Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My wife lost her jewelry, what can we do?

A traditional Arab gold bridal necklace

A traditional Arab gold bridal necklace

Sir my wife Tasleem (d/o soomre mother's name) lost her jewelry.

Everywhere we try to find it but we failed.

Sir please tell me what can i do for it?

- babar

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2 Responses »

  1. Babar, please see the answers to a very similar question last year:

    I lost my gold

    Wael Editor

  2. Well, the read the duas that you will find in the link given above by Brother Wael, and keep searching. If you do not find it after all, do not be sad. According to the following hadith of the Messenger of Allah, a believer always wins:

    "How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him". [Muslim]

    During the time of Messenger of Allah, the sense of patience (sabr) gratitude (shukr) was so great among the noble companions that even after losing one hand in the battle, they would rejoice the fact that Allah still kept their other hand intact. Therefore, whatever happens, patience or gratitude is the most fitting. Get consolation from the fact that the calamity that befell on you could have been much worse. Of course what I am saying is easier said than done, and you have my sympathy too, but if you do not find it anyway, then it is better to accept your qadr (predestination) and move away happily.

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