessings in a name, they will stick with one that is Islamic/Arabic.
I will give you a personal example. I really like the name "Treasure" for a female. I hope (INSHA'ALLAH!!!) to bear another daughter someday, and if I didn't happen to be Muslim I would have probably named her that. However, I decided to look up what "my treasure" translates to in Arabic- which is "Kamzi". I would likely use that as one of her names instead of the English version. So, if someone wants to pick a name like "Precious", why not use the Arabic version which could be Asma, Farida, Nadira, or Azeema among others. Everything we should do should be with intention, even naming our children....and having a name just for "sounding cute" shouldn't be that intention.
-Amy Editor
Salamu'alaikum sister Amy,
A little correction. Treasure is translated to Arabic as Kanz and not Kamzi. The Ababic word is كَنْز
Muhammad Waseem
Sorry mistyped m for n. But I believe if you want to put a possessive pronoun you add an "I" on the it would be kanzi for my treasure.
-Amy Editor
That's right. كنز (Kanz) is treasure. Kanzi is my treasure it would be كنزي
Muhammad Waseem
Aslaam o alikum
i am sajid raza shaikh from india. and i am going to marry with a hindu girl and her name is neeta chaurasia and she is converting into islam and we have decided the 2 names which is 1) Neisha 2) Mahenoor so pls do istikharah and tell me which name is suitable for us .
Her Detail
Father Name :
Mother Name:
My Detail
Mother Name:
(Details deleted by Editor,
Sajid Raza,
Please refrain from posting your personal details on this website. Your parent's personal details have nothing to do with the new name your fiancee chooses. Just pick a name with a good meaning. And if either of you wish to do istikhara, you do not need to ask anyone to do it for you. You can and should do it yourselves. See this link for useful information:
SisterZ Editor
my niece name is eshaal whose birth date is 27 february 2015.i want to know whether it is suitable or not like this kind of birth date by istikhra please give me some information about this
Istikhara has absolutely nothing to do with birth dates. That is a misconception. Such ideas come from Hindu astrology and numerology and are completely haram. Please read our articles about Istikhara to understand it better.
Wael Editor
Please tell me my love marriage issue