I want to marry a boy..
Asalam o alikum,
i love a boy so much and he loves me too.. we both really want to marry each other but the biggest problem is he is way less then me as in status he is not rich has very very small house and all that where as m totally opposite 💔.. the thing is my parents will NEVER EVER let me marry him specially if my 4 brothers knew about us he would kill me.. Plz pray for us i have been on umrah where i have asked ALLAH to make him better for me n make him able enough so my family will agree for him without me telling them ... we both beg to ALLAH for each other.. plz pray for us .. is there any speical wazifa or something that will help us to get married 😭😭..
Anxiously waiting for aome poaitive replies plz help i xant discuss my problem with my family of friends...
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If you asked ALLAH about him during Umrah if he is better for you then HE accept your dua so wait and plz do not onnect with him bcz it is haraam and you did UMRAH so cutoff with him if he is better for you you would marry with hin IN SHALLAH