Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Male Chastity?

beautiful white flowersMy friend is getting married, and she wants to know, how can she tell if her soon to be husband is a virgin.

In the Quran does the guy also have to keep his virginity, same as the girl / women?

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2 Responses »

  1. Salaam,

    Both males and females must keep themselves chaste for marriage. Zina - unmarried sex, is forbidden for all Muslims male and female.

    Regarding man's chastity, there is no way of truly knowing, as all males are different, however common signs of inexperience in males are racing, exploding heartbeat, difficulty in finding the correct parts of the woman, and climaxing very quickly, and sometimes climaxing before sex has had a chance to fully take place. In short, he will be incredibly nervous and will need help in finding his way.

    It should be worth bearing in mind however that even an unchaste man is likely to experience nerves on his wedding night.


  2. Rather than wait until your wedding night to see whether he is nervous or not, I would say, look at his character. If he is religious and has "haya'" - in other words, he is modest, respectful, polite and shy, then you can assume that he is chaste.

    There's no way to know what a person may have done in the past, but look at his current personality and behavior and make your judgement of him based on that.

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