Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How do I stop listening to music?


I have been trying to stop listening to songs for a few months now and it is really hard. In the middle I would stop listening when I be told about what will happen in the aakhirah after that it comes out of my mind I do pray 5 times a day (well I try to) and the music be stuck in my head. I need an answer please on how to stop this. I have tried everything but it doesn't work. I try to listen to nasheeds and naats but I can't. I get tempted by a song and when someone put on a nasheed I start to feel guilty of listening to song. Plz help me. I'm 15 and I've tried everything, this is taking me away from my iman and I dont want this to happen. Please help.

Jazakallah ul akhair


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12 Responses »

  1. Well let's review basics.I will to do my best to give you some advice.I myself went through this also.Although I was brought with no Islam at all.didn't what a Muslim was.Anyways 5 times is just to purify and build are connection with Allah.but it doesnt solve everything at the beginning of stages.Yes there are stages in everyone's life and that is your test and you are going to be tested right till your last breath! Reading and listening QURAN DAILY IS THE only medicine for all cures.This is were the ummat is weak!!!!!some virus of the quran......It is a noor for you in this life and the next....strengthensuccess the mind ...sharpens the eyes...builds a strong connection with Allah ...Barakah were ever you go....People are in awe of you..

    SHAITAN FEARS YOU...IT BURNS HIM....HE CANNOT COME NEAR YOU.......UNDERSTAND.WHEN YOU READ QURAN WHETHER YOU UNDERSTAND IT OR NOT THE QURAN IS POLISHING YOUR HEART SENSES AND YOU BECOME A WALYING TALKING QURAN.This why we face so many problems in the world we are not learning reading and understanding quran......And if we do we are cursing ourselves EG. ..When we read verses on interest which is haram and we are engaged in this act we hurt ourselves unknowingly.The other thing is read at least some daily hadith at least 15 min because we need knowledge that is beneficial for us...The most of all is that there is a daily routine that is the key.. Movies t.v malls and weak people are always effecting us.That is why we need to be with sisters who are involved with the mosque .So we can attend lectures social events and helping the community. We should always keep busy were we can protect are Iman...but don't be too hard on yourself start with a schedule. REMEMBER THE HEART IS LIKE A MIRROR IF IT IS CLEAN IT WILL REFLECT. ALSO IT IS SAID THAT A IDLE MAN'S BRAIN IS A DEVILS WORKSHOP. GODBLESS

  2. not all music is haram for example a club music is considered haram since it is making you fall into sins. Whereas, soothing music which relaxes a human being would be halaal!

  3. Assalam alykum Sanah,

    Dear sister, if you want to stop listening to music then replace it with something better. Something which is best. Which is the Quran.

    Start listening to more and more qiraat. Start memorising surahs. Start learning qiraat. The more you get attached to the quran it will be more easier for you.

    About what kind of naat and nasheed is permissible there are still some differences of opinion among scholars. It is best to stick to only those naat and nasheed which you are sure are halaal.

    Also do some research about the singers and the songs. There are videos on youtube which explain that these singers are devil worshippers and the songs lyrics point to that. The more you learn about the evil of songs, the more you will hate it.

    And the most important thing is to ask Allah to make Qiraat of Quran more pleasing to your heart and to make it easy for you to avoid listening to music.

    May Allah make it easy for you.

  4. I am 13 and am going through the same thing. I wear the hijab, pray, fast, read Quran and everything but I just cannot help but listening to music. whenever I am playing my phone, doing homework playing outside I will put music in the background to listen to as I do it. I'm going to admit that I am so addicted to it that in class at school I tuck my earphones through my shirt and into my scarf so that the teachers won't catch me and I can listen to it at school too. My mum had always brought me up to NOT listen to music but my cousin once played a song for me and then I really liked it so I kept playing when I was at home and that one song led to a lot of other song many of which have disgusting meanings but I just can't help it. I don't really care about the meaning I just like how they are catchy. I have tried everything and I will stop for a week or two then get back into the habit. I have spoken to my parents about this and they have tried to... they have even tried bribing me out of it by giving me a dollar or two everyday i didn't listen to it but then 3 weeks later I was went back to my addiction. I feel really Quilty because I know it's a sin but I'm just so addicted to it I can't stop

    • I really think your addiction to music is solvable. It is similar to fighting a porn addiction, which I am currently battling with. The first step is to erase all songs on your iPod or your phone. Then replace them with better things. The Quran maybe. Then make sure you try your best to always read the Quran when you get tempted. I know you asked this question two years ago, and I hope you get this.

      A brother from Nigeria.

  5. Listening Music ........, very common problem effecting my young muslims.
    Tip 1. create hatred in your heart .usually when you hate someone you don't want to come close to him/her.
    you can do this by knowing how sad, downhearted and depressed one gets with the overdose of music, mostly musicians dies in their early ages committing suicide . you can see many videos and pages talking about singers committing suicide.
    checkout this page(
    you can further search on how it makes you very active and gives you pleasure momentarily and makes you very dull.
    Tip 2.Increase Imam by daily doing Azkar (atlest reciting surah bakrah's last 2 ayas ,ayatulqarsi, with penetrating on its meaning, and ask Allah to give you success in this day and after today) say "astugfirullah" atlest 10 times. it wipes away dirt from heart . start the day by increasing Iman. it might only take 8 to 15 minutes.
    Tip 3. look at you hobbies, if you have a strong urge to listening music , distract you brain by doing one of your hobbies or some thing very interesting. like doing DIY crafts . reading jokes.
    Tip 4. call your very close friend or family member or play with them. talking to them can cause your brain to divert . you would be more focused in talking to them than thinking about music.
    Tip 5. make goals in life. so when ever you an impulse to listen to music . you can tell your self I have more important things to do in life than waste my time with music.
    tip 6. Give charity . By charity yours Duas will be more accepted.Your mind will realize you are tryng to be a good Muslim , and constant harm like music might take way all you good deeds . you wouldn't wan't to lose your good deeds only because of music. don't let your brain justify music because it is mostly satan tring to justify bad stuffs.
    Tip 7. focusing on your Prayers. if you are still listening to music you can't be focusing on prayers . search on ways to focus on prayers.
    Tip 8. two rakhas solution. watch video( )
    tip 9 . download beautiful recitations of different reciters.make it necessary to listen 15 minuets Quran everyday. while you are cleaning or doing some silent work you can play the audio or video.

  6. Assalamualaikum everyone

    I just read a couple o posts bout music in here and I keep trying my best to move away from it. But recently I started listening to korean music,like k-pop and I cant not stop!!! The beat is so good and the rhythm is different from other english pop. Kpop songs dont have haram meanings unlike other songs. Moreover, Im not korean and I dont understant the meanings so the lyrics dont affect me. But its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good and I want to quit but i cants do it. All my friends like it too but its so hard. The boys in kpop are so pretty and attractive. Please help me out. Im struggling. I wrote a post but Im not sure how to post my question. Pray for me.

    • oh girl,the same problem is with me too...i have tried so hard to top listening to k-pop songs but they are so addictive like hell!!i can't stop listening to them...i even am not a korean and i dont understand the meaning of it but the overall songs and the rhythms they are so good...i can't stoppp...please someone help!!!

      • same with me, i started listening to kpop, and i stopped listening to English songs they are just so addictive and the boys are very pretty.
        some things i have noticed that they did somehow made me have some good habits and avoid bad habits (don't judge please it is the truth) but still today i just realized how music in General is haram for me and although I was depressed before i listened to kpop and then i was happier. But ever since I've had this realization, i have become very depressed.
        i don't know what to do, i am very confused. i don't want to stop eventhough i know it is wrong.

        • OMG I'm so happy I found this thread. Because I've been obsessed with kpop on a crazy level. It's so so hard for me to stop listening although I'm trying to. Like I limit myself by making promises but I last for a week or so and then it's boom back to square one.

          And about happiness. Yes it makes me really happy. And they're so good looking. I've been crazily obsessed for about 2 years. I've been buying all these BTS,EXO and blackpink merchandise. The scoldings coming in from my parents because of spending most of my pocket money on shirts and bags really bothers me. I'm supposed to save up for better means.I'm letting my parents down and I want to stop.

          It weirdly makes me happy?? Like nicotine or some sort of drug. Man like I'm just sitting there jamming to songs I have no idea what they're talking about. The lyrics are quite clean and they talk about social issues as well. Moreover, I fell in love with the korean culture as well. They're so well mannered and maintain everything so well. And they work so hard. These areas attract me so much, I hope I can visit seoul some day. But I'll have to study for that. Which I don't enjoy doing.

          What Im doing right now is praying to get rid of the love of kpop and so that BTS and koreans and everyone in the world become Muslim so that we can live together happily in Jannah 🙂

    • Holy moly, where has this thread been all my life? I relate to this on a whole other level.
      May Allah help us use our time on healthy and productive activities instead of k-pop. I know it's really hard but we have to try to minimize it little by little and In Sha Allah, in no time we'll get there. My k-pop addiction has lasted for about 3 years and I believe just like anime, it has swept our young brains like a tornado into this cobweb of pretty Korean idols. And then there's Shaytaan laughing at us while we dwindle our time searching up Jimin's new hair colour or dabbing to gangnam style by PSY instead of reading those beautiful words of Allah. You see girls, the guilt is still there but acting up to it is hard but we're still young teens, let's not stress much, I believe this obsession will wear off with time. Giving it time is better than quitting cold turkey because you can't cut watermelon in one slice, no wait, you actually can,lol my bad but anyway my point is remember: every habit requires plentiful time and patience. Thus, let's try investing more time on useful stuff and this addiction will be long forgotten.

      Goodluck my soon-to-be-ex-kpop-fans, hehe XD

      Take care and Salam


  7. 1- Start with you playlist. If it's easy for you to delete every song, do it. If not, then delete 90% of the songs that you rarely listen to, keep a few, but eventually delete that too.

    I asked you to keep a few songs, but that doesn't mean it's not Haraam. It IS still haraam. My purpose behind saying this, we can't just let go of something all of a sudden, we take one step at a time. Today you listen to 10 songs, tomorrow change that to 5, then 2, then 0.

    2- Get rid of your earphones. Waking up everyday and seeing your phone and earphones is only going to tempt you. Consider you're traveling on a public transport and you want to listen to some music. What are you gonna do? Pull out your earphones. But what if you don't have one? Are you gonna listen to the songs without it, ignoring the glances you'll receive from people around you? Now that's hard. So to prevent yourself from listening to music, get rid of your earphones.

    3- Add Qur'anic recitation in your playlist. If you still persist in listening to music when you also have an easy access to Qur'an, you'll feel guilty. The guilt will be too much for you to take and may even make you drop the entire idea of listening to something haraam.

    4- Today, go and listen to some of the soothing Qur'anic recitation, not only with your ears but also with your heart. Close your eyes and let the Word of your Creator sooth you. And after that, you'll never find the same comfort/peace in listening to music that you've found in Qur'an.

    5- Remind yourself of the health benefits if you stop listening to it. For example, paying closer attention to the road while driving or riding a bike instead of focusing on music could save your life.

    6- Ask yourself the 'What if's'. What if you die in that state, may Allah protect all of us! What if that music is the cause of your entering Jahannum? What if all those songs you listened to, will stop you from uttering the Kalimah at the time of your death? What if music and the disgusting lyrics in that tempts you towards committing more sins? What if your listening to music takes you away from your Allah, the One Who created you, is forever compassionate towards you and is forever merciful to you? What if you end up losing Jannah, the place that will give you pleasure eternally, for a song that will only give you pleasure for hardly 5 minutes?

    Hope it helps.

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