I want to marry her but my mother is against her and her family. What can I do to convince my mother?
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakahtuhu.
I am a 19years male from UK originally from Lahore, Pakistan. I have fallen in love with my second cousin (maternal uncles' daughter) who is in Pakistan, this happened 3 years ago when I went for holidays. Family relations in the family are not considered odd, it is actually a tradition in our families. As in Pakistan, the girls are engaged at maybe at around age of 19 or 20. In my family, I took the step of taking my dad into trust and telling him the situation in Pakistan when I was only 16 so he knew in his head that I liked and loved her and she also loves me alot. He agreed at the time and said inshallah we'll talk about it when we get back to England just enjoy for now and inshallah we'll discuss it.
My dad spoke to my mother, and the response wasn't what I expected; she was against it and brought up what happend between her and her sister-in-law (girls mother). And she generally said Pakistani girls are too clever, cunning etc etc and how can you even think of this stuff at this age etc. The funny thing I found was the fact that I thought they would be happy as I chose someone in her family, but she was totally against it. So, I suffered 2 years, we used to email and I took a little step down and discussed with the girl that it's too hard etc because I was a kid, I am still young and couldn't take a stand for anything.
But just recently she came with her family to the UK, for a holiday, and all of a sudden the same feelings came again, even though I thought we would be strong inshallah when she comes, and we'd have a good time and we both depart again. But we both again started talking properly, and we love each other sooo much. I love everything about her and same from her side. I have thought so ahead with her. But the thing prventing is family politics from my side, and the cultural things. There family is not into this stuff. I am stuck in the middle.
So basically I am in 1st year in University; 3 yrs to go and after that I am going to be working inshallah. My dad noticed that I am quite after they went back just last month and came to me and asked whats up with u, you are in the same mood you were 3 years ago etc. And I told him, same thing he said, that he will try to convince my mother but it seems very hard but, don't keep ur hopes high. What I am going through is I am paranoid, mum talks to my sisters and I keep thinking they're saying stuff agianst her, and me. But the thing is that they don't have a valid reason to refuse our marriage. I did a lot of dua in ramadhan alhamdulillah. Had good dreams seeing me and her and my family. But I am afraid her rishta will come soon and afriad I am going to lose her.
Is there antyhing I can do? I am so paranoid, and quiet, and I am also memorizing the Quran on 24th juz. But this is my only wish with her but seems impossible at the moment.
Plz give me your advice Akhis and Ukhtis
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Your not allowed to have any sort of relationship before marriage. Talking to that girl without her muhram was haraam.Listen to your parents they usually know best. Ask yourself why do you wanna marry this girl? Is it because of her piety and righteousness? Is she going to help you draw close to Allah ? Marriage isnt just about love its about responsibilities. If you really want to marry her for the right reasons then do salatul istikarah and consult Allah.
Jazakallah Khair for the advice. Much appreciated.
It is for the right reasons, Yep i agree mistake tlking to her as non mahram
Hmm lets c trying to get over it and be strong INsha:allah
Salaam brother,#
You cannot make your mother change her mind. The best thing is to try to explain how in Islam, it is wrong to refuse a proposal from a good Muslim girl without a good reason. Be kind and patient, I know thats hard but its important. Try to get someone influential to persuade her. InshaAllah your father will. Gulshana is right you shouldnt be talking to her unless she has a mahram present.
I am afraid that there is no magic formula or wand. You can try your best to persuade her with something she can relate to. And involve elders if necessary.
May Allah swt help you resolve this difficult situation and give you whats best.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Jazakallah Khair for the advice. Much appreciated.
Hmm lets c trying to get over it and be strong INsha:allah
yar go ahead with it and try to convince your parents. things don't change overnight. if you are persistent and dedicated then Insha'Allah there will be a way out. No mountain is high to conquer. Furthermore, so far as the potential proposals for your cousin are concerned, she must also play her part and refuse them on one pretext or the other. In the course of time, things will eventually streamline. before i close there is a word of advice, think times and again before you let her go off, you may crave for her all your life.