Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is it okay to marry the same person twice?

I have the consent of my lover to marry me and all her elder sisters and brothers are okay on this stand. But both her parents and mine are not willing to let us marry now. They are lapsing time for some odd reasons. Indeed they are willing to get me a better job than the one I am doing right now. They are doubting my position to carry the responsibility of my wife. But, really, both of us think that this income is pretty much okay. It is not so high but more than average. And both our parents, from both side, are so that if we do it our way they will cut the relation with us. This will make the situation horrible. But you know, Islam doesn't support pre-marital dating. So this silence from both of our parents is making us sinner.

Now can we marry each other with the presence of the bride's adult brother and sisters and then once again before our parents?


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1 Responses »

  1. I was in this similar situation but I had decided to wait until my parents finally accepted. Took over a year but I wanted my parents blessings and didn't want to hide a secret marriage behind them.
    Also I strongly believe that family is the foundation for a happy marriage and kids so therefore it was important for me to sit until parents got over their insecurities and agreed.
    All the best for you, but this is my advice from situation and I am very glad I did as I believe I have not lost any respect from family regarding this.

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