I stole something when I was young…
Asalamu Akaykum my dear brothers and sisters, I'm a Muslim fourteen year old girl who has committed a major sin of theft. It was a medallion of another girl who earned it for her grades. When I've made this horrible sin, I was 10 years old and the reason that I stole her reward was because my mother was expecting me to get that medal all year long and because of one point I lost it. I'm becoming very stressed and restless because I'm guilty of my sin and I know that it is severely bad!
I was always an average student in elementary and I wanted my parents to know that I was something! That was the only reason I stole her medal, I didn't want to hurt her in any way. I was also just a foolish child in the fifth grade, I never knew how bad it was to steal from someone!!! now like four years later I regret it and feel terribly guilty, what should I do? Please help me brothers and sisters! How can I repent and have Allah forgive me for this mistake, because it is the right of another person.
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Assalam alaikum,
If your mother is understanding, speak to your mother about what you did and ask her if she would support you in returning the award to the rightful owner. You may suffer embarrassment and feel really bad, but in the eyes of Allah swt you would be doing a great thing and the rightful owner of the reward will be very happy.
In terms of forgiveness, seek Allah's forgiveness by asking Him to forgive you, never repeat this error and feeling bad or guilty about it, is probably a good thing. When we feel bad or guilty about something that we did wrong, this is a blessing in disguise as it helps to prevent us from repeating that error.
May Allah swt aid you in making matters right, Ameen.