We’ve been married 25 years but our nikah may be invalid
I was wondering about 2 things:
I've been married to my husband who is a Muslim of 24 years and we were told that when we did our nikah that it was done incorrectly and we would like to re do it on our 25th anniversary. Is this possible?
And the 2nd question is that I was given a muslim name but I don't use it or like it cause everyone has the same name. I would like to change it. How would I do this?
Thank you,
- Margaret Hanif
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Dear Margaret, Asalaamualaykum,
With regards to the validity of your nikah, you would need to consult a qualified Imaam as this is a Fiqh matter and we are not qualified to answer such questions.
With regards to changing your name, I understand you would need to find out what the law of your land states as you would need to change your name on various legal documents and forms of identity.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Thank you for your help. Do you think we could re-do the nikah?
As I have already stated, you will need to consult with a qualified Imam.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor