Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is marriage compulsory for females in Islam?

Is it compulsory that a girl should get married in islam?

- manchu916

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12 Responses »

  1. Asalaamualaykum,

    To my understanding marriage is not obligatory but is high encouraged, because it helps us meet some of our most basic needs. It allows one to uphold the family unit and have children, gives protection, allows one to fulfil physical desires in a halaal manner and gives companionship. Humans need all the above, and this is the only halaal way of attaining them. Furthermore, upholding the family unit, expressing physical desires with one's spouse, going through child birth, rearing a child in Allah's way etc are ways of attaining blessings from Allah. So to outrightly reject marriage - whether one is male or female, one would be rejecting and missing out on attaining potential blessings.

    The Prophet (saw) said: “Nikah (marriage) is my Sunnah. He who shuns my Sunnah is not of me.” (Muslim)

    I am sure however that there are are permissible circumstances where Islam would support an individual who cannot get married due to an illness or no physical desire etc. I would recommend anyone with such issues to clarify this with a qualified Imam.


    Information below taken from:

    Islam, unlike other religions is a strong advocate of marriage. There is no place for celibacy like, for example the Roman Catholic priests and nuns. The prophet (pbuh) has said "there is no celibacy in Islam.

    Marriage is a religious duty and is consequently a moral safeguard as well as a social necessity. Islam does not equal celibacy with high "taqwa" / "Iman". The prophet has also said, "Marriage is my tradition who so ever keeps away there from is not from amongst me".

    Marriage acts as an outlet for sexual needs and regulate it so one does not become a slave to his/ her desires.

    It is a social necessity because through marriage, families are established and the family is the fundamental unit of our society. Furthermore, marriage is the only legitimate or halal way to indulge in intimacy between a man and a woman.

    Islam takes a middle of the road position to sexual relations , it neither condemns it like certain religions, nor does it allow it freely. Islam urges us to control and regulate our desires, whatever they may be so that we remain dignified and not become like animals.


    - According to Imams Abu Hanifah, Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Malik ibn Anas, marriage is recommendatory, however in certain individuals it becomes wajib/obligatory.

    - Imam Shaafi'i considers it to be nafl or mubah (preferable).

    - The general opinion is that if a person, male or female fears that if he/she does not marry they will commit fornication, then marriage becomes "wajib". If a person has strong sexual urges then it becomes "wajib" for that person to marry.

    - Marriage should not be put off or delayed especially if one has the means to do so.

    The general principle is that the Prophet (pbuh) enjoined the followers to marry.

    He said "when a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allah regarding the remaining half." (Narrated by Anas).

    SisterZ Editor

  2. But what if you're just scared?

    • It's normal to be somewhat scared of marriage - you are walking into the 'unknown.' What do I expect? Have I made the right choice? How do I know he's the correct one? Etc. Not to mention meeting prospectives. It's all scary but all we can do is learn about how to approach marriage and put our trust in Allah and of course do istikhaarah. If it's any consolation you are not the only one. I know plenty of sisters who are also scared of looking into marriage too.

      If you have a specific question about marriage please do log in and submit a post though so we can help you InshaAllah.

      Sara Editor

  3. What if i cant be married because my partner is a non-muslim.
    We had thought of just being supportive of one another in or life if we still are not able to be married.
    This is especially so since many had said that for a muslim lady to marry a christian man is haram.

    • Yati,

      This is more dangerous. It will lead to live-in relationships, zina and the Anger of Allah Izza wa Jal.

      You are not allowed to keep contact with this man in any form.

      Abu Abdul Bari Editor

  4. I'm in love with someone and my parents do not like his family therefore they are not accepting his proposal for me. I have also performed istikhara and alhamdulillah it is positive but they still dont agree. They want me to marry someone else who they have chosen for me.
    I cannot marry anyone else but the person i love. If i tell my parents that if i cannot marry the person i love then i dont want to get married.. is that wrong ?

    • SA, You have the right to choose your own spouse in Islam, or to say yes or no to the one your parents pick.

      Wael Editor

  5. I don't wish to get married. I fear that I may not prove to be a good wife. I don't want to have children. Though I want to adopt any orphan and give him all the motherly love and care. But I know every man wants to have his own children. So will it be sinful if I don't get married??? I don't have any fear of committing Zina. I will never do that.

  6. My problm is I dnt like to marry anybody. .like to live freely..and i sure that i cnt be a gud my parents of forcing me to get married. ..and this compellsion come frm my relatives one understand me. What shall I do?

    • You have the right in Islam to refuse. Stand your ground and make it clear that you will not marry anyone except someone of your own choosing, if at all.

      Wael Editor

  7. Salam...I feel and fear I might not get married based on the critism I got for a guys family that I am from a broken home my parents are not together tho my dad is late..and his family said he can't marry me cuz we are not of the same tribe..and nd because I live with my mum..I am a good Muslim so I feel is shld stay single cuz it hurts to be bothers me cuz I wonder if there is something wrong with me or something wrong with marrying me

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