Is my Cousin My Milk Sister? Can I Marry Her?
Assalaamwaalaykum, Dear brother,
I have a question regarding marriage. My mother fed her own milk to her sister's daughter (my cousin) when she was a baby.
Now my family wish to marry me to this cousin.
Can I marry to my cousin, or is she forbidden since my mother breastfed her when she was small?
Please reply as soon as possible.
- Parvez
Wael's Answer:
Dear Parvez, Wa alaykum as-salamu wa rahmatullah,
The Quran is quite clear on this issue:
"Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts and brothers' daughters and sisters' daughters and your mothers that have suckled you and your foster-sisters and mothers of your wives and your step-daughters who are in your guardianship, (born) of your wives to whom you have gone in, but if you have not gone in to them, there is no blame on you (in marrying them), and the wives of your sons who are of your own loins and that you should have two sisters together, except what has already passed; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (An-Nisa: 23)
However, there are certain conditions.
A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reports: “Once the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) entered my house while a man was with me. He said: “O A’isha! Who is this?” I replied: “My foster-brother” He said: “O A’isha! Be careful in determining who your foster-brother is, for suckling is only valid if it takes place in the suckling period”. (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 2504 & Sahih Muslim, no. 1455)
The brief answer to your question is that if your mother breastfed your cousin more than five times when she was under the age of two, then your cousin is your milk-sister and your mahram, and she is haram for you to marry.
Here are details and proofs on this issue:
For breastfeeding to have the effect of making a mahram relationship, two conditions must be met: (1) The number of breastfeeding sessions should be five or more, and (2) this should happen within the first two years of the child’s life. If these two conditions are met, then the rulings concerning breastfeeding will apply, i.e. the child will be considered a relative and marriage will be forbidden, etc.
Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi Muslim lecturer and author, states:
"It is permissible for you to marry the daughter of your maternal aunt in this situation, because breastfeeding (rada`ah) only makes the woman (and her daughters) themahramsof the child who nursed if it takes place five times. [Amahramis a relative whom one is forbidden to marry and with whom the rulings of hijab or covering do not apply]. The evidence for that is the hadith narrated by Muslim from `A’ishah who said: “One of the (rulings) that was revealed in the Qur’an was that ten known sessions of breastfeeding make the child a mahram, then that was abrogated and replaced with five.”
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
The scholars differed concerning the number of sessions of breastfeeding for which the ruling on breastfeeding (rada`ah) applies. `A'ishah and ash-Shafi`i and his companions said that there is no proof for any number less than five. The majority of scholars said that the ruling applies if breastfeeding occurs once. This was narrated by Ibn al-Mundhir from `Ali, Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Umar, Ibn `Abbas, `Ata', Tawus, Ibn al-Musayyib, al-Hasan, Makhul, al-Zuhri, Qatadah, Hammad, Malik, al-Awza`i, al-Thawri and Abu Hanifah (may Allah be pleased with them). Abu Thawr, Abu `Ubayd, Ibn al-Mundhir and Dawud said: The ruling applies in the case of three sessions of breastfeeding, not less than that. Ash-Shafa`i and those who agreed with him followed the hadith of `A'ishah which mentioned five known session of breastfeeding.
Sheikh Ibn Baz was asked whether breastfeeding from a woman three times makes her a mahram.
He replied: this breastfeeding three times does not make her a mahram through breastfeeding. The ruling on becoming amahramthrough breastfeeding only applies if breastfeeding occurs five times or more. Then he quoted the hadith of `A'ishah as evidence. (Source: Fatawa Islamiyyah, 3/326)
Sheikh Ibn `Uthaymeen said:
One session of breastfeeding does not have any effect, rather it must be five sessions of breastfeeding that occur before the child is weaned and before he reaches the age of two. A person does not become the woman’s (foster) child if he breastfeeds once or twice or three or four times. It must also be five known sessions of breastfeeding; if there is some uncertainty as to whether he breastfed four or five times, the principle is that it was four, because every time we are uncertain about numbers, we take the lower number. Based on this, if a woman says, I breastfed this child but I do not know if it was once or twice, or three or four or five times, we say that this child is not her (foster) child, because it has to be five known sessions of breastfeeding without a doubt. (Source: Al-Fatawa al-Jami`ah lil-Mar'ah al-Muslimah, 2/768)"
Abd Allah ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said about Hamza’s daughter: “I am not legally permitted to marry her, as foster relations are treated like blood relations (in marital affairs). She is the daughter of my foster-brother.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 2502)
Therefore, the relationships that are unlawful through blood and lineage will also be unlawful through fosterage. As such, a foster-father (foster mother’s husband), foster-brother, foster-uncle, foster-nephew, etc will all be considered to be a woman’s Mahram, and one will be a Mahram to a foster-mother, foster sister, foster niece, etc.
And Allah knows best.
If any readers have some additional advice for this questioner, feel free to post your comments below.
"(O Allah), Guide us to the straight path; The path of those whom you have favored; Not those with whom you are angry; Nor those who go astray."
Best regards,
Wael Editor
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Asalam Alaikum Brother,
Hope you are fine with the blessings of Almighty Allah.
(1)ant to ask the conditions of when can we make a woman as our sister. What i mean is 2 individual out of context and not linked by any relation like a man and woman both muslims but from different countries. Are we muslim allowed to make a woman as our sister. (2) If a woman call us brother then are liable to treat her as our sister. Iam asking this Question because a muslim cannot adopt a son and call him as his own son. so does the same apply to make some one a real sister or a real brother? Please Email you answer with reference from Sahih Hadeeths and Quran.
May Allah bless you.
Wasalam Alaikum.
Ahmed Faraz
Ahmed, I just noticed your question. The answer is that you cannot "make" anyone your brother and sister. There is no such thing in Islam. Of course we are all brothers and sisters in faith, but you cannot make anyone your mahram.
Wael Editor
I am promised to marry my cousin. He has not had my mothers milk and I have not had his mothers milk EVER.
My BROTHER has had my future mother in laws milk more then five times, does that mean I cannot marry my future husband?
amrista, no, it does not affect you. Your brother and your cousin are foster brothers, but it does not affect your relation with your cousin. And Allah knows best.
Wael Editor
Thank you for the response.
Dear Sir,
My paternal grand mother breast milk my big cousin and my elder sister so can I marry his small sister (my cousin ) and I am also smaller then my sister? though, legally my big cousin and my elder sister becomes brother and sister and they are also brother and sister to my aunt and my father. Can you please let me know is it allow for me to marry my small cousin as her brother is foster brother to my elder sister and my grand mother breast milked them.
Take my salam first...When my cousin was 1 year old, she had my mom's breast milk for one day.Now my question is will it be permitted to marry her in islam?
Hasan, please read the post, as the answer is already given. Some scholars say it must have been five separate breastfeeding sessions. Some say three. Some say even only one. Allah knows best.
Wael Editor
Can i marry the younger sister of my cousin breastfeeded by my mother ?
Mohsin, yes you can. Although first cousin marriage is not healthy and I don't recommend it.
Wael Editor
As salamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatu
I have a question:
If for example,
if another woman breast fed me(she then becomes my foster mother), can my foster mother's son marry my mothers sister?
This is actually a case that has happened, so i am very curious to know what the reply is.
Jazakallah khair
If your foster mother's son and your mother's sister are not mahram in some other way (aunt and nephew, for example), then there is no problem, they can marry. He is your foster brother, but that does not create any relation to your aunt.
Wael Editor
Assalam Walekum.................
i saw the above answer for Mr. Pervez Question, can you brief in that, is marraige Possible with the other sisters? if a person drink 3-4 times in the age of 2-3yrs.from the mothers sister.
Assalam Walekum.................
if i m the foster sun of my foster mother and she have total 5 sisters then i cannot marry with all the sisters or only the sister who is my foster. can you pls brief.
Asalam alaikum wa rahmatullah
Dear brothers, my wive's mother has given her Milk to my son, and she is my maternal aunt too, so now what is the relation between my son and my maternal aunt and my wive and my son. Finally what Islam says about this issue Is it forbidden in Islam or what ? Briefly answer it please.
Perviz taza
Normally I would tell you to log in and write your question as a separate post. But the answer to your question is short and simple. There is nothing wrong with the grandmother giving milk to her grandchild. And all of the people you mentioned are already prohibited for marriage to your son (his mother, grandmother, maternal aunts), so it makes no difference. Giving milk does not actually change anyone's relationship in a literal sense.
Wael Editor
Assalam Walekum.................
if i m the foster sun of my foster mother and she have total 5 sisters then i cannot marry with all the sisters or only the sister who is my foster. can you pls brief.
She has five sisters, or daughters? If they are her sisters, you can marry any of them as long as they are not related to you by blood. If they are her daughters, then they are all prohibited to you, as they are your foster sisters.
If you need more details, then please log in and write your question as a separate post, thank you.
Wael Editor
Dude, I thought if a woman fosters a boy and a girl (both from different parents) and the foster mother has not breast fed either, then they can marry each other, right? And in this case, if the foster mother has her own biological daughter, then she can marry her foster brother too - if he has not been breast fed. Is that right??
SisterZ Editor
My understanding of "foster mother" is that she breast feeds the child. That is what my answer was based on. If he has not been breast fed, then by definition he is not a foster brother or foster son.
Wael Editor
Assalam u Alikum
I want to marry my ant's daughter but i had a milk of my ant once undr age of 2 years.. Islam allow me to marry her or not plz guide me and answer me soon..
I was breastfeded by my aunt once in my childhood,can i marry her daughter who is 6 years younger to me?
Asad, if it was only once then yes, you can marry your cousin. However, I do not recommend first cousin marriages as there is an increased chance of birth defects in the children. Marry someone unrelated to you. It's good to bring in fresh genes and fresh blood.
Wael Editor
Assalam Walekum.................
if i m the foster sun of my foster mother and she have 3 Daughters the elder one is my foster sister so i can marry with rest of my fostersister of sisters .because i take a bresstfeed with elder sister which became my foster sister. so my parents want to marry me the younger sister of my foster sister. can you pls brief.
You have already asked this question as Mansoor. Please do as Brother Wael suggested by logging in and submitting your question a separate post and we will give its due time. We have a queue of people patiently waiting for their questions to be answered.
SisterZ Editor
When you submit your post, make sure you include details such as how old you were when the breastfeeding occurred, and how many times it took place.
Wael Editor
Asalamu alikum.....
I have a question .....there is a girl who was breastfed by my mother along with my younger when I was 3 years old .I want to know if I can marry her as I love her very much and it is tough enough for we both to survive without each is a serious issue for me...
Assalam Walekum.................
if i m the foster sun of my foster mother and she have 3 Daughters the elder one is my foster sister so i can marry with rest of my fostersister of sisters .because i take a bresstfeed with elder sister which became my foster sister. so my parents want to marry me the younger sister of my foster sister .And i got brestfeed only one time... is she become my foster motheror not... if she becomes then i can marry her rest of daughters... can you pls brief.
Ali ,plz let me know about this case .as i have same issue ... wanna know the answer.
Salam. I have a question regarding this breastfeeding. Nowadays, we can see there are a lot NGO that promote sharing of breast milk among network of women. Women donate their breast milk to mothers who cannot produce milk for their babies. How does the hukm says about this?
I don't have an answer to this. You must ask a mufti about it. I would be curious to know the answer as well.
Wael Editor
i and my cousin were fed by my paternal aunt (his mother ) at the same time. can i marry his elder brother?
plz reply coz its my future matter.
Was the elder brother also breastfed by his mother? If so, then he is your foster brother and you cannot marry him.
Wael Editor
im deeply in love with my cousin.she had drank my mother's milk afteq some months later wen she was born. Anyone doesnt know how many time she had drank my mother's milk. Pls help me out i really love her n want to marry her. Pls mail me soon.
Abdul shoaib, no one has any idea how many times? Was it twice or three times, or was it a consistent thing, happening regularly?
Wael Editor
my mother told me that she had drank only once after 21day of her birth. Can i marry her?
If that's the case then yes, she is not your foster sister and you can marry her. - Wael, Editor
thanks, bt how to convince our parents. Are there any hadith(with reference) regarding to dis fatwa
pls tell me hadiths(with reference) regarding to dis topic. I want to convence our parents. They are asking to bring hadiths about this. Pls help me out.
Iam in love with my
(Please log in and submit your question as a separate post, thank you. Editor)
Asalam wailaikum
Am a little confused at the responses, would like some clarification on wether this situation is haram or not. Lets say my mum brestfed my paternal aunts son for a few months when he was a baby, now this aunts son knowingly married my sister, is this situation haram and what should be done to rectify the situation? Please advise
sister h, if your mother breastfed your cousin more than five times when he was under the age of two, then he is your milk-brother. He is mahrem to you and your sister, and marriage to him is prohibited, just as it would be forbidden to marry your own blood brother.
Wael Editor
Thank you for the reply brother wael,
Can i just ask if this situation has already happend are the couple living in sin? And should
they get divorced? Really would appreciate the response
I am not qualified to give a fatwa. The couple should see a Muslim scholar, and explain to him the circumstances, and see what he says.
Wael Editor
salam. I asked ur question from an Islamic scholar, he said "if the 2 couple have milk relation then they r surely a sibling, and if they have a baby that baby is HALAL but then they should also get divorced after knowing that they r milk siblings to eachother."
i am shahzad want to marry my cousin, but her brother has sucked milk from my grand Mother ........can i marry her....
Assalamualaikum Shahzad,
Yes you can marry her. She is not a Mahram to you. If her brother was suckled by your grand mother, then he is your foster uncle, but his sister is not related to you. Allah Knows Best.
Abu Abdul Bari Editor
thanks brother, but had there any restriction in Hanafi Maslak regarding this issue.
I don't know of disagreement in the matter of foster relations.
Abu Abdul Bari Editor
my Question is,
weather i marry my cusion when,
1- i feed my grand mother milk.
Plz clarify weather i can marry my phupi,s (my father sister) Daughter.
Kashif, if you were breastfed by your grandmother it doesn't change anything. You can still marry your cousin. Although I personally recommend against first cousin marriages. It's unhealthy and leads to increased chances of birth defects in the children. Stop focusing on your cousins and turn your gaze outward to the vast world of possibilities. New blood, new genes, new connections.
Wael Editor
Hi , i wanted to ask that i have been brestfed by my aunt two or three times ... dont know properly i was brestfed with my cousin ... but the one i love was born 2 years later and can i marry her please tell me thanks...
If it was only two or three times then according to most scholars you can marry the daughter, yes. Although I do not recommend first cousin marriages in general for health reasons. Stop fixating on your cousins, people. Open your eyes. There is a whole world of potential partners. Bring new blood and genes into the family. Broaden your perspective, and build ties between the Ummah.
Wael Editor
"Stop fixating on your cousins, people. Open your eyes."
I simply love this response!
In addition to the genetic aspect, the cons outweigh the pros most of the time when marrying cousins because the families get so unnecessarily involved and a new negative dynamic enters the marriage. This practice to marry cousins is usually to keep the wealth/business in the family or the groom's family feels they will be able to have full control over the daughter-in-law as opposed to marrying their son to an unrelated girl, who may "steal" their son away.
Assalam O Alaikum!
i want to ask i have drank milk for only 2 time can i marry the little sister of my foster sister who is little than my foster sister
Wa Alaikum as Salam,
If it was only two times, then according to the following hadith, she is not your foster sister and you can marry her or her little sister who would also have been your foster sister if she was breastfed by the same woman as the one you call your foster sister. The following hadith is the proof:
It was narrated that `ishah said: ``Among the things that were revealed of the Qur'ân was that ten definite breastfeedings make a person a Mahram , then that was abrogated and replaced with five definite breastfeedings, and the Messenger of Allâh passed away when this was among the things that were recited of the Qur'ân.'' (Sahih Muslim)
Abu Abdul Bari Editor
Hi everyone, I have question plz help me tu answer this question caz it is very important my mother breastfeed me with my cousin who is girl now his young brother want to marry me and my mother did not dreastfeed him so can we marry????????????
my friend had drink milk of his maternal aunt and his aunt has also given milk to his younger brother , now my friend can marry her brother,s daughter or not????thanks waiting for your answer if answer is no or yes give explanation of it thanks..... May ALLAH guide us On Right Path AMEEN......
sajjad, it's not clear to me if you are asking about the daughter of an uncle, or the daughter of a brother. In other words, a niece or a cousin?
Wael Editor
my friend had drink milk of his maternal aunt and his maternal aunt has also given milk to her own younger brother , so it means that my friend drink milk of his maternal aunt with his maternal uncle , so now my friend wish to marry with the daughter of that maternal uncle so can they marry or not ????thanks waiting for your answer if answer is no or yes give explanation of it thanks..... May ALLAH guide us On Right Path AMEEN......
Salaam. I want to breastfeed my husband's brother's son so that he becomes a 'real' brother to my children. He is well under 2 years of age. Can I pump my breast milk and feed him with a bottle or does he have to take my milk from my breast? If I am allowed to give him milk from a bottle can his mother feed it to him or does it have to be me? JazakAllah Khair.
asalam aw father friend wife breast feed me bt she does n,t how many times she feeded me
i have no bloood relatn with thm nd my foster mothr not take permission from her husband for that now i love my foster sister and i want to marry her it is allowed in islam or not....
If your foster mother breastfed you more than five times when you were under the age of two, then her daughter is your milk-sister and your mahram, and she is haram for you to marry.
Wael Editor
my maternal cousin wants to marry my another maternal uncles daughter bt the problem is that my maternal aunt the mother of the girl is the foster mother of my maternal brother and he is the foster brother of the girls elder sister,,
are they permitted to marry?
asalamu alykum dear brother
i want to a question my cousinpromised me that he will marry me. He has not had
my mothers milk and I have not had his mothers
milk EVER.
My elder BROTHER has had his mothers milk
more then five times, does that mean I cannot
marry my future husband?
The elder brother's status does not affect your situation. You can still marry the cousin. Although I have to say that I recommend against cousin marriage in general due to increased risk of birth defects in the children.
Wael Editor
i had my aunt's milk nd my cousin had my mom's milk so we are bro nd sis dat i understand...but the thing which confuses me is dat am i the bro of my cousin's siblings as well who had nothing to do wid milk feeding???
No, your cousin's siblings who did not drink your mother's milk, are not your milk brothers and sisters.
Wael Editor
a/a ... my fathers sisters daughter means my paternal cousin and I Is being milked by my grandmother .... but we want to marry each other ...plz tell us some way to get rid of dis situation? ??
mujeeb, there is no way to "get rid" of it. You must accept that she is unlawful for you.
Wael Editor
but dear we love each other deadly and even our grandmother doesn't know surely about how many times she has breastfed us or where we at the age of two or more then that or lesser than that ... even our fathers want we to get married and in addition our parents aren't informed abt this case that we where breastfed... so plz get a detailed description for me?
If you and your cousin are milk siblings, then it is unlawful for the two of you to marry. I'd advise you to find out from your grandmother and your father whether this is the case.
If you are milk siblings, you can't just "get rid" of it. Whether you have feelings for each other wouldn't factor into this.
In the meantime, make sure you are observing appropriate Islamic limits (is. no private communication) between you both, and repent for any previous transgressions.
Midnightmoon editor
I understand your words dea but the problem is that we are away from the private communications only because of marriage factor , that we have decided to do it after marriage , otherwise she wants to have it with me .
And adding more to it , we my mom used to went market it was at that condition that my grandmother use to breastfed me without the permission of my parents , and we both yet dont have any private relation but we both posses both (love and lust for each other ) ... and if she will be awared about this she will either request or force me to have private relation with her ... I am also in the same situation in which she is ... I dont know what to do ... suggest me more plzzzz????
Asalam u alikum dear!
I have a case before you that my mother has given milk to my aunt;s elder daughters. my aunt has also given milk to my elder brothers..... can I marry my that Aunt's small daughter?,,,
,, thnx
Muhammad sharif, you told us about everyone but the ones that count, namely and your cousin. If you and your cousin both breastfed from the same woman multiple times before the age of 2, then you are milk-brother and sister and cannot marry. If not, then you can marry, regardless of what your elder brothers did.
Wael Editor
thnk u very much,,,, may u live long dear....
As salamualaikum ,
I have a question on the foster relationship, My mother has breastfeed my chacha's son(Father's brother's son) who is 8 days younger to me.(we were born with the difference of 8 days).
We are not sure of the count as how many suckling's happened, but we both, my cousin and me wants to get married and start up a new life.
Please suggest if we are permitted to do so.
Will be waiting for a Positive Response.
Jazakallahu Khair.
Afroz S
Afroz, as I already wrote in the post, "The brief answer to your question is that if your mother breastfed your cousin more than five times when she was under the age of two, then your cousin is your milk-sister and your mahram, and she is haram for you to marry." Though your mother may not be sure of the count, she probably knows if it was more or less than five. If it was a common or regular occurrence, then your cousin is your milk brother and you cannot marry him. To be honest, it's better to avoid first cousin marriage anyway, as it carries increased chances of birth defects in the children. It's a big world. Look beyond your own family for a match. It's healthier that way.
Wael Editor
Thank You Sir, But I have another set of queries on Foster relations.
As per Quran-ae-Masjid, we do not have any statements where the number of suckling's is mentioned(count should be 5 or more), and majority of Muslims believe the verses of Quran and do not consider the statements passed by you or any other fatwas as Valid, please help us by providing your authorization and details.
Query 2: Also as per Quran, to prove the foster relation there should be availability of witness other than the lady who breastfeeds, in my case there were only 2 ladies (including breast feeder). and we doubt on their memory for the number of suckling's.
Please suggest on the above queries.
Afroz S
Salaam to all. My name is shimaaz. my mother gave milk to her brothers 1st daughter Just Once. And my mothers brothers wife gave milk to my elder brother milk once When they were young kids. Yet me myself and my mothers brother third doughter's marrige is going to take place soon. Please can any of you tell me is it right to do this or not. because i dont want hell fire leter.
The rulings are relevant only to the individuals who were actually breastfed, not to their siblings. So it seems you are fine to proceed. Though in general I recommend against first cousin marriage because of the increased risk of birth defects in the children.
Wael Editor
Asalamu alikum ,
I m going through a worse condition, my mother has breastfed a girl along with my younger mother is not sure about the sessions that how much time she breastfed her.I want to marry the girl but I don't get permission for that and m keen to marry her ..sir please answer me what to do
Asalam aa laikum
I have set of queries on Foster relations.
As per Quran-ae-Masjid, we do not have any statements where the number of suckling's is mentioned(count should be 5 or more), and majority of Muslims believe the verses of Quran and do not consider the statements passed by you or any other fatwas as Valid, please help us by providing your authorization and details.
Query 2: Also as per Quran, to prove the foster relation there should be availability of witness other than the lady who breastfeeds, in my case there were only 2 ladies (including breast feeder). and we doubt on their memory for the number of suckling's.
Please suggest on the above queries.
Wa alaykum as-salam. Read the entire response that I gave. The number of breastfeeding incidents required to make someone mahrem is not mentioned in the Quran. Many scholars say only once is sufficient; some say three times; some say four; and many say five, based on a statement by Aishah (RA).
So do what you think is right.
Secondly, the Quran does NOT specify that there should be other witnesses for this.
Wael Editor
Asalamu alikum.....
I have a question .....there is a girl who was breastfed by my mother along with my younger when I was 3 years old .I want to know if I can marry her as I love her very much and it is tough enough for we both to survive without each is a serious issue for me...
If she was breastfed more than 5 times it is not permissible for you to marry her
My maternal grandmother has 4 ant first mother secound... my grand mother gave milk to me for more than five times of her last daughters...means her 4th daughter is my ant and foster sis mother gave milk to her my cousin bro...less than five times ( narrated by her). My younger cousin younger to my my cousin bro wants to marry father has unknowningly gave word to my aunt..regarrding our marriage...plz advice...
Please read the answers already given.
Midnightmoon editor
Please clarify...i am in dilema ....plz help out
Please clarify my matter...plz
I think you can marry your aunts son as he is your cousin
Wael........ I have a question from you If someone another can answer me so plz
My mother breastfed my aunt son... now I am in love with her sister can I marry her??? as I have not breastfed by her mother neither she has breast fed by my mother except her single brother was breast fed for once by my mother Answer plz...... If any Hadith or Quranic verse as aproof to satisfy me
Dear I just want to know once i was breastfeed my father's brother(uncle) wife when i was one year old can I marry there daughter?
Already answered. Please read above.
Wael Editor
Sorry I didn't got the exact answer plz suggest me it's my humble request
Asalaam-o-lekum, sir.
I have a question regarding this situation, I went through all the questions asked before but I couldn't find a valid answer to my question. Although I'm not interested in getting married to my cousin (who is apparently my foster brother) but I want to know if it is forbidden for us to get married.
My mother breastfed my cousin when he was less than 2 years old, however she only breastfed him thrice.. And I got the answer to this situation, that it doesn't make him my foster brother since he needs to be fed at least 5 times. But my real question is, when my cousin was breastfed by my mother, I wasn't born at that time. Once the breastfeeding session ended, I was born after a few years.. So is it still forbidden for us to get married if I was born after the breastfeeding ended and he was breastfed more than 5 times?
It wouldn't matter whether you were born yet or not. If he was breastfed more than 5 times, he would still be your foster brother.
Wael Editor
i want to marry my anty doughter i love her my mom breastfead her 1 time when she was under 2 years old no one saw my mom when she breastfead her is it halal to marry her
You can marry her. However, I advise against cousin marriage for genetic and health reasons. It's a big world with billions of people. Broaden your view and look outside your own family for marriage partners.
Wael Editor
brother i am in afghanistan
so i asked a mufti he said it's not 5 time breastfeeding it's 5 or 10 milk drop so what should i do it's very importent i want to marry my cousin i promised her i will marry you before Foster sister came to our way so how a muslim broke his promise brother can i video call you in skype i want to talk about this with you face to face it's about my life ...
Do not post your email address please. We do not allow the exchange of private contact information.
Wael Editor
I have a question..
My mom has breastfeeded my cousin.. at the age of 1-2 year once. Now i have to marry my cousin and i have a doubt that this relation will be Haraam when i check with 2 ppl the emam of mosque and mutfi they said this relationship will be harraam at the same time reading this earlier chat i just wanna confirmed once again... can anyone help me with there names so that i can have a wittness please.
If the breastfeeding occurred only once, then she is not your milk sister and you can marry her. However, you say you "have to" marry her. You do not have to. Islam gives you the right of choice. If you do not want to marry her, then resist the pressure of your parents and refuse.
Wael Editor
my mother breastfeeded my cousin 1 time full stomach she was 6 month old can i marry her.
it is five time sucking the milk or 5 time giving baby full or half stomach milk
pleaase solve my confusion
i have a question in hanafi mazhab it's haram
they say الرَّضَاعَةِ means one time sucking
please help me is this true
so this is true shaffi in age of 7 memorize all of quran
how he doesn't know this i don't blieve what is hanafi mazhab saying
please help me
i want to marry my cousin i need strong answer for my family to accept this
Assalamualaikum my cousin sister (maternal uncles daughter )and my maternal aunt's son were breastfed but my grandmother at same time only once, they can't marry each other but can their brothers and sisters marry eachother,can i marry my maternal uncle's son who was not breastfed. of my neighbour feed milk to me.And I have engaged with her elder son daughter. Is it possible to merry her.
If woman feeding someone's baby without permission of his husband so that baby is mehram for her child or not. Please answer me
The permission of the husband is irrelevant to the question of whether the child is considered a milk-child or foster child.
Wael Editor
sir i just want to ask a question .one
of my friend was breastfed by her maternal aunt along with his cousin .but it took place only once when she was under the age of two, nowis it permissible for her to marry his (cousin's ) elder brother ..please reply as soon as possible .
If you are sure that it took place only once, then they are not foster siblings and can marry. Although I recommend against first cousin marriage in general because of increased health risks in the children. It's healthier to marry outside the family. It creates more genetic diversity and stronger children.
Wael Editor
but sir as the number of breastfeeding sessions are not mentioned , so is there any hadith regarding it or any reference ?
Salaam walikum I want one answer plz plz I want to know that I Born before 5 years than my sister born than after one two month my moms brother have daughter my mom give her milk one two times but I want marry with her iz it possible.
Reply me fast
Sir I didn't get reply yet
Assalam o alaikum
my question is that my cousin means my maternal aunts daughter is 2 years old than me . It means that before my birth she was breastfed by my mother with my elder brother at the same time. My mother breastfed her only 3 or 4 times athe age of 2 and half and after two years of this incidence i was born. So is she haram for me to marry.....
I am sorry if there is any sort of grammatical mistake......
Raza, if you are absolutely certain that it was only 3 or 4 times, then yes, you can marry her. Although I do not recommend marrying first cousins for health reasons.
Wael Editor
my question is that ......when i was just born my aunt breastfed me for one week am i allow to marry her son who is elder than me nd one of his brother is with me just 4 months elder than me .....m i allow to marry who is elder than 4 months one ......plz reply me its very imp to know
I was breastfed by my aunt and she have milked me for months as my mom was ill when i was born . So she became my mother and her family mine . Now i have my own brothers , would my milk sisters be mehram to my brothers as well ?
Maryam, no, it does not apply to your brothers.
Wael Editor
My mother's sister breastfeed me....for three I allow to marry her son...Plz reply me...its very urgent
dear sir i just want to ask solution of problem.
I want to marry my cousin who is my mother brother;s son . but when he send his proposal my mother told me that once he in childhood he drinks her milk because he was weeping and his mother was away.
My mother saying are:
1> she said that she was not aware of it that it sin to give to someone child without permission from husband.
2. my mother also said that had not taken the permission from the husband. question in my mind:
i read the Hadis by Aisha R.A
1. one who has drink the milk for five time is not implied to call as the bother and one can marry.
2. when halima sadia breast feed the Hazrat Muhammad SAWW they did for purpose of nourshing him but my mother didn't have such intention.
3. she was totally uneducated
.4. Can we change over sect for the purpose of the this beacuse in Ahl hadis we are allowed to marry.
please guide me wether is there is any way to marry him .
I have promise
The issue of whether your mother was educated or had permission is irrelevant. As you already know and stated, the breastfeeding must have occurred at least five times for the child to quality as your foster brother. Since it was only once he is not your foster brother and you can marry him.
I should add that in general first cousin marriage should be avoided as it's not healthy for the children. It's a big world. Potential marriage partners are everywhere. The obsession with marrying cousins is damaging when it become frequent.
Wael Editor
Assalamu Alaikum...
Dear sir,
I want to ask this question as it had been mentioned above already that can I marry my cousin but as she had been breastfed by my mother at times when I too mother is NOT sure about the number of sessions...
And how long a session of breastfeeding is???
KIndly Reply
One lactation session does not have any effect, but there are five lactation sessions that take place before weaning the baby and reaching the age of two. A person does not become a woman's (foster) child if he breastfeeds once or twice or three or four times. There should also be five famous breastfeeding sessions; If there is some uncertainty about whether he breastfed four or five times, then the principle is that he was four, because whenever we are unsure about the number, we take less. For that reason, if a woman says, I breastfeed this baby but I don't know if it was once or twice, or three or four or five times, we say that this baby is her (foster) baby. No, because it should be without a doubt one of the five most popular breastfeeding sessions.
My czn wants to marry me . But His mother breastfed me once when I was in the age under 2 years...
Does Islam allow us to marry or not?
Yes You Can marry with him Islam Allow . that if your mother breastfed your cousin more than five times when she was under the age of two, then your cousin is your milk-sister and your mahram, and she is haram for you to marry.
Assalamu Alaikum,
I am not one that would ever think of marrying my cousin and the thought of that disgusts me but I fell in love with my cousin and I am not sure what to do. Our grandmother breastfed him multiple times and I am not sure of how many times. I asked my mom and she just said multiple but we are not sure how many times. I was not breastfed by his mother or our grandmother. Is it permissible for us to marry even if we are not sure of how many times he was fed? We really do love each other and we want to do things the right way. Thank you.
Asllam O Allukum Please kindly confirm me if my cousin feed my mother milk and my mother no in which year when he was 2 years or 3 year even don't know how many times my mom feed her ? what about Quran says about it ?
Ans me briefly.