Does my mother-in-law have any right over my gold?
I am a person who cannot stay away from my husband, he was in gulf and it took 7 mnths to take me. During that time we had many problems coz v wr far. And last of al problems he told me to give all my gold which my parents gave me to give to his mother.i asked y and he said to show them dat i love dem.. i din agree so at last he told me to give what all his mother gave me for engagement... and i din agree wid dat also.. i knew it was for sellin coz dey have already sold my co-sister's, bt he din want it.... al d problems solved. nw she is again askin for it for buyin land for her. is it necessary in islam to give a wife's property or gold or anythn to in laws, i feel i shd only love nd care dem and not give al of wat i hav... can u help me soon? ~ fhan
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Rhe gold u mentioned was it for your dowry or as a gift.
You don't need to give your property or your gold to your in-laws no matter what. Regarding the things your mother in law gave you during engagement, is it your mahr ? If yes, then don't return. If no, do what you wish, but this should not cause anymore troubles in your marriage. Let this not be the cause of fights and arguements. So long as you are not returning your mahr, I think, returning them the extra gifts you got will atleast keep your husband and your in-laws quiet thus not causing fights.
She has no right over your wealth. It is yours and is at your disposal. No one can force you to hand it over to anyone.
Muhammad Waseem Editor
hi..... the gold wich was given durin engagement was not mahr its given as a gift before weddin.... and d gold wich i hav was given to me by my parents for my use.. and not dowry... my mil is a kinda person who wants more nd more money nd complains dat she doesnt hav anythn and evn den she spends a lottttt...... nw she is not askin for it.... thnk god