If a Muslim girl married a Hindu boy, what will her surname be?
If a hindu boy wants to marry a muslim girl what will her surname be?
- farahmaniar
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If a hindu boy wants to marry a muslim girl what will her surname be?
- farahmaniar
Lahowla wala quwata illa billa hil aliyal azeem. May Allah show mercy on all of us on the day of our judgement.
First and foremost, a marriage between a Muslim and Hindu is Haraam is every possible way. Hinduism is not one of the 3 Abrahamic religions. Muslim men are only allowed to marry girl's of one of those 3 Abrahamic religions. Muslims girls can ONLY marry Muslim Men.
If you cannot convince the man to take on the true religion, not a religion with an infinate number of Gods, then end it with him. Your marriage may be allowed culturally or locally, but it will never stand in Islam.
May Allah guide this Muslim sister onto the righteous path, May Allah open her eyes.
There is time for you fix your mistake it's never too late.
Allah knows best, believe in him and his rules.
Brother,i totally respect your feeling and your views about islam.....i too have a great respect toward islam and in same time respect towards other community,but it will be really wrong to say that a muslim girl geting married to a hindu boy would be harem or non islamic......if allah really wanted a muslim girl shdnt get married to hindu boy...he would have never let a muslim girl fall in love with a hindu boy!!!!! At the end of the day we all are sons and daughters of that same god, living under the same roof of sun.....we are no different!! God has created all of us in same way,he has not discriminated between, any of us..then why should we human do that!!!! just think about this from your heart!!!
umakanth, it's silly, or shows a lack of understanding of how Allah works, to say that, "if allah really wanted a muslim girl shdnt get married to hindu boy...he would have never let a muslim girl fall in love with a hindu boy!". Should we also say that it's okay to steal because if Allah really didn't want us to steal, he would not let us have the idea? Or if Allah really didn't want us to murder, He would not let us feel hate?
Allah does not control or manipulate our emotions. Instead, he gives us clear instructions of how to behave in this life, and then He leaves it up to us to follow the instructions. If we obey, we will be rewarded. If we disobey, we will be punished.
Yes, Allah created us all equal, and He commanded us to submit to Him and be obedient, in other words to be Muslim. That's why Muslims a Muslim woman must only marry a Muslim man, so that she will not be seduced or coerced away from the path that Allah wants us to follow. And Muslim men also are recommended to marry Muslim women, or righteous women of the People of the Book.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Should we also say
I am really sorry wael,i cant accept this view because according to me all humans are one,and if we dividing our self saying that you are from different community,thats really unfair...let it be any individual every one needs love to live in this planet...if two individual are in love n they can understand each other very well,we shdnt divide them saying that you dont belong here so pls walk away....instead we should welcome him with a open heart.....according to me there is only one god who has created us,but the only thing we pray him with different names....n neither god wdnt want us humans to get divided!!! he has given us such a beautiful earth to live,n never told humans that this part is yours n that part is of other humans.....its only because of man selfish ness we have created boundaries,saying that you are different from us, so pls dont enter our house!!!! wael all of us have same human heart which beats 72times a min the only thing is our living style is different!!!! so its request from every one pls stop dividing ppl on the basis of religion!!!! god has given us a beautiful house to live(universe) with blue sky,stars,sun etc dont divide our house or break our house because of our own selfishness by creating boundaries!!! remember we all are one.
Umakanth. its not about dividing people or creating segregations among them its about telling them about the reality of this life and what is to come hereafter.
You mentioned that two people in love should not be separated and they should be allowed to join in this life, but as muslims we believe that this is not the only life. This life is just a journey towards an eternal life where we all will live FOREVER.And frankly I cannot imagine forever myself. And what actions we take in this world will determine how we shall live in hereafter.
Your solution of the sister might make her happy in this world. But its quite difficult road ahead for her after this world, if she marries a non-muslim. But if she follows advice and marries a muslim man, or the boy who she is going marry becomes a muslim than with good deeds they can be together in this world and in the world after this world.
Islam is the religion that does not divide the people, based on their race, color, caste, beauty, wealth or anything you can imagine. As muslims we need to draw a line at only one point, and that is between the believers and non-believers. Because we believe that its our duty to help others in this life and for the journey of hereafter to tell them what lies ahead all of us.
My two cents.
Take Care,
umakanth, no one said anything about "don't enter our house." Islam is the religion that has unified all human beings, and in fact Islam completely rejects the idea of discriminating based on factors that people cannot control, such as race or nationality. But Islam does discriminate based on factors that people CAN control, namely belief and behavior. We judge people according to what they believe, and how they act, and this is entirely reasonable.
With that said, we accept all human beings. We can work with anyone, attend school with anyone, talk to anyone... but when it comes to marriage, we must choose a partner who will help us along the path to Paradise. This is also true for our closest friendships. We try to choose people who will help us in our mission to serve Allah, and to reach Paradise.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Nice brother,
i liked your opinion, really that's all i wanted to say, it doesn't mean that only a muslim man can understand the muslim women or any other caste/ religion women better.Really if U want to develop a strong relationship then understand ur partner. Whether he is caring, Can give happiness 2 U & UR life. He is dynamic or not, He can give a good life to 2 & UR future with a better carrer or income. These are the discussins or things you have to think but thinking about the religion in my opinion is wrong
Aas-salam-u-ailaikum wa-rahmat-ullah-wa-barkatuhu !
dear brother,
please send me your email add , i have something very imp to discuss .
i am a muslim girl in love with a hindu boy. i am at loss now...plz help ! for Almighty's sake !
faith, please log in and write your question as a post, and it will be published very soon Insha'Allah.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
plz i request all muslim girls plz dont marry hindus mans or any other disblivers
plz marry to muslims boys only
I am a hindu and i love a muslim girl more than bearable...
i can't live without her, so please stop this discrimination on the basis of religion,
i love her and i can do anything for her..no matter what happens i love her more than my life.
living without her.......aah sorry i cant imagine..
What if i change my religion.......What i'll have to do..???????
i hurt myself if i see her crying.....I cant even think to live without her...!! <3
I am a Hindu boy and I love a Muslim girl .
I don't want to lose her what can I do
please help me
And ans me why a Muslim girl can only marry with Muslim boy
Sameer, the only thing to do is end your relationship with her. It will only cause problems for her. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. And a premarital relationship is a sin in Islam. So leave the girl alone, that's best. As for why it is prohibited, it is a part of our religion, as dictated in the Quran.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
dear ,
faith can you plz help me ...I m a muslim girl in love with a hindu boy.....nd have the same problem like urs...it is almost 2 years and you are married now
i totally agree with u ...... im also in love with an hindu boy bt im confused abt wat i shud be doing....he is very nice and i know dat i wud never be happy without him...my parents r against this bt his parents r not
sarah i wud say that you should do as your heart says but then make sure that there will be enourmous problems and u guys will be alone . the buy shud be well setteled loves u more that anyone and is mentally ready to go against everyone..
i also had the same case i quit because i was not able to go against my parents but if u guys can take all problems .
god bless u ..
Please log in a write your question as a separate post. A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man; it's ordained from Allah (swt) and Prophet (pbuh). It has nothing to do with us Muslims; if you are serious about marrying her then please study about Islam and accept it. You must accept it as it is truth not just to marry her.
Editor, IslamicAnswers.com
don't listen to xyz he will have top answer Allah for what he is doing in life and sarah u will have to answer wht u will do in urs.... even though his opinion/advice sounds supportive, it is wrong... if u r a good muslim u will never go against ur parents like this... i mean in the quran it is said tht this is haram so y even bother making Allah upset like tht... and I hope Allah gives u the right hidaya and u meet the right/ good influencing people tht will help u stay within ur religion..... btw if u ask the boy will he convert 4 u?? like if he truly accepts islam than there is no argument but still if he doesn't Allah has said a believing man is better than a non believer. don't b offended.. i speak as a muslim sister who have someone really close go through this... and i hate to say tht,... they have ruined their family ties... May Allah forgive them and help u in this matter... just pray ur daily salahs and do the istekhra...Allah will make it better 4 u if there is any good in it and if this doesn't happen... don't b heartbroken because Allah might not have given it to u because it was bad for u... but now if u do go through this, don't think Allah accepted of u doing this and tht's y it happened... bcus u had a choice and u already know wht Allah wants.... and on the day of judgement just remember in the quran says people will blame satan and tht's not an excuse cause u have the power to do things...... i know i wrote a lot may b it sounds wrong but know this...... it may seem right to follow the heart but wallah it is just wrong!!! so insha'Allah u won't regret anything and b proud of ur decision bcuz insha'Allah u won't go on the wrong path and tht boy should understand ur side too... i'm just saying.
di u r 100% right
hi SARAH even i love a Muslim girl i m in one state and she is in other state she always says she is just a good friend of me but i love her and even she loves me but she is afraid of her family .........look i m not going to convert her neither i m not going to convert her to Hindu i said her that she can follow her Islamic culture and i will follow my Hindu culture but she is not even strong to face her family i can my parents will love her bcoz my parents just need a a girl who can love our family not an religious worshiper i love her too much i think i think it will end with my life i said if she refuses to marry me i will die...........u r a strong girl plzzzz marry the guy u loved and change the trend i m fed up with this i m in tears since when i met her she always makes me sad ...............plzzzz marry the loved once family will come late bcoz even they love u......
If you did not want a 'religious worshipper', why did you choose to date a Muslim woman? For a Muslim, his/her religion is the focal point and everything revolves around this - not around a boy/girl-friend, a job or money. If this girl is having doubts about marrying you, this is a very good thing. She is most probably thinking about how she will face Allah on the Day of Judgement. If you choose to end your life, this is your own foolishness and by doing so, you are placing a very cheap price on your life. Leave this girl and with time you will both move on.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
please tell me what happen to yours and now what i can do.
I AM IN TEARS, i swear to myself i will not marry anyone else apart from her.
CAUSE I FOUND MY LOVE , and i cannot love more than her anyone else.
While going through all this chat i am more tens,i am hindu n i am in love with muslim boy he is very much loving.He is ready to except me in any way ,even i am elder then him.But his parents wont me to convert into muslim then only they will except me.he love his parents n that is obvious,but he loves me too n don't want to loose any one.
OMG i am a hindu boy and i am in love with a muslim girl named sarah kamal from past 3.5 years and i know that she also like me but whenever i tried to aproach she ignored i dont know why can religion can be some reason?
Ravi, yes, most likely religion is the reason. A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Please do not write in ALL CAPS.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
salam ,
i am a muslim girl and deeply in love with a hindu boy. i never dreamt of anyone else apart from him. if marrying him is haram them why Allah'tala has created them? he trets them equally? he should have stopped creating them??? he never treats them differently nor in terms of mercy or love??? then why he'll hate this relationship??? love is the most purest thing god has ever gifted to humans..........and marriage is only solution to be with our beloved....................................plese answer me........i want to know brother.
Sister, these are all just rationalizations. Allah did not "create" Hindus. He created human beings. Every baby is born pure, on the fitrah, as a Muslim. It is the parents who make him Christian, Hindu or atheist. Yes, Allah created love, and He also gave us guidelines for how to apply it. Just like he created the grape, and we are allowed to enjoy eating them, but we are forbidden to turn them into wine. Same thing with love, we are allowed to enjoy it in the proper halal way, but not in a forbidden way. You should not have allowed yourself to get involved with a Hindu boy in the first place. Now, all you can do is separate yourself from him, no matter how difficult it may be.
If you want a more detailed response then please log in and write your question as a separate post.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
im a girl and im in love with a hindu boy.........
v love more than anything..........
i cant leav him..........
at the same time i cant marrry him............. as per our law...........
what should i do nw
Yes, you can leave him.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Well i would have agreed on this one
And i would be the most happiest person to not see any non muslim around me
But whatever wael said i agree 2 it
That I think is not a humane comment. Whether Hindu, Christian or Muslims we must respect one another!
Bella, you're right about that.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
You are an extremely intolerant person and also extremely lucky that you are still being allowed to post comments on this site.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
may Allah gives hidaya (guidence) to this sister whyh dont you convience him to revert to islam as islam is a true religion indeed there is no word like hindu in hindu scripture
there is no set of rules in hinduism and if there is any these are only for the benefit of men and brahmin
islam is the religion which gives guidence on evry aspect of life right from burth to death and after death
even the scholars and preachers of hinduism also seek changes in hinduism off and on and indeed most of the rules the hindus are following are not found in there own scriptures.
there different rules of every thing for different communities of hindus while in islam the rules are equal for all .
islam leads us to paradise the jannat while hindus believe in punarjanm (rebirth) now if next birth will be in afghanistan than what will he do???
Dear Brother,
How much do you know about Hinduism? I guess you need to read more .
Well u think it will help to read books n for what
why don't you ask him to be a muslim so that you and he can live together here and hereafter in the jannah
becuase according to his faith rebirth will be there and if next birth if is in usa and you africa what will yu do 🙂
lol, i like that africa and USA line, and the other brothers are right, u should not marry outside ur religion, nothing good will come out of it, and families seperate because of these stupid mistakes tht girls and boys make in these ages... i am not just babbling i know how it feels to b in a family where ur sister have done something like tht and ur parents r left to answer the questions of many... i think no one should do something like this to anybody? like if u r thinking of leaving ur religion, or marrying another religion person, think abt ur own sisters how will they get married like who will marry them??, ur one mistake can ruin the life of many...so think of the consiquences.
u know wht the best solution is to convert them for u to islam, but only for u after marriage i hope both of u will pray 5 prayers, and fast.
lol, i know the question was abt ur surname, i think if and when he converts he should name his last name,X, like Malcolm X.. no i'm kidding but still idk the answer to tht. but still choose wisely cause u have to answer to allah... and the decision will effect alot of people. 🙂
and yeah Mohammad (another commenter) is correct leave him if he does not agree to converting, there are plenty of fishes in the sea sisterzzz... so u'll find someone better, who;ll take care of u and it will b good for ur akhira. i'm just saying take m advice or leave it, everyone is going to asnwer for themselves.
- D
So many discussions over the religion.but we all know that love and hatred happens themseves.here it is not the matter to leave the boy.now the girl is having the thought in her mind about the guy.if she will marry another muslim boy can she be honest?is this not a cheating?is this cheating allowed in islam?the boy is not asking her to change her religion,that means he respects islam as well.but at the same time he has a strong beleif on his own religion too.if the two are ready to adjust with both the beleifs on thein own,why it is so big issue.a hindu is also being made by allah.if we accept every creature made by him why not them?i have a strong beleif in allah n no one cud take me elsewhere,but i dont think that loving a hindu boy by heart and soul and marrying a muslim boy just for the people is fair.it is a sin.
Thats the perfect think and answer!
hey r!!
so y do u think Allah has even mentioned in the Quran, for Muslim men & women to marry Muslims and none others (until they believe) ???
Allah (SWT) says in the Quran,” And do not marry the ‘Mushrik’ women unless they come to believe; and a Muslim slave girl is better than a ‘Mushrik’ woman, even though she may attract you; and do not give (your women) in marriage to ‘Mushrik’ men unless they come to believe; and a Muslim slave is better than a ‘Mushrik’ even though he may attract you. They invite to the Fire when Allah invites, by His will, to the Paradise and to forgiveness, and makes His verses clear to the people, so that they may observe the advice. “ Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 221
It is clear from the above verse that Allah prefers marrying a slave girl or a slave boy rather than marrying non-Muslims.
ur thinking is good bro i respect that
but after marriage will the girl be allowed to offer salah n practise islam as a muslim should , if she marries a non muslim(hindu)
will the girl be not force to worship idols as we muslim believe that there is only one god
will the girl be allowed to keep fast during the month of ramzan n during that period u cant do haram even sex when ur fasting n that to for the entire month will his husband control his sexual emotion
n more important the entire month is abt submitting to allah not to human beings
will he be allowed to eat non veg (many hindus dnt eat non veg)
what abt bakhara eid will she be allowed 2 celebrate it as (majority hindus r vegitarian )n cow is a scared animal in ur religion
more important what religion will the children follow islam or hinduism
plz dnt say when
the children will be adult they will choose their religion
either islam or hinduism
No if she marrys another muslim she will do the most righteous thing in here life
Secondly this is not called cheating but a mistake which irrespective of religion every one makes
In my opinion she will be happy with a muslim spouse rather than a non muslim spouse
By the way u respect islam or not is ur own prespective it has nothing 2 do with this girl life n marriage
Love is just a .
This girl in his life has seen this guy for hardly a year or so
So u r saying that its difficult 2 remove a person u have been seeing for just few years
N its easy 2 not follow the commandments of the religion which u were brought up in ur entire life
This is a perfect example and differnce between a muslim and non muslim where non muslim believe everything is revolves around in their life n liesure n happiness in this world
on the other hand the muslim believe that this life is just a test n the really life is the hereafter
This is what muslim dedicate their entire life
N this is the same thing which non muslim cannot understand
In the end muslims n non muslim are not compatable
well done everyone...4 having a polite and respectfull conversation here.
Salam Waleikum,
I think it is totally a personal matter and has to be decided by the boy,girl, and their respective families. As far as religion is concerned in Islam it is forbidden , but i have always believed that Allah is merciful, and since it is a matter of love he will forgive.
no bro its is mentioned in the quran that a muslim should marry only muslims
or converts to islam
no no no, it doesn't work that way, shezad, that's like saying "oh, I will kill knowing that it's wrong and Allah is forgiving, he will forgive" u can't be doing stuff on purpose and then ask for forgiveness, there is a reason we are already told about not marrying into other religions.... just think if u live in a family, u are hurting other people (sin), making your parents tensed (sin), it's not guaranteed that the guy/ girl u marry will let u practice ur religion (islam) and now that i think of it.... in the Quran it says the people who goes off path, Allah lets them go, (which doesn't mean Allah is with them) it just means they are not following Allah's guidance, so Allah gives them (dheal) idk how to say tht word in english, like he lets them loose but one day he will pull that string and them the sinner will come to his sense.... idk watch Parsa, it was a good Pakistani drama, same story, and you'll see the negative about doing this!!
----- sorry for the lonnnng reply, i write long... and sorry also it i offended anyone! 🙂
Wth ...... I am just stunned at some of these comments.
I would insist every muslimah to avoid getting attached to any non-muslim man . If he can't convert , then leave him forever . Allah have saved some one better than him .
salam bro a very good answer
straight answer and correct answer
an even i should add muslims men should also see that they try to marry only muslim girls so that musim girls doesnt ran out of option in our community n commit sin
^ +1
A muslim man ya ur right bro sahi kaha aapne bilkul .........:)
Assalamu alaykum Brothers and sisters.
If I say I want to commit murder and am sure to be caught by the police and jailed in the end by the court, how many of you would be willing to help me?
If I say I want to commit theft and am sure to be caught by the police and jailed in the end by the court, how many of you would be willing to help me?
These are small punishments compared to the great punishment of Allah for the biggest crime a man can do : Disbelieving in Allah and ssociating partners with Him.
The punishment for this crime is not to be caught by police, not to be jailed by court, but a life of ease, then death and then a Day, a Long Day, a Heavy Day, The Day of Judgment, when the all of mankind will be judged and this crime will also be judged.
And then, there would be no lawyer, no escapre, only Allah and His punishment of Hell. Eternal Fire, to burn for ever. To hear other painful cries. To hear cries of agony and pleading for respite from the punishment for a while. But no help on that Day. Punishment after punishment in pairs. Buring in extreme heat and then freezing in extreme cold which would crackle the bones and punishments beyond these in pairs, in extremes. No food other than filth. Food that would choke the throat and more punishments of boiling water poured when thirst is felt. And this would be ever lasting. Continuing, on and on, no stopping of punishment, no escape from this place. This is not a jail, this is Hell, prepared for the criminals. Those who disbeliever their Lord and associated partners with Him.
And when Allah has commanded : Do not marry an idolator until he believes and you still ignore it, do you have safety from the Doom of Allah , do you gurantee yourself any refuge from His punishment?
So now if a Hindu boy comes and asks you to marry him. Would you help him in this even after knowing that you would die and then return to Allah and on the Day of Judgment He would judge you and order you to be thrown into the Fire of Hell? Answer me if you are truthful.
Allah invites you to forgiveness and immense rewards if you believe - Gardens underneath which rivers flow, prepared for the good. Who gave up their desires and submitted to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. There they live forever. In mansions, with their families, secure, there they are served by servants like hidden pearls. There they have all that their hearts desire, contentment from Allah and ever more. Their sins are forgiven, if Allah wills and they are given a light which shines forth and they are given silk attire and goblets of silver and bracelets and cool and pure drinks served in glasses like silver and couches to recline and pleasures and no sun's heat nor the heat of Hell touching them. They dwell there in peace and their words there in are "Peace" and there they do not feel tired nor do they here any vain conversation and they say " Praise be to Allah, who hath fulfilled His promise and given us safety from a painful punishment".
O my people ! Would any of you like to have a Garden and lofty halls and grapeyards and orchards for himself? Come than O my people ! Submit to the Reminder of Allah. O ye people ! Hear the call of Allah and turn not away in blindness and deafness, but pay heed to Allah's Reminder.
O sisters ! These invite you to the Fire. Allah invites you to Forgiveness from Him and Gardens underneath which rivers flow.
O sisters ! Do not destroy your own soul. Worst is the case of him who is at open feud with Allah. Sell not the life of this world for a greiveous Herferatfer, but turn to Allah, submissive and seek forgiveness !
And remember, whosoever does good, it is for himself only. No laden one shall bear the burden of another. And Allah is altogether ndependent of His slaves.
Your brother,
And even after knowing Allah's commandment she marries an idolator. She has option of keeping any surname she likes as such the apt surname (better title) would be " As haabun Naar" or " Companions of the Fire".
Except if Allah wills and brings her or him together to Islam, than they may change the surname from " As haabun Naar" to " Muslim or Mu'min".
Choice is on them. If they do not care about the Fire, why do they care about a mere surname? What difference would it cause when the ultimate abode for the disbelievers is the abode of Hell.
* * *
just want to tell u only one thing that if u love some one don't see the community or religion infect i love a muslim girl deep from my heart but my parents are saying that i am wrong tell me in what way i am wrong i can't leave without her she is my life and my parents are my every thing plz help me i am asking help from muslim brother and sister to help me regarding it
devash rana
devash, as Muslims we must have a broader vision. We believe that the purpose of life is to worship Allah and achieve Jannah (Paradise). So we must choose a partner who will help us achieve that goal, Insha'Allah. It cannot just be about love and nothing else.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Assalamu alaykum Devarsh,
Your life can only be "Allah". No one has the right to be called he is my life, she is my life.
The reality of the world is people come and go and the eternal reality is God remains.
If it were not for His mercy, you would not have come and see this world, His creation, or He could have made you deaf or dumb or blind, but he gave you eyes, ears, tounge, Thank Him for that. He is your all. To Him you belong and to Him you return with your death and to His is the raising up again a second time to show you your deeds and they He will judge if you go to Paradise or Hell.
If you believe in Him, you shall be safe. If you don't believe or ascribe partners or worship idols, your matter is with Allah and a Punishment of Fire awaits those who ascribe partners to their Lord.
Islam rejects idol worship as false and a great wrong and mockery of God, as He is The Supreme, there do not exist any other gods along with Him and most important, the idols and images are made by man, they did not create man but man created them of his own mind.
Where as Allah, He is the Certain Truth, The Creator of all, who Himself is not Created.
You should read the Qur'an and know Islam for yourself Devarsh, Insha Allah.
I quote a few verses of the Qur'an here from Surah 14, Ibrahiim :
9. Hath not the history of those before you reached you: the folk of Noah. and (the tribes of) Aad and Thamud, and those after them? None save Allah knoweth them. Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs, but they thrust their hands into their mouths, and said: Lo! we disbelieve in that wherewith ye have been sent, and lo! we are in grave doubt concerning that to which ye call us.
10. Their messengers said: Can there be doubt concerning Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth? He calleth you that He may forgive you your sins and reprieve you unto an appointed term. They said: Ye are but mortals like us, who would fain turn us away from what our fathers used to worship. Then bring some clear warrant.
11. Their messengers said unto them: We are but mortals like you, but Allah giveth grace unto whom He will of His slaves. It is not ours to bring you a warrant unless by the permission of Allah. In Allah let believers put their trust!
12. How should we not put our trust in Allah when He hath shown us our ways? We surely will endure that hurt ye do us. In Allah let the trusting put their trust!
13. And those who disbelieved said unto their messengers: Verily we will drive you out from our land, unless ye return to our religion. Then their Lord inspired them, (saying) : Verily We shall destroy the wrong doers,
14. And verily We shall make you to dwell in the land after them. This is for him who fearth My Majesty and feareth My threats.
15. And they sought help (from their Lord) and every froward potentate was brought to naught;
16. Hell is before him, and he is made to drink a festering water.
17. Which he sippeth but can hardly swallow, and death cometh unto him from every side while yet he cannot die, andbefore him is a harsh doom.
18. A similitude of those who disbelieve in their Lord: Their works are as ashes which the wind bloweth hard upon a stormy day. They have no control of aught that they have earned. That is the extreme failure.
19. Hast thou not seen that Allah hath created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He will, He can remove you and bring (in) some new creation.
20. And that is no great matter for Allah.
21. They all come forth unto their Lord. Then those who were despised say unto those who were scornful: We were unto you a following; can ye then avert from us aught of Allah's doom? They say: Had Allah guided us, we should have guided you. Whether we rage or patiently endure is (now) all one for us: we have no place of refuge.
22. And Satan saith, when the matter hath been decided: Lo! Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and ye obeyed me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can ye help me. Lo! I disbelieved in that which ye before ascribed to me. Lo! For wrong doers is a painful doom.
23. And those who believed and did good works are made to enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow, therein abiding by permission of their Lord, their greeting therein: Peace!
24. Seest thou not how Allah coineth a similitude: A goodly saying, as a goodly tree, its root set firm, its branches reaching into heaven,
25. Giving its fruit at every season by permission of its Lord? Allah coineth the similitudes for mankind in order that they may reflect.
26. And the similitude of a bad saying is as a bad tree, uprooted from upon the earth, possessing no stability.
27. Allah confirmeth those who believe by a firm saying in the life of the world and in the Hereafter, and Allah sendeth wrongdoers astray. And Allah doeth what He will.
28. Hast thou not seen those who gave the grace of Allah in exchange for thanklessness and led their people down to the Abode of Loss,
29. (Even to) hell? They are exposed thereto. A hapless end!
30. And they set up rivals to Allah that they may mislead (men) from His way. Say: Enjoy life (while ye may) for lo! your journey's end will be the Fire.
31. Tell My bondmen who believe to establish worship and spend of that which We have given them, secretly and publicly, before a day cometh wherein there will be neither traffic nor befriending.
Salaam. Try to read the Qur'an and know more about Islam. Insha Allah.
* * *
Therefor give good tidings (O Muhammad) to my bondmen, who hear advice and follow the best thereof. Such are those whom Allah guideth, and such are men of understanding.- Surah 39, Az Zumar, verse 17-18.
bro ur parents r right u should leave this girl n find some one in ur owncommunity
if u wanna marry this then u have to accept islam coz marraiges betn muslim n non muslim is not allowed
if u cant convert which will offend ur family then plz leave this girls n find someonje good in your own community
omg!!!! no brother that's really wrong and you being cynical,myself being a hindu i do fast during ramzan, i am not in love with any girl but i do respect the feelings of all religions.....see if your in love with some one nothing stops you to be with them,
you can make your mind to understand that you shdnt love that girl because she is not from your community but not your heart,because when you fall in love, your heart dsnt knoe that she is from different community and he shdnt go further it just happens
no god wants his children to be sad,every god wants there children to be happy..........God is one the only thing is, we workship in different ways............without gods concern nothing happens in this world...........so pls brothers stop dividing people in the name of religion we all are one and created by one god,and lets thank him for giving us this life .....no offence
thank you 🙂 🙂
Hi All,
I have seen people suggesting that the boy should adopt Islam and only that way it is possible to marry a Hindu boy. I have few questions. Please help me find answers to those.
1. What does it take to adopt Islam. What all rituals will have to be completed?
2. What if the girl adopts Hinduism? She is no more entitled for hell because she is not a Muslim any more.
Adopting Islam is not ritual ceremony.
It comes from within, the call to heart, which the eyes of the heart see and the heart hears and responds to by submitting to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Creator of all things.
Islam means submission to Allah. What he says you do, what he abstains you from, you do not do.
This state is called Islam. However, it is recommended that you proclaim your faith in Islam by the proclaimation that Allah is the only God, there is no other god but He and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Messenger. This signifies your belief in the oneness of Allah and the Message of the Qur'an given to the Prophet to be delivered to mankind. This is of course external action, but it should come from within and not just for show off to get married with a Muslim.
If a girl accepts Hinduism, she goes from Guidance to Misguidance, Knowledge to Ignorance, Light to Darkness, Heaven to Hell.
Because she rejects Islam, she rejects the Qur'an and rejects the Messengers of Allah (peace be upon them) and she rejects faith in Allah, there by rejecting faith in His Power and His attributes and rejects all good guidance she could recieve from her Lord.
So what else can she have except wander blindly in the life of the world and Fire in the Hereafter?
May Allah save those who have a will to turn to Him, indeed Allah knows best the secrets of hearts.
As salamu alaykum, brother Munib,
Jazak Allahu Khayran.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Waleykum Assalaam,
Remember me in your du'aas and ask Allah to keep me firm on Islam.
Your brother.
I will, Insha´Allah.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
As salamu alaykum, Lover,
You already have received a good answer, but if you want to know more, please log in and submit your question, this is the right procedure to have your question answered, this will be the best way to respect the queue. Thank you.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
ILL ALSO ADD THIS THAT....................
sorry fr previous one.
wht about shahruk khan and
Muslim boy nd hindu girl?
Still forbidden in Islam. Followers of hinduism are not people of the Book.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
how can i convince a hindu boy receive islam in an internal feeling... cause from the birth of him he loved his family..his religion ..his mom sister brother...then how is it possible for him to convert.. he respect his religion..and so i...i respect my religion and i love Allah... i never wanted this..but its just happen.. and i never respect any boy like... he is just an awsome person i have ever seen... our prophet MUHAMMAD (SM) is my favorite personality.. and i saw the same type of humanity in him.... and he is just a pure man... our love is sooo pure and ..no one can imagine ..how is like that... and im not a teen girl..im enough matured and he is too...... i dont know what ll happen next in my life.. but .. love is the best abstraction of Allah.. and i felf it truely for some one... and with all of conversions is like fighting.. so im scared...
Dont compare any mortal n imean any mortal to our prophet mohammed comparision
No mortal in this world come near our prophet mohammed
you all make me sick! ok so what is the convo still about!!! this question has been there since old times! back in the day if you do something like that the parents would kill you calling it "honor killing" not just becuz of religion but bcuz of caste too!!!
anyways people understand this, if u still ask "hindu marry muslim" or vice versa or muslim marry any other religion not mentioned in the quran, the answer is that it can't happen!
everyone is just putting in there opinions and it's nothing else but opinions piling up! the fact still is
MUSLIM CAN'T MARRY NON-MUSLIMS!!!!! it does not matter if you can make it work, basically if u r gonna runaway w/ a boy who is not muslim, just know this, U yourself , don't know what islam is all about!(Allah is the best judge of tht) .
so to end my message i will like to say, Y UPSET FAMILY, AND put their heads down w/ shame! those who can fight this, their emotion, and say no to all this worldly pleasures are the true winners (surah Ash- Shams).......
so stop creating questions tht u know the answer to already.... control your emotions, and get more knowledge of islam and try to become close to Allah, He will help u out if u r in this situation...... and don't let your iman be this weak!!!!!
and i saw a comment up there, like i like a girl and she's in another state... and she can follow her religion and i'll follow mine!!? just know this after you get married u won't be any religious.... following Islam means u don't get out of limits.. and marrying you will be not following THE RELIGION... and no one should be afraid of their parent, it's Allah you have face on the day of Judgement! so stop doing more sins.. and marry men of the book who have converted -- (surah bakara)
lastly................... i suggest not to get married to people who convert for you, w/o knowing what islam is all about.... marry those who convert bcuz they know islam is the true religion,... seriously!!!!
sorry if i sound rude messaging this.... it's just tht people are saying how they'll make it through makes me sick... i know this bcuz of my own close family member tht it does not work out, but u do end up losing your family!!! not good!!! so plz read the quran, do numaz, become close to Allah...... and Allah only guide those who want to change... it's a process u can't get it your way always!
Yes, you do sound rude. This is not the right tone for advising people, if you expect them to listen.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Hi,I am a 'hindu' boy and I am in deep love with a 'muslm' girl.I want to ask you people that is falling in love a sin in quran,more over if i convert to islam then the marriage is allowed with muslim girl.what makes you people think that as the person is going to change to islam and he would become a eligible bachelor I mean how can one change there inherent soul .we hindus don't believe in a single god we believe that every particle created by god has its power in it There is only one supreme power that has made every thing .The supreme power comes in front of us in which ever form it likes . I earlier thought that islam is a religion of universal inclusion but i now think that it is religion of universal exclusion .
Rohit, Islam recognizes the humanity of all people, and the right of all people to safety, dignity, and justice. However, when it comes to things like marriage and close friendships, we do indeed discriminate based on faith and character. Those are our criteria. We are a religion of universal inclusion - we do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, nationality, language or appearance. These things are irrelevant because they are out of people's control. No one can control his race or lineage - it is given to him by Allah. Many Muslims may fail to practice these ideals because of ignorance, but the religion of Islam came to destroy all barriers of race, nationality and lineage, and make all human beings equal. We have no castes, no nobles or untouchables.
As I said, we discriminate between people based on the factors that they do control - their faith, and their behavior. You can convert to Islam, and then you will become part of the universal brotherhood and sisterhood of Islam - so you are not being excluded at all. It's your choice.
Your religion as you have described it is similar to that of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They believed in Allah, but they also believed that their idols had power, and acted as intercessors between them and Allah. This is what Islam calls shirk, associating partners with Allah, and it is considered to be the greatest sin. These idols that people make with their hands have no power to hurt or help. They are deaf and dumb. To worship them is an abomination.
The fundamental principle of Islam is that Allah is One, alone with no partners.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
so what do I have to do to marry the girl i love?plz suggest steps through which it is possible.
U cannot marry this girl unless ur are a muslim
Firstly , u have to convert to islam
And if u don't want to convert and remain a hindu then sorry my friend u have to forget here and look for a girl which is a hindu and u don't have to convert ur religion
now plz don't ask questions as
1 y I have to leave my religion
2 if i'm not telling here 2 accept hinduism than y should I accept islam
So plz if u want to marry her than u have to convert
Otherwise u have plenty of options for ur marriage
By plenty of option in ur marriage I mean that u have plenty of girls in hinduism which u can choose to marry
I'm a hindu guy, not very religious, but very respective of all religions. I have more muslim friends than hindu. I go to India and pray in the temples sometimes - both sikh and hindu. I go with my muslim friends and pray before eid and fast for ramadan. I don't hate any religion but at the same time, I'm not very religious at all. I only pray to calm my own mind and be with friends.
I like a muslim girl. I am willing to convert to Islam if need be, since I am not particularly attached to any religion. Even as a muslim though, I want to be able to visit other temples. Even go to golden temple and pray, which is neither hindu nor muslim, but sikh. Relgion doesn't matter to me, but community does. My family does not care if I switch as they are also not very religious.
Is there any problems for me in the future?
A Muslim can pray anywhere, as the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "All the earth is a masjid (prayer place), pure and clean."
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
@Wael - u dint understand what A is telling here.
What i understand from him is that even if he accepts Islam. He wants to go to temple and pray to idols. which is not right at all.
@A -
We Muslims worship Allah - the only one GOD who created you and me and all that exists.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allaah), Who has created you and those before you so that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious).” [al-Baqarah 2:21]
Everything that is worshiped instead of Allaah can neither bring benefit nor cause harm, it can neither create nor provide. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say (O Muhammad, to mankind); ‘How do you worship besides Allaah something which has no power either to harm or to benefit you? But it is Allaah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower.’” [al-Maa’idah 5:76]
“You worship besides Allaah only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides Allaah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allaah (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back.” [al-‘Ankaboot 29:17]
May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, his family and Companions!
@Wael - u dint understand what A told here.
What i understand from him is that even if he accepts Islam. He wants to go to temple and pray to idols. which is not right at all.
@A -
We Muslims worship Allah - the only one GOD who created you and me and all that exists.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allaah), Who has created you and those before you so that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious).” [al-Baqarah 2:21]
Everything that is worshiped instead of Allaah can neither bring benefit nor cause harm, it can neither create nor provide. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say (O Muhammad, to mankind); ‘How do you worship besides Allaah something which has no power either to harm or to benefit you? But it is Allaah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower.’” [al-Maa’idah 5:76]
“You worship besides Allaah only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides Allaah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allaah (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back.” [al-‘Ankaboot 29:17]
May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, his family and Companions!
Well wael a muslim can pray anywhere on earth but for that 2 happen he should see that the place is clean and there is no disturbance and while he is praying he does not create any type of blockage to other ppl (I mean u can't just go in the middle of the road and start praying )
And also muslim can't pray in temple , synogaue , gurdwara , church , only in mosque
secondly, A going to gurdwara , dargha , or other religious place is not a big deal , that doesn't give u a green card to marry a muslim girl
Thirdly , it see u just want to convert for sake of marriage , do a favor not for anyone but for the sake of the girl don't ruin her life , coz islam is not a passport for non-muslim to just convert and marry a muslim girl , it mean total submissions towards allah and believe mohd is the messenger of allah tallah
It's not true that a Muslim can only pray in a mosque. A Muslim can pray in any place that is clean, including a church, synagogue or temple. And yes, as you said, he should not block the way.
However, if there are statues or idols in that place, then the ulemaa' have said that it is makrooh (disliked) to pray there. Some say it is haram.
You can read more here:
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Firstly it should be made clear that the prayer you are refering to is the salah prayers and not going to a church or a synagogue or the temple to pray the way the nonmuslim do pray.... And secondly i parsonally will not reccomend a muslim to go and offer his salat prayers in a church or any other temple where people invoke and worship others beside Allah... The land of Allah is vast, you can worship him any where in the world.. Why must it be a church or a synagogue or any temple where people do commit the worst sin (shirk) and showing disobedience and ungratitude to there creator (ALLAH) by worshiping and associating partners to Him???
Perhaps to do Dawah to them through your act of worship and show them how we believe everywhere belongs to Allah and is His land not theirs? So who can stop His servants from praying to Him there?
Although I personally would never pray where I'm sorrounded by idols/images and think it is wrong to do so, unless compelled to do so.
Was salaam
Yes, I was referring to salat, not to Christian prayers or Hindu prayers, etc. Also, I am not recommending for Muslims to go do salat in the church. I was only addressing the question of whether it is haram or not.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Oh boy, so no matter what you do, a person cannot marry a muslim girl unless he's born muslim. I know more about Islam than some of the newer generation that are born into Islam. You would rather have a delinquent marry a muslim girl than a person with good moral standing regardless of his religion of origin? There are more people in this world who are born muslims but do not believe in any of the Islamic teachings, however follow the traditions simply to stay within the community.
Once upon a time, we all used to pray in the same places and nobody cared. If you are so self-critical that you must be surrounded by other Allah worshipers and nobody else, then I think that's a lack of insecurity for if you truly are devoted to Allah, you would not mind praying in front of others who are not muslim.
Lastly, I do not mind the consequences. I trust Allah to any judgment he casts upon me in the next world. So if you believe that I'm not genuinely doing this, then that's fine. I'd rather face punishment than fool myself into thinking that I can blindly follow something I cannot agree with it.
Oh can u tell me what was it all about ?
There are more born muslim in the world but do not believe in the any of islamic teaching ? How did u come to know can u tell me their names/country/how many born muslim do not believe in islamic teaching.( will be helpful)
Secondly if ur truly devoted u would not mined praying in front of non muslim ?
First of all brother for a muslim male it Is advisable that he prays only in mosque regular (so plz bring non-muslim to mosque we will pray in front of them)
Once upon a time we used to pray in the same places and nobody care
Well which time was it when along with jews in synogaue muslim n christian prayed or along with christian in church jews and muslim prayed or along with muslims in mosque jews and christian would pray can (u give me the date)
Look brother pray is between a muslim and allah , its is not a look at me how I worship thing that muslim gather nonmmuslim before Salah and pray in front of them
Thirdly , no matter what u do u cannot marry a muslim girl unless ur a born muslim ?
> no u can marry a muslim girl if u sincerely convert and accept islam if u cannot do this ,( than no matter what u do u cannot marry a muslim girl)
Fourtly, I do not mind the consequences ?
Yes sure u will . When time comes
Fifty , u wanna face the punishment in the hereafter ? Well I hope u can handle it good luck
Plz muslim don't get a misconception of where muslim should pray , first try to pray regularly in mosque and after than tell others location where to pray
And I think this should be made a separate topic isn't it
Bro A, what is it that you cannot agree with in Islam?
No, a Muslim girl should not marry a man who is a 'so called' Muslim, rather she should marry a man who is a true Muslim and preferably even more pious than her in his religion. This is so that she can improve herself throughout her married life and achieve the ultimate goal, of being a good slave to Allah and pleasing Him. THIS is the reason why she isn't allowed to marry a non Muslim.
For a Muslim, Islam cannot be part time thing. You must have heard of 'Deen'? Deen does not mean. religion but ' a way of life.' Islam is our full time commitment. What are the chances of you having a future with a Muslim knowing this fact?
I invite you to inshallah study Islam with an open heart and then make a choice after that. If you are based in India then I recommend you to visit Zakir Naik's org called IRF. Him or his students can answer any of the queries you have regarding all religions not just Islam inshallah.
I pray that Allah guides you and me towards His light, ameen.
Was salaam
Brother Faith, thanks, I will definitely consider doing that. However, I'm not in India. There are things that I disagree with every religion I encounter, I cannot deny this. Even though I was born a Hindu, I don't believe in most of the teachings.
I am a simple person, who is kind to others and treats them as I would want to be treated. I do follow traditions of certain religions even though I am not of that religion. I do not pray to worship, but to be thankful for everything I have and do not ask for anything in return. It also gives me peace in my mind when I do this.
I want to respect Islam's teachings, which is why I am posting my questions here. Even though I like a muslim girl, if I cannot genuinely accept Islam, then I am willing to not marry anyone. I guess this is the only way I can respect her and respect Islam. Btw, in Bollywood, almost same thing happened - Dev Anand (hindu) and Suiraya (muslim). Suiraya remained unmarried her whole life.
Let me ask one more thing, what if two people chose not to marry nor have children, can they still live together?
Brother Trueblood, I am in no way telling you where you are supposed to pray. You choose what you believe is right. However, I do not think if a person chooses to pray in a place that is not a mosque is bad. Then again, these are my own personal views which may not match with the views of the Qur'an.
It is from my own experiences in life that I have encountered many people who are adults and not teenagers, which are born Muslim, but neither care for Islam or follow any of its teachings. In the end these people are considered Muslim and I am not since I was not born Muslim. This is the reason why I said what I said. If you want their names, I can provide you with them, but I would be breaking privacy laws. The country is USA and I have lost count of how many I encountered.
Yes, I cannot provide you with the exact date or record and prove my assertion as you cannot disprove this assertion. All I know is that me and my friends are of different religions and yet, we do pray in the same place, and I am sure that before the time of religious wars, there was a time of understanding and tolerance.
Lastly yes, I honestly rather face judgment than pretend to be someone I am not.
Brother A, you seem like a wise person with a sense of conscience. Something rare to find in today's world, regardless of whether that person is deemed 'religious' or not (though religion is supposed to wake up our conscience but people don't always allow it to).
Your stance in life, of 'treating others the way you want to be treated' reminds me of Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) words: " None of you believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself." So yes you definitely do take from religion, perhaps a lot more than you even notice. Which is why I did ask you, what is it specifically in Islam that you have said you 'cannot agree with'? I request you to please be cautious as to where you get your information from and to certainly not trust the media with the Islam they portray. Don't even judge Islam by the Muslims. Judge it by the Scripture, The Quran, and Muhammad (pbuh).
Even if you don't live in India, you have access to Zakir Naik's lectures online and the best is his satellite television channel 'Peace TV' where a lot of his lectures are broadcasted to explain Islam and a lot of the issues that cause confusion amongst non Muslims.
Brother, the same thing didn't happen in Bollywood. Even Dev Anand got married despite the fact he couldn't marry suraiya, lol. As always the woman turned out to be the faithful one, dedicating her love to one man and willing to wait for him all her life! Mr Anand just got married again. lol
Jokes aside though, doesn't your creator deserve more respect than this girl you love? After all, she's only created by him. Maybe you have been brought to this position in life to find out what really is the truth in this world with so many religions and philosophies flying around(?)
Anyhow, regarding your question of whether it would be permissible for a man and woman to live together but not marry or have children, no that is not okay. That is also haraam (prohibited). Muslims (regardless of gender) are not permitted to have pre-marital relationships. Girlfriend boyfriend relationships are not permissble in Islam. There are strict prohibitions on gender mixing yes, but this is to have a chaste and pure society. Co-habiting is not recognised in Islam (or any religion really).
If two people want to live together, God has made it compulsory that they have some form of bond where they know and adhere to their rights and responsibilities. And that is what marriage is about and only through marriage is your partner truly respected.
(ps: I am a sister.)
Sister Faith,
Thanks for answering. Yes, Dev Anand definitely did not have enough strength. The point of my example was, regardless of gender, that someone stayed unmarried their whole life. If someone of Islam decided to this and chose not to marry a muslim, do you not think that something needs to be addressed?
It's interesting you say this because I see many boyfriend/girlfriend relationships where both are muslim. Does this mean that these people are already at haraam level? This is another example of how today's generation does not necessary follow Islam's teachings. With every generation, more people are twisting religion to fit their own needs.
For me, religion is very simple, there is no need for complicated philosophy, your brain and heart is your church and temple and the philosophy is just kindness. I have lived this way pretty much my whole life. Yes, I was born into a religion, but that does not necessary define who I am. I understand, however, that there are many people who cannot do this because not everyone knows what kindness is, which is why religion is needed to guide them.
"No, a Muslim girl should not marry a man who is a 'so called' Muslim, rather she should marry a man who is a true Muslim and preferably even more pious than her in his religion. This is so that she can improve herself throughout her married life and achieve the ultimate goal, of being a good slave to Allah and pleasing Him. THIS is the reason why she isn't allowed to marry a non Muslim."
See here is something I disagree with right now. I do not think anyone should be a slave to anyone, regardless of their status. One should respect elders and be thankful to them and learn from them, but not be a slave to them. Another thing is why is that the man has to be even MORE pious than the woman in the religion? Another thing is that this is assuming that the muslim that she is marrying is actually religious. What happens if the girl is infact MORE religious than the muslim-born that she is marrying?
Bro A,
Yes ofcourse the people who are in a relationship before marriage are at a 'haraam level.' This is why I told you not to judge Islam by the Muslims. Muslims should be following Islam but do we always? No. We are human, we either fall weak to our desires and end up disobeying the rules set by Allah in the process or we are either ignorant of it. Muslims commit sins too. And so we not only thank God for everything he has blessed us with but repent to Him too.
"If someone of Islam decided to this and chose not to marry a muslim, do you not think that something needs to be addressed?"
I'm assuming by saying 'someone of Islam' you are referring to a Muslim here?
If so then..no. Because point being is that us Muslims cannot change Islam. The prohibition has been laid for a a Muslim in that they cannot marry a Hindu. We cannot change any aspect of our religion. If we could, do you think it would be correct to then call it the religion of God? If Islam was a religion where anything could be done about something which is clearly (Authentic that is) from the Quran or Sunnah, then I would not have been a part of it, as any religion which has the word and opinions of man replacing that of God's is not one worth following. This also is related to the point about us being slaves of Allah and you not liking such a term. The example you gave of elders is different because a Muslim would too would never use the term 'slave' for that. It is only appropiate when used for Allah. We are only slaves of the creator. Perhaps you do not like this term because of the image ascribed to 'slavery.' I think most of us imagine a slave to be one who has no rights and one whom the master has total control over.
We have rights and free will but Allah remains our 'Maula' (master). We will use this free will to obey Him and with the freedom that we have been given, we choose to do the right things in order to please Him. This is our ultimate goal - to serve our creator. That is done through giving God the rights He has over us as well as his creatures. It is fantastic that we fulfill one part, that of serving his creatures the way He has instructed us to -with kindness- but why is it that in todays world God is taken out of the equation? Isn't it even better to fulfill the rights of his creatures by treating everyone with kindness but also recognising who is our Lord and having a personal relationship with Him too? Surely that is of a higher level?
Regarding the man being more pious, that was not a religious ruling! I hope you didn't undertsand it like that. Islam does not instruct a woman that she has to marry a man who is definitely more pious than her. However, what the prophet instructed us to look for when marrying is piety, and that applies to both man and woman. We have to consider how righteous that person is. So naturally, if someone was a good Muslim and wanted a successful marriage, they would themself want to marry someone who is more pious than them. The only reason why I said women are recommended to marry men more pious is because of this fact: that generally, women follow men. This IS the trend in the world and especially in a marital relationship. The man is dominant and women seem to be more compromising and give in more. Even the example of Dev Anand and Suraiya prove it as to how the woman will go extra for the man but the man will not as easily. Of course there are exceptions to this but rules and recommendations are made based on the "majority" and "generally"...not a few exceptions. So certain scholars reccommend us muslim sisters to marry men who's religion is even better than ours because of this gender nature. Sometimes we also see the case of a more pious woman who changes the man and makes him more religious in a marriage.
So yes, it IS allowed that a more pious woman marries the less religious man (whether born muslim or revert).
"For me, religion is very simple, there is no need for complicated philosophy, your brain and heart is your church and temple and the philosophy is just kindness. I have lived this way pretty much my whole life..."
Do you believe in a God? If so, how do you know for sure what that God wants of you? In every relationship, for it to be a healthy one atleast (or to even exist), it needs to be a two way relationship where both parties are aware of each other and preferably directly. How do you know what God wants of you, where do you get your morality from? WHO is the ultimate judge when humans cannot agree on something (which happens too often lol) ? Is there any use in beliving a God yet not knowing who He is, what He wants, what His words and wants and laws are for us?
Just a thought.
"The man is dominant and women seem to be more compromising and give in more. Even the example of Dev Anand and Suraiya prove it as to how the woman will go extra for the man but the man will not as easily."
Then I must be the exception b/c I live within a family where there men are not dominant (including me). Yes, for the majority that may be true, but I hate to generalize. The examples of a few do not set the rules of the many.
"If Islam was a religion where anything could be done about something which is clearly (Authentic that is) from the Quran or Sunnah, then I would not have been a part of it, as any religion which has the word and opinions of man replacing that of God's is not one worth following."
Who is to say that a human did not write the Qur'an with his or her opinions?
Why must we believe that Qur'an is law and infallible? Surely, you must realize in this generation (2011) that the time that the Qur'an was written, there has been much change. How do we know that Qur'an are the true words of Allah himself?
"Do you believe in a God? If so, how do you know for sure what that God wants of you? In every relationship, for it to be a healthy one atleast (or to even exist), it needs to be a two way relationship where both parties are aware of each other and preferably directly. How do you know what God wants of you, where do you get your morality from? WHO is the ultimate judge when humans cannot agree on something (which happens too often lol) ? Is there any use in believing a God yet not knowing who He is, what He wants, what His words and wants and laws are for us?
Just a thought."
Who am I to say what is right or wrong. My morality originates from my experiences, observations, and conscience. I am always learning as that is a continuous process in life. I am in no means perfect nor do I pretend to be. I make mistakes just like other people, but I always correct them once I realize what I did was incorrect morally. Hence, no I do not GET my morality from God. I get it from logic and reasoning. I will yield to a younger person even if that person is just a kid if the person provides sound reasoning behind his or her actions and justifications. Most of these reasonings and logic are the basis of every religion with many variations and modifications. It is these variations that I have adopted some of my own. There are a system of laws in every government that are set to resolve disputes, most of these countries do not rely on religious texts, but on evidence and reasoning. Even the judge in a court is not the ultimate authority, those were the old ways.
All my actions are not b/c I fear punishment or that God is telling me that's the only right way, I do them because I know in my heart that is the right thing to do unless proven otherwise.
Why did you deleted my comment?? You people dont want someone to speak the truth no matter how harsh or ugly it may sound.. And if it is one of d editors that made thesame comment, none of you would have delete it.... Its sometime sad to be experiencing things like this. Sometimes, the commentators give better advice than the editors of this site. We are all here just for the sake of Allah and to strive in his course.. I ALWAYS LIKE MY SELF TO BE CORRECTED, CAN SOMEONE POINT OUT A SINGLE ERROR IN THE COMMENT YOU DELETED??? And if there is not, then in the name of Allah, i request you to post it back for Mr A. To read for him self... Wassalam
Mohd, you told someone that they will get punished in Hell and will be there forever... who do you think you are to make such a judgment? Only Allah can determine a person's fate in the aakhirah. You do not know the future, and you cannot determine a person's judgment or fate. Your comment was unproductive and arrogant.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
I didnt judge him!!, i only assure/guarantee him what he wish or seek for himself.. Read his first comment carefully and u will observe what am saying.. . . . . . . ALLAH SAID '''...then whenever there comes to you guidiance from me, and whoever follows my guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve''' '''but those who disbelieve and deny our ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc)- such are the dwellers of the fire. They shall abide therein forever.. Koran2:38-39... Then what are you defending???, i only qouted what Allah said..
It's one thing to quote what Allah says in the Quran; that is fine. But it's another thing to say to a specific person, you will go to hell. You cannot make that judgment. A person might accept Islam before he dies, he might be forgiven by Allah, you do not know what will happen.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
This is exactly what I'm talking about. The intimidation and fear of going to hell should not drive a person to believe in a religion, one must truly understand and accept it. In my own heart, I do not believe that Allah would send a person to hell just for listening to his own brain and if he does, then I'd rather burn in hell than to be accepted to heaven on false premises.
This kind of extremism is what drives me away from religion sometimes, but I know there are wise and kind people who are religious out there so I will not judge a religion based on the actions of a few.
Brother Mohd, whenever you give Nasihah, and even more importantly when you are diving Dawah, remember to abide by this verse:
"Invite to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fairpreaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided." [al-Qur'aan, 16:125]
Was your comment one that did as Allah instructs us above?
Even Allah (swt) always puts the reminder of Paradise together with that of Hell. He knows our nature which is why even the prophet s.a.w was told:
"It was by the mercy of God that you were gentle to them; if you had been harsh and hard of heart, they would have dispersed from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult with them in the affair. And when you are resolved, then put your trust in God; surely God loves those who put their trust (in Him)." (Al ‘Imran, 3.159)
Brother nobody is denying the verses or saying what you quoted was incorrect. But as is always the case in life, how we say something matters just as much as what is being said.
So just be careful with that next time inshallah. 🙂
Was salaam
The intimidation and fear of going to hell should not drive a person to believe in a religion, one must truly understand and accept it
Main Jannat K Shouq Main ebadat Nahe Kerta,
K Yeh Ebadat Nahe Tijarat Hay
Main Dozakh K Khoof Say Ebadat Nahe Kerta,
K yeh Ebadat Nahe Ghulami Hai...
Main Ebadat Sirf Is Liye Kerta hon...
K Mera RuB ebadat K Qabil Hai.......
Hazart Ali .
P.S , As you are an indian , I assume you know urdu/hindi .
Insan Dukh nahe detay, Insano se Wabasta Umeedein dukh deti hain
Tabeyat ki Narmi aur Sakhawat, insan ko Dushmnon k dilon main b Mehboob bana deti hai
Ha ji, very nice poem.
That my dear, is an extreme level of righteousness! : ) For humans at the more 'ordinary' level, paradise and hell - hope and fear- are needed to have them do the right thing. THEN comes the next level, realising and worshipping God because of how He is worthy of that worship and your love for Him.
Mashallah the poem above reminded me of Abu Bakr (r.a).
May we all reach that state of Ihsaan, Ameen.
“The Angels prostrated themselves all of them together. Except Satan, he refused to be among the prostrators. God said: ‘O Satan! What is your reason for not being among the prostrators? ‘Satan said: ‘I am not the one to prostrate myself to a human being, whom You created from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.’ God said: ‘Then get out from Here for verily you are an outcast or cursed one. Verily the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Resurrection.’” (Quran 15:30-35)
The Role of Satan
Satan was there in the Paradise of Adam and Eve and his vow was to misguide and deceive them and their descendents. Satan said: “…surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left…” (Quran 7:16-17) Satan is arrogant, and considered himself better then Adam, and thus mankind. He is crafty and cunning, but ultimately understands the weakness of human beings; he recognises their loves and desires.
Satan did not say to Adam and Eve “go eat from that tree” nor did he out rightly tell them to disobey God. He whispered into their hearts and planted disquieting thoughts and desires. Satan said to Adam and Eve, “...Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save that you should become Angels or become of the immortals.” (Quran 7:20) Their minds became filled with thoughts of the tree, and one day they decided to eat from it. Adam and Eve behaved as all human beings do; they became preoccupied with their own thoughts and the whisperings of Satan and they forgot the warning from God.
Every human being is responsible for his or her actions and is born pure and free from sin. Adam and Eve committed a mistake, they repented sincerely and God in His infinite wisdom forgave them.
“Then they both ate of that tree, and so their private parts appeared to them, and they began to stick on themselves the leaves from Paradise for their covering. Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray. Then his Lord chose him, and turned to him with forgiveness and gave him guidance.” (Quran 20:121-122)
Mankind has a long history of committing mistakes and forgetting. Even so, how was it possible for Adam to have committed such a mistake? The reality was that Adam did not have any experience with the whisperings and ploys of Satan. Adam had seen the arrogance of Satan when he refused to follow the commands of God; he knew that Satan was his enemy but had no familiarity with how to resist Satan’s tricks and schemes. The Prophet Muhammad told us:
“Knowing something is not the same as seeing it.” (Saheeh Muslim)
God said:
“So he (Satan) misled them with deception.” (Quran 7:22)
God tested Adam so that he could learn and gain experience. In this way God prepared Adam for his role on earth as a caretaker and a Prophet of God. From this experience, Adam learned the great lesson that Satan is cunning, ungrateful and the avowed enemy of mankind. Adam, Eve and their descendants learned that Satan caused their expulsion from heaven. Obedience to God and enmity towards Satan is the only path back to Heaven.
God said to Adam:
“Get you down (upon the earth), all of you together, from Paradise, some of you are an enemy to some others. Then, if there comes to you guidance from Me, whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress and misery.” (Quran 20:123)
The Quran tells us that Adam subsequently received from his Lord some words; a supplication to pray, which invoked God’s forgiveness. This supplication is very beautiful and can be used when asking for God’s pardon of your sins.
“Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If you forgive us not and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers.” (Quran 7:23)
Mankind continues to commit mistakes and wrong doing, and through them we only harm ourselves. Our sins and mistakes have not harmed, nor will it harm God. If God does not forgive us and have mercy on us, it is we who will surely be among the losers. We need God!
“‘On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment, for a time.’ He said: ‘Therein you shall live and therein you shall die, and from it you shall be brought out (resurrected).’” (Quran 7:24–25)
When God said: “Get you down, all of you” He used the word for plural indicating that he was not speaking to Adam and Eve alone but that He was referring to Adam, his wife and his descendants – mankind. We, the descendants of Adam, do not belong to this earth; we are here for a temporary time, as is indicated by the words: “for a time.” We belong to the hereafter and are destined to take our place in either Heaven or Hell.
The Freedom to Choose:
This experience was an essential lesson and demonstrated free will. If Adam and Eve were to live on earth, they needed to be aware of the tricks and schemes of Satan, they also needed to understand the dire consequences of sin, and the infinite Mercy and Forgiveness of God. God knew that Adam and Eve would eat from the tree. He knew that Satan would strip away their innocence.
It is important to understand that, although God knows the outcome of events before they happen and allows them, he does not force things to happen. Adam had free will and bore the consequences of his deeds. Mankind has free will and thus is free to disobey God; but there are consequences. God praises those who obey his commands and promises them great reward, and He condemns those who disobey him and warns them against doing so
source: http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/1190/viewall/
Therefore, from Adam and Eve's story we should learn that shaytan truely knows how to play around with our minds and desires and if we (God-forbid) follow shaytan's whisper (i.e. feeling okay to marry a non-muslim man) then at end of the day we will be hold accountable for our actions/deeds not the shaytan!
We must try our utmost to worship and obey Allah (swt). This life is not forever. Who knows tomorrow you leave your home to meet your friend that a bus/truck hits you and you die!
Please dear muslim sisters and brothers take care of your faith- remain firm in your deen of Islam. Don't choose or accept someone or a thing that is disliked by Allah (swt).
Those who, if We establish them firmly on the earth, will establish regular prayer (salat) and pay regular charity (zakat), and command what is right and forbid what is wrong. The end result of all affairs is with Allah. (Surat al-Hajj: 41)
Whosoever leaves something for the sake of Allah then Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, will replace it with something better than it. (Ahmad)
All I got from that post was reward and punishment. Obey Allah-->reward, Disobey-->punishment. If Adam and Eve got punished, then so will you!! The point of the matter is that you should be doing those things regardless of the reward or consequences because it is the right thing to do, not because you may die soon and face judgment and then lose your passport to heaven. What is right and what is wrong is not so simple, one must also use their own brain to judge, not just follow instructions. If Allah truly knows what is in our hearts, he will know if your actions are just or just a means for a reward.
Brother A,
Do you agree or believe that we are given this short life to be tested by our Creator?
It should not matter if there is a life after this one. What matters is how you live this current life not for the sake of passing this "test" so that we can be in a better status in the next one.
Your logic regarding , speed sign doesn't not go with religion
Let me tell u y , first of all in a road from one state to another there are many ways and different ways have different speed limit which changes as u travel
So by speed limit u mean religion (islam , christianity , jewdism , hinduism) And by road u mean life
So as u travel fromone road to another to go from one state to another speed limit change
So going by ur so called logic , a person entering different state of life should change his religion
One day he is follows islam and other he follows a jewdism .
Secondly, as per the normal poster interpretation of a contract , it seems a little bit logical(not totally)
U sign a contract , which has some terms and conditions(every contact have) and if u don't follow it there might be consequences like legal action/other things
So if u go by contract as religion and terms and condition like what to follow and not and consequences like the hereafter
Than it gets like this an muslim follows islam(contract)
He worship, give zakat ,prays Salah, do good deeds etc (terms and condition)
And like u said that one cannot agree/ follow the terms and condition like not praying , nor giving zakat , harming other human beings , taking other people money/property illegal
Than for such people there is consequences that is the day of judgement
I certainly agree with lala comments
That a muslim will believe in quran and hadith and a non-muslim will believe in what ever text/religion he/she follows
I also believe that's its the duty to invite others towards islam
But hay , isn't this post regarding muslim girls marrying non muslim
So it is utterly waste , to discuss this topic for this post though its is in some way interlinked but
I think A and other who wants to discuss should create a separate post for it
At the end " stick to the original topic ppl"
Lastly , what happened to sisterz is she ok coz I'm not seeing her post for a day or 2
Thank you for your concern. I'm ok Alhumdulillah, just very busy with family matters.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
"The point of the matter is that you should be doing those things regardless of the reward or consequences
because it is the right thing to do
, not because you may die soon and face judgment and then lose your passport to heaven."
The flaw in this is that the right thing to do might be based on what you know are the consequences and rewards. If I grew up in a gulag and knew to kill to get food. I might accept it as the 'right' thing to do, but if I know that Allah SWT (whose wisdom surpasses ours) ordains that killing another man is like destroying the entire world and there is punishment in killing one man's life. I won't do it. Hell I would avoid to even do anything that might even bring that risk.
So even when we stop ourselves from performing an action in knowing do it might involve the risk of consequences of the afterlife, which far outweigh this world's pleasures
No, that's not what I was saying. I said you can use Qur'an as guidance to understand what is right and wrong, but you should still use your own brain and interpret the words to fit your own moral sense. However, it seems like people are doing this just to pass the test into the next life.
Brother A,
I gathered that you believe in existence of right and wrong (which not only muslims but all religions believes in some form of rights and wrongs) and I also gathered that you believe in God (which all religions expects a mankind to believe). Furthermore, I gathered that you expect all mankind should use their brain- and this is something that is highly expected from Muslims too- to use their intellicate and not follow anything blindly.
However, I still do not see the logics in your reasoning. How can we live this life without a purpose? Why do you feel satisfied, calm and good when you worship God (the way you think is suppose to be worshiped)? and why shouldn't it matter if there is life after this one or not?
When God clearly sent His message down, then why shall we ignore Almighty's word? and continue live life according to incorrect beliefs and desires?- though this is up to each individual of how they want to consume their "free-will" but a sincere Muslim is always cautions of his/her "Freewill" because they wholehearthly believes in Allah and will try their utmost not to displease Him.
And Quran is word of Allah. It is not man's word- coz man have a weakness of committing mistake/error yet Quran is error free, i.e. no contradiction can be found. And if today one to get rid of all of Holy books including the Quran in a great sea, Quran will be the only holy book which will return to it original form/text because Quran is the only holy book that is fully memorised line to line, page to page by some muslims- let it be from a blind child to an elderly man/woman. No other holy book can be retrieved.
Allah (swt) challenged the mankind:
"And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides God, if your (doubts) are true." Q2:23
"Say: 'If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.'" Q17:88
"Will they not ponder the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found many inconsistencies in it" Q4:82
"If anyone desires anything other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he will be among the losers". Q3:85
And Allah have promised to all Mankind that He will protect the holy quran:
"We have without doubt, sent down the message and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption.)" (15:9)
Again you're making conflicts here. My moral sense could be close to the Quran's and in fact the completion of it depends on getting to a closer understanding of the Quran. I don't know the intentions of anyone, but again, you made a conflict, what if passing the test to the next life is part of your moral sense?
I mean how about people who are just smoking weed in their houses to avoid the cops? I mean can we all say they are doing it to just avoid the cops? Maybe someone has medical marijuana, someone enjoys the silence of their home, or someone wants to listen to music while doing it in an safe environment with their friends.
You are making conflicts where there really aren't any.
Sister Parveen,
"However, I still do not see the logics in your reasoning. How can we live this life without a purpose? Why do you feel satisfied, calm and good when you worship God (the way you think is suppose to be worshiped)? and why shouldn't it matter if there is life after this one or not?"
Is the only purpose for you to move on to the next life? For me, I can think of infinite purposes in this life, the most important one is - to learn. When I pray, I am thankful for I have, this gives me a peace of mind. This is all I ask for. If I am feeling no guilt, then I will feel happy. If I do feel guilt, then I must ask myself why and what can I do to correct this? You must live this life the best you can without knowing the consequences. Then when you do die and move on, you will automatically be judged by your deeds. If there was no life after this one, then it should not matter because you lived this life the best you could and you should be happy for that.
"When God clearly sent His message down, then why shall we ignore Almighty's word? and continue live life according to incorrect beliefs and desires?- though this is up to each individual of how they want to consume their "free-will" but a sincere Muslim is always cautions of his/her "Freewill" because they wholehearthly believes in Allah and will try their utmost not to displease Him."
Who said anything about "ignore"? You must never ignore any information. All knowledge should be considered, but you should be the ultimate judge of whether this information agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. If it does not, then I believe you are just following instructions without knowing the reason behind those instructions. If you are afraid that your own beliefs are wrong and to be cautious and avoid mistakes, to only follow instructions, then this method works in the beginning. Though as you grow, learn, and mature, I do believe that you must always question every instruction as you develop your reasoning and conscience.
"And Quran is word of Allah. It is not man's word- coz man have a weakness of committing mistake/error yet Quran is error free, i.e. no contradiction can be found. And if today one to get rid of all of Holy books including the Quran in a great sea, Quran will be the only holy book which will return to it original form/text because Quran is the only holy book that is fully memorised line to line, page to page by some muslims- let it be from a blind child to an elderly man/woman. No other holy book can be retrieved."
The fact that a person can memorize a book is irrelevant and means nothing about the words of the book itself. You must know there are many people who can memorize exact lines of books with 100,000 pages or more. They can choose to memorize any book, not just Qur'an. Also, again saying that there are no contradictions is itself an opinion made by you and you are human. This does not mean that Qu'ran is better than all the other books or that any book is better than Qu'ran. Why must there be a perfect book? Who told you that they are His words? or are they the words of someone who believed in Him?
Well A
I know many people from a child to a elder person who not only memories the quran and hadith word to word page by page but also understand them
Do u know any such people which can memorize any book(100,000) page by page with understanding kindly name a few/ number them
Secondly , I mind correcting u that quran is not a book which is published as another book , IT IS THE WORDS FROM GOD SENT TO OUR BELOVED PROPHET and anyone based on any religion will say that the book which contains words/instruction made by god is better than all the books made by humanbeings.
Thirdly , u did not comment on one of the normal poster comment
If u think quran is just a book , I challenge u take the help of all the world people including muslims and take also the help of angels/faristha
And just make a small surah(u know that the smallest surah is surah KAUSAR) just 2 line.
Use all the technology u want and just generate 2 lines like surah KAUSAR
I'm gonna bet everything on this in the duration of 1700 of islam nobody has done it till now and no mortal is capable of doing it this the day of judgement.
Let me tell u one part(based on science) of the quran(which u called a so called bookwhich is around 1700) , this book explains the entire steps/procedures of the feotus at her early development stage till the child is born which the world came to not very long than just about 20years.
This is just one of the part which is in the quran ,
so can u tell me how come a human in the 600 BC (with no science and modern technologies) could come to know about the feotus and the child , which took scientist(thosuand of years) billion of dollars of research and technology to crack this .
One question that was asked was, "How do you know for sure what God wants from you?".
The point is you shouldn't have to. Why are you so compelled to follow only God's instructions/will? You are compelled for the sole reason that you do not want punishment. This fear is what drives people to any source which will give them reassurance that if you follow these instructions, then you are fine. It's like driving on a road, you don't know what the speed limit is. So you must look to see the sign on the road if you are driving the right speed limit. If you are, then you feel reassured right? Now let's say there are multiple speed limit signs on the road, which one do I obey now? This is where we must use our own brain and common sense. We must not follow a speed limit just because it gives us the most rewards and the least punishment.
So to answer that question, no you are never SURE that you are following the right speed limit. Though, with your own brain, conscience, and common sense, we can be as sure as we can be.
"You are compelled for the sole reason that you do not want punishment." Wow? Really? I hope not. Maybe you should educate yourself more about Islam and what the word Islam means-to submit to, to strive towards. No punishment there bud.
As for the speed limit analogy, which is flawed, if there was such a case as different speed limits, of course you would decide yourself. And that's faith. I mean A when you believe in a legal document or an agreement. REALLY...what is to say guarantees that document. It's belief.
Bro NP,
"I don't know the intentions of anyone, but again, you made a conflict, what if passing the test to the next life is part of your moral sense?"
There's no conflict here. The point is you shouldn't be moral just to pass a test, whether one exists or not.
"I mean how about people who are just smoking weed in their houses to avoid the cops? I mean can we all say they are doing it to just avoid the cops? Maybe someone has medical marijuana, someone enjoys the silence of their home, or someone wants to listen to music while doing it in an safe environment with their friends.
You are making conflicts where there really aren't any."
You really just answered your own question here. I really don't know what to discuss. This is a question of right or wrong perhaps and you are assuming that smoking is a bad thing, but what if that person has a solid reason for doing so, etc.? Well, why do you think we have courts? All of these issues and information has to be processed for a fair judgment to be given. Of course a person can have medical marijuana and that is perfectly legal. This is not a moral conflict at all. Don't confuse morals with legality.
"You are compelled for the sole reason that you do not want punishment." Wow? Really? I hope not. Maybe you should educate yourself more about Islam and what the word Islam means-to submit to, to strive towards. No punishment there bud."
So by defining the word Islam, it automatically means no punishment, well I'm saved now. You must realize that there are many who do fear punishment. I am not saying that is necessary you, so I apologize if you thought my comment meant all muslims fear punishment. Obviously, there are genuine people out there who follow their religion because their own brain agrees with it not for fear of punishment.
"As for the speed limit analogy, which is flawed, if there was such a case as different speed limits, of course you would decide yourself. And that's faith. I mean A when you believe in a legal document or an agreement. REALLY...what is to say guarantees that document. It's belief."
Please enlighten me of the flaw. I thought it was pretty straightforward. There are many philosophies/religions out there pointing out the many speed limits. Again, bringing up legality. If I sign a contract, it does not necessarily mean that I agree with everything in that contract. It means that I have signed it and I may or may not have read it or agreed with it. Faith must be guided by knowledge, and that is an ongoing process which you must learn for yourself. You are right that nothing guarantees it, you just exemplified my original point is that you can never be sure..
MrA, I have been following this thread and i understand what you are trying to say.. Also those trying to convince u, i understand there point of view!. It seems you are very sure of what you are defending, and i feel that's why you remain adamand on your view... If you feel you are doing the right thing, then keep it up. Its a free world ,NO one can force you to beleive in what YOU PERSONALLY THINK is against you own humanity... However there will be a time when all the truth will become clear ie the afterlife.. But you know as well as i know that it would have been too late by then.. The heat of the hell fire is 70 times as hot as the fire of this world. Can you imagine the pain that would be there?? And there nothing like death (after d 1st death of dis world), only suffering in pains and great agonies.. I want you to imagine a fire outbreak in an industry or a house, can you dear enter into such fire and witstand the pain for at least an hour?? You cannot even witstand the pain for even 10seconds... My friend the punishment of Allah is something to be afriad of, and i guess you have not seen it that's why you are making statement like '''i would rather face punishment than fool my self into thinking that i can blindly follow something i cant agree''' ''lastly yes, i honestly rather face jugdement than pretend to be someone i am not'''.... Moreover no one would ever suggest to you to accept islam blindly, you must be sure of it before accepting it... . . . . . Am sorry, but by you wishing or seeking to be in Allah's punishment (as in ur statements above), i would rather suggest you dont know what you are talking about because if at all you know His punishment, you will never ever take it as an alternative..... Like wise the garden of paradise (meant for d rightous slave of Allah) is full of blessings, entertaiments and enjoyments. If you have a koran at house, i would urge you to read chapter 55 and 56 of the holy koran for more details on life in paradise... MrA The choice is yours, is either one of the two, THE GARDEN OF PARADISE OR THE HELL FIRE. There is no other way, there is no escape... Paradise is for those that do rightous good deeds that Allah has ordained whilst they are beleivers (muslims), while hell fire is for the evil doers and disbelivers.
Bro Mohd,
Again, you are using the same intimidation and fear of punishment tactics. Telling me of the temperature of hell is not going to sway me. It does not matter to me whether I fail a test or not. Let me ask you this one question - If heaven/hell or God did not exist, would you still do the things you do? I would. There's nothing I would change that I do now in terms of morals that I would do differently because I know that is what the right thing to do is. If God wants to send me to hell for this, then I would gladly accept b/c I trust His opinion.
Btw, you should know that after 3rd degree burns, the nociceptors (nerves which carry pain sensation) are dead, the body is numb after this stage. Sorry couldn't resist since I am a medical student.
Bro A,
Interesting how you have now, through your medical knowledge and because of living in 2011 come to realise that "Btw, you should know that after 3rd degree burns, the nociceptors (nerves which carry pain sensation) are dead, the body is numb after this stage. Sorry couldn't resist since I am a medical student."
I wonder who could have informed Muhammad of this fact over 1400 years ago?
“Those who reject our signs, We shall cast into the fire; as often as their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the punishment; for Allah is Exalted in power; Wise.” ( 4:56)
Allah did not say “as often as their skins are burned”, as burning could be partial, but He rather said: “as often as their skins are roasted through”, i.e., totally burned with all nerves of sensation and pain. So, He the Almighty associated between the sensation of pain and the skin when roasted and burned totally, thus losing its structure and function. When sensation of pain is lost, a new fully composed and functional skin is replaced, where the nerve ending responsible for the painful sensation of heat and burn perform and function to make the unbeliever taste the punishment of being burned with fire over and over again. "
Of course, this is not to frighten you of the fire but just to point out something which interestingly enough you brought to our attention, but Allah is our Lord..and we don't and would not blindly believe in a lord who is not even aware of the body he has created, the affect of burns and how to even inflinct a punishment. Neither can any scientific fact ever deny Allah or a single verse of the Quran til this date. If you think thats just a Muslim talking because I believe in it, then I can only present you the challenge that the Quran itself has presented to all those that do not believe in it - bring out a single contradiction. Or bring out ONE verse that is contrary to something that has been scientifically proven (not true).
Anyhow, going back to the main point in your reply, as to whats to say that the Quran is the word of God...if you truly want to know then I invite you to dedicate an hour of your life listening to this lecture that will answer this question of yours with perfect detail. I could type it all down for you but I believe its better if you see it coming from a Medical Doctor, now that I know you are a medical student yourself. (Zakir Naik is Dr zakir naik. A medical doctor by profession).
If you truly want to learn then I trust you will take the time to see the answer above to the question which you have asked me. Once you have checked out the above, let us know inshallah(God willing) what you think. 🙂
"The point is you shouldn't have to. Why are you so compelled to follow only God's instructions/will? You are compelled for the sole reason that you do not want punishment."
The point is you should have to. I asked you a question before that of being sure of knowing what God wants of you. My first question was there as a first for a reason, which you didn't answer. Bro A to be frank, you sound confused if anything. You want to sound certain but read through your own answers and for all the important matters, your approach is "IF"...if it actually exits..if its there, etc. One thing that is clear is how our very limited knowledge, reasoning, wisdom and experiences is not enough to give us any form of 'surety' in life. Are you going to now say why we 'need surety?' Well..if you want a life where everything is a question mark then I dont understand that. I have no understanding as to why anyone, regardless of being a believer or not, would find it acceptable to have a life where you don't want surety on matters , imperical matters too that. To me, THAT is opposing common sense if anything. Common sense and reason dictates that one finds the purpose to their existence. Common sense dictates that if you believe in a God (do you?) then you know who that God is, what he wants of you, what he is like, etc etc?
How can one possibly be content believing in something but yet not knowing anything about that? So it all comes down to..Do you believe in God or not?
Check out the answer in the link and then I'd love to hear back from you.
May Allah guide us towards the right path, Ameen.
Tobah. If God did not exist then rights and wrongs wont exist and on top of that we wouldnt exist at all.
Allah exists without a beginning and everything else exists with a beginning. He is the Creator and everything else is a creation. Every creation that exists, be it among entities or deeds from the fine dusts to the ceiling of paradise, and every movement, rest, intention, and thought of the mankind/slaves is creadted by Allah.Hence, no one other than Allah- be it nature or reason creates anything. Things becomes existent by Allah's eternal Will, Power, and Knowledge as mentioned in the Quran;
"...He has created everything, and has measured it exactly according to its due measurements" (Q25:2)
This means Allah raised all the creation from the state of non-existence into the state of existence. No one creates with the meaning of creating except Allah.
"Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds;
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful;
Owner of the Day of Judgement.
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) was ask for help.
Show us the straight path;
The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray" Quran Chap 1- Surah al-fatiha.
Brother A,
At the end of the day it is all about which faith is embedd in one's heart. If in one's heart is filled with worldly desires and cannot see beyond this life, then they will find it hard to accept and follow message of Allah.
Us muslims may come across as people who are obessed with rules but we are merely trying to follow Allah (swt) set given instructions (Quran) aided with Hadiths (how to perform the set instructions) and coz we believe or have firm faith in Allah's existence therefore, we would try to do what pleases Him. Now that Allah (swt) have stated their will be punshiment after a committing an act which He clearly forbidden, then indeed He will punish and vice versa when one does a good deed they will indeed be rewarded by Allah (swt). Allah (swt) have said:
"Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see the reward for it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see the punishment for it" [Az-Zilzal 7, 8]
It is Allah (swt) Himself who created rewards and punishments, therefore no one not even you can change that. Though, one is most welcome to go against Allah's word but then that one shouldn't expect straight paradise in the hereafter and for some hell would be forever dwelling place.
"O mankind, remember the favor of Allah upon you. Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the heaven and earth? There is no deity except Him, so how are you deluded?" (Q35:3)
For instance, if a person hit glass with a stone and broke it, then the act of hitting and breaking and the state of being broken were created by Allah. The person or slave only acquires the act.
"Every self will be rewarded by Allah for the good deeds it acquired and will be accountable for the sins it acquired" (Q2:286)
You see brother A, before following any rules, one needs to have faith first. When Faith is there, then comes along the rules. Therefore, faith is more important then the rules in the beginning. But once one becomes a muslim, then Rules are very and very important to follow. please see the youtube link:
anyways, I am not trying to revert you to Islam. I am merely trying to put forward why Muslims really tries to obey and worhsip Allah. Allah (swt) have commanded the mankind to worship Him alone.
"I only created jinn and man to worship Me". (Q51:56)
And so, if a muslim girl decides to marry a non-muslim man then they have decided not to worship Allah and followed her unlawful desires. This is not to say she is no longer Muslim coz that is not for me to judge and only and only Allah (swt) to judge and make the final decision of such girls soul but indeed with Allah's will they will be punished.
"Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see the reward for it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see the punishment for it" [99: 7, 8]
and if you really believe that one God does exists, then you should care what that one God expects from you. just the way we care what our parents, teachers, managers expects from us and we try to atleast please them but face it God is mucccccch GREATER than our managers, teachers and parents as He created everything thing- from dust to feelings, from feelings to laws. Think about it....
And one thing brother, since you give respect to all religions and always want to do right, then please do one thing- give respect to Islam by not marrying the muslim girl coz you yourself is not muslim yet, esply wholeheartly. By you giving this respect then you have obvisouly done something right for the girl's long-term future but then again you may feel this is wrong thingg to do because you do not want to hurt yourself as well as the girl that you love. But just imagine, one day the muslim girl you marry becomes aware of her mistake (marrying a non-muslim)- she may or may not decide to leave you but she will feel guilty, horrible and miserable from inside and this in affect will play around with her mental health. the rest is up to you.
Well than A from ur above comments such as "if god wants to send me to hell for this I will surely go " and other such comments by u for ur willingness to go to hell
So if u already have packed ur suit case for visiting hell ? Then what can we do . U already made ur decision than good luck
Secondly , when after 3rd degree of burn when ur skin becomes numb , it will be healed again by allah( as he is the supreme and nothing is unknowable and impossible for him)
And again u will go to the process of burning and again he will heal u and again ull be burnt and this torment will continue forever.
anyways its your decision
secondly , brother A plz post a separate post regarding this debate
I almost forgot , in all this fizzled , that u like a muslim girls
Ok , well u shouldn't marry her why not coz , as what I see from ur comment that u try to disobey and challenge the words and life given to u by ALLAH and u constantly have welcome the idea of going to hell (which only allah knows who will deserve heaven and who hell)
So by creating a bond with here u will indeed take here in a path which u follow according to me is wrong
So not for me or nor for u but for the muslim girls if u love/like her than do here a favour don't call here towards the hell fire
@A secondly , by doing this (leaving the muslim girl ) although will be hard if u love/like her dearly (but u didn't say that she has the same feeling for u too)
anyways brother by doing so , u will find better and beautiful girls in your religion or other (apart from islam ) whom u can marry and live ur life based on ur own principals and be happy ever after (u don't have to worry about religion by doing so )
Any further comments that deviate from the initial post will be deleted.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
We are not having a tea party. We are doing our obligation of Dawah. And that too which is related to the post because it's about muslim and non muslims marrying and a non muslim here who is having difficulty understanding that.
And even if it wasn't linked, I find it rather upsetting that you would delete something that is nothing more than Dawah. Yes I know what this site is for, and people should not lose track, however I expected the editors here to be wise enough to realise that what is happening here is better if not just as good as what this site is intended for. Dawah to a non Muslim is deleted because it is taking over what this site is for - nasihah to muslims? What a shame.
Was salaam.
MrA, There are somethings in your reply to me that i really understand and appreciate.. You see it is one level of faith for someone to be afraid of Allah's punishment and as a result do rightous good deeds that would save him from that torment, or for someone to do rightous good deeds and leave away evil deeds just because he yearns to be in Allah's etarnal blessing and enjoyments in the gardens of paradise... But it is a higher level of faith for someone to be doing rightous deeds just because he feels the greatness of Allah and is doing it because Allah deserve it.. It doesnt matter where he's going after his death, all he knows is he is devouted in worshiping Allah coz He deserve it (for d fact that HE created him, give him life, make him prosperous in life, give him his daily needs, health etc).. If an angel were to come to him and inform him that his destination is hell fire, he would not cease from worshiping and thanking Allah.. And again he trust Allah's judgement on him, becose he consider's him self to be nothing but a slave to Allah His creator... There was an hadith of the prophet that speaks of a righous sarvant of Allah who devouted himself to worshiping Allah. He is a very pious man and he always thank, worship and glorify Allah. So one day, an angel saw in allauf almahfuz (the wall of prophesy with Allah) that this pious man was listed among the dwellers of the hell fire. Then this angel came to this pious man (in d shape of a man) and told him what he saw in the allauf almahfuz,, but this pious man told the angel that he will never cease from worshiping Allah even if Allah will put him in hell fire, and his reason was he is worshiping Allah because ALLAH DESERVE IT AND NOT BECAUSE he want paradise.. Before the angel ascend back to the heaven, Allah erased the pious man's name from those destined for hell fire and wrote his name among the dwellers of paradise. . . . . So i think MrA, there is much to learn from this hadith... . . . . . . . . . My friend, i know you know very well that you are not the one that created yourself, the air u are breathing, ur circulatory system, ur digestive system, ur nervous system, ur respiratory system etc was given to you by Allah for free without you asking him.. Ur eyes, ears, hands,legs, tongue etc was a gift to u from Allah the almighty. He created you and gave you good shape, why not thank him for all thìs mercies and blessing He bestowed on you rather than trying to reject Him or His path.. If He wishes He would have created u without hands or legs, or even disfigure u by placing ur eyes on ur palms not ur face, and ur ears on ur knees, you mouth in ur buttocks... But MrA He love you thats why He gave you good shape, it will only be fair if you acknowledge Him and worship HIM.... And as regards to hell fire, in the koran Allah said the skin will authomatically be changed immediately it get burned so that they will feel the pain., so there is no question of pain receptors of d skin getting damaged... My friend i want you to think deeply about what am saying, you will atleast notice some element of truth in it.
@sisz, pls pls pls let his reply be the last,.. I dont even understand why you choose to quit our conversation with someone that come here to know more on islam
@Mohd if u and A or other wanna learn/debate regarding muslims/worshiping plz post a separate post
Ova in this post its only better to have comments on muslim marrying non muslim
Because this is not a forum for debate.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Well sisterz I know this forum is Q&A but if u go by current scenario it is more of a debate going on regarding an of the topic issue(though relevant) between
Mr A v/s every other person(who believes in islam offcourse )
Well its good to hear sisterz and hope your family matter also sorts out
Now , plz stop this debate
Well mr A what ever u have posted first have to be approved by mod and once it gets approved for all of us to see what u have written
Once its approved well acknowledge it
If this site was not islamic I would have surely answered u the way it should be answered (with abuses)
Well I think ur are A aren't u.
I hope that this guy is banned from this site , mods give me an acknowledgment regarding this(his banning) please
Yes he has been banned.
Thanku very much , and I hope anyone who gets off the limits , gets this
What happened? 'A' responded with abuse???
That sounds odd..keeping in mind how polite and considerate his previous comments were. I'm confused. :-S
I don't dann and MrA are thesame person
I understand that 'A' was off-topic and his discussion focus was inappropriate for this site, but he was always polite and articulate. Not only was Dann neither of those things, Dann, frankly, appears to be barely literate.
Again I just want to pipe up and reassure everyone here that cheeseknobs like Dann do NOT, I repeat, do NOT speak for all (or even most... heck, not even many) non-Muslims.
@sam I am ?
Yes, @Trueblood? 🙂
please can ne1 say me what is the religion of love?
@ love
Love is an emotion and emotions don't have a religion. This is exactly why they need to be kept under control, as they can fluctuate, damage, exaggerate or deteriorate blindly, without being constricted by any boundaries. And in life, when you cross boundaries, you get hurt.
So I say, find the best religion which will dictate to you how and where to place your love, not let your love dictate about what religion is/should be. That way, life becomes just that extra bit more pleasant and lovable. 🙂
@ faith..................
its good to have confident but i want 2 say u sumthng..................
if love has no religion then it means those who love then fall in religion of love...........and every1 in this world fall in these religion ie love because every1 love someone or the other i am nt saying only boyfriend and girlfriend ................even parents,country,etc......................
As u said that love is blind, has no religion like that only love cannot be control and another thing i want to say u that love cannot dictate , faith........................there is a famous saying that "<pyar kabhi kiya nahin jata pyar ho jata hai"
@ love
I'm understanding what u mean by ur post
Well the answer is simple islam
Wait then ull think/ask than if islam is a religion of love than y it does not allow two ppl of different religion to marry
Well islam mean treat human beings(irrespective) of their religion kindly.
In other words do not hurt other ppl irrespective whether they hurt u or not .
Being kind hearted is one things and one should be and marrying a person is another thing
One should never mix the two if ur kind to someone that doesn't mean ull marry him/her.
Just like this islam tell to be kind but it doesn't permit to marry a nonmuslim .
Does that mean that islam is not a religion of love ? No it still it
Then y not marry a non-muslim ?
Coz , we muslim believe that god is one and has created all of us and prophet mohd is his messenger which non-muslim doesn't not believe
we muslim believe that there is a life after death and that life will either be in hell/heaven , and based on our deeds/good acts we will get respective places in heaven/hell .
And marrying a non-muslim we can get astray from our goal and right path
Whatever u said I have already answered it in many of my comments , and many have been trashed so I will not be repetitive
Lastly , I written this is only bcoz the firstly , secondly , thirdly ..... Lastly is my pattern of writing comments
Brother do not copy
That it
@ True blood...................
I am impressed with ur love 4 ur religion but if u wl stdy the books of other religion they also say the same thing to love but the way of expression is different and always remember love only does not means marriage.........there is many meanings of love................a person can give the highest level of love by sacrificing their love too............................but u told that religion of love is islam then y other religion person fall in love......?In islam it is written that allah is the only god and yeah it is true allah is the only god but different religion name them with differtent names but their message is same ie to love so what does it says if you love that means you are preaching of god..................
There is law of God. Now that Allah disallowed muslim girls from marrying non muslim men then there is nothing else muslims can do other than to accept or reject Allah's command. And those who chooses to reject Allah's command then they should be prepared for the consequences in the hereafter!
Sorry Love, that you are finding this whole thing unloved but I really can't say anything that goes against Allah's command. Please do not think that muslims don't have feelings or doesn't understand love, if anything muslims who loves and fears Allah, are actually the people who truely understands the true meaning of love.
@ love
Let me say something which is not my usual way of replying/saying
Firstly , There is something which is more strong than love and that is hate .
Secondly , hate can spread and consume
More fast and effectively than love
Thirdly , many thing plays a role in hate , it might be race , color , religion , or just a simple attitude
Fourtly , until there is hate in this world (irrespective of the issues) , love will never win .
Fiftly , in order to stop hate spreading there should be a common law , and what better law is their in this world to stop hate than religion
Sixtly, now ull answer religion is the coz of major problem , as we can see , but what we don't see is that religion is only used a a tool by war mongers/ politician to create hate.
Sevently , islam is against these dirty politics , but the current scenario is that it is been used in dirty politics .
Eighty , islam in this world is the ultimate law that will remove hate from the masses .
Now u and many will not agree and u have ur point but that is not islam its just some sickminds which love to kill innocent
Islam is what in quran n hadith
Islam is what in the teaching of muhammad
Islam is what is the only religion accepted by god/allah (many will disagree but it is )
Islam is the only option left to this world to live in peace
I disagree. I believe that love is stronger than hate, and always will be. You say that only Islam can conquer hate. But Islam is an expression of Allah's mercy, which is a function of love.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
@ Wael
Hate is much more stronger than love , and if it weren't true than the current world will be a much better place to live for all
Secondly , islam can conquer hate , by that I mean the islamic value can conquer hate y let me elaborate
There is hate regarding human skin blacks and whites , u must be knowing - islam regrets discrimination based on color nor white is superior than black or black is superior to white as per islamic values
Hate between rich n poor ( occupy wall street ) is coz of this isn't it - islam has the concept of zakat which has to be given so that the bridge between rich and poor can be reduce .
Generation gap hate ( between son and parents ) well heard of old age homes - in islam there is no concept of old age homes , in islam it is said that heaven is in your mothers feet and the father is the door of that heaven
Hate between neighbors - in islam if one muslim neighbor ( irrespective whether he is a muslim or a non-muslim ) , sleep without having dinner/ empty stomach , and if a person does not have any concern with his neighbor , than the entire night the angel will curse the person
Now isn't islam a better law to quell hate/anger
We're getting off track here, but I still say that love and mercy are far more common in this world than hate. Of course there is racism, crime, war, etc. But every family in the world is built on love. Every mother who nurses her child, every nurse who cares for a patient, every teacher who strives to help her pupils learn, friends who care for each other, people who donate to charities, these are all expressions of love and mercy, and they are all around us. Human society simply could not function if it were not built on a foundation of love.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Actually what ever u wrote is correct (in muslim point of view) but islam never told that hatred is stronger than love.........today the world is maximum full with hatredness and selfishness nt because love is weak but because we 4got hw 2 luv,care,etc and if we can bring this love back in dis world then these world will be like a jannat (heaven).............................
@ parveen
if u love anything then how u wl get afraid of that thng........? And i really respect ur feelings and devotion 2wards god but as u tld that as in the law of god it is nt permitted then y god tld 2 love evry1 in dis wrld? Please dnt mine wid my question......
@ love
Yes god told to love each and every person
So we do love each and every person . And
that love is respect and mutual understand to different ppl irrespective of their religion
Secondly , which version of love are u talking about that god told to love every person ?
If its the same as above of what love it is , then there should be no further conversation on this coz I already told u that we as human being should love each and every other human being
Otherwise , ur version of love is something else
Lastly , r u sure u r not Mr A coz , u sound familiar to him closely familiar ?
@ trueblood and faith
i should adress u and faith as ma"am or else it will be a disrespect to god who had so good and devoted child .............and ma"am i m nt ne Mr.A i visited this site just b4 sumdays and my name is mr lover who beliefs in the religion of love and whose principle is only to sacrifice,caring and all the things which fall under love and i am talkng wid u all wid respect bcoz dis is da principle of love..................ma"am i understand the things all i m saying is impractical but ma"am if we think little deeply then my thinkings are partially practical like.................. do u knw y u are so mch attatch to allah because the way u love him u cant love ne1 else the same way some people get more love in person so they are attracted more 2wards them and this what i tld nw is practical and i knw dis is a sin and so let me come to the point now that we may love a non muslim boy very much or reciprocal it doesn't mean they have to marry bcause every child may love sum1 else i m sayng 4 every religion but b4 dat every1 shud remember the love and sacrifice of their parents who are the main God 4 us and 4 their happiness if u sacrifice ur happiness u cannot level up their sacrifice so it is suggestion to all lovers that never hurt ur parents in ne way and if ur love is true then nt nw but 1day ur love wl be recognized by every1 but never get dishearted by not getting ur love because if u can sacrifice ur love 4 every1 happiness and love her or him whole life then i must gurantee ur love will never die which every true lover wants and most important things to all the true lovers that keep patient on urself ...........i knw it is very hard it is easy to say but love is a hard task friends it hurts first and then it gives the result so u hav 2 b very strong and i 2 loved a gal who is nt in my religion but i learnt 4m her what love is .......................and ma"am faith and trueblood i wl gv sum ans 2 ur questn bt nw i m running short time so ma"am i wl say u later............................
have a very lovely day sisters
Dear love,
From your replies, it looks like you are so in love dear that you cannot see sense, lol. The "message" that you are portraying, which I undersstand from all that you have written here, as being that of promoting love and having THAT as your foundation in life, it sounds very sweet on the outside and all rosy, however to be very frank, its impractical.
"if love has no religion then it means those who love then fall in religion of love...........and every1 in this world fall in these religion ie love because every1 love someone or the other i am nt saying only boyfriend and girlfriend ................even parents,country,etc....................."
I had to read that so many times to understand what exactly you mean and yet still, all I can understand from that sentence is contradiction. Do you realise sister how you are contradicting yourself? You start by 'IF love has no religion..." and yet continue talking about falling in the religion of love. Its an emotion. Thats it. Giving it the title of 'religion' is very incorrect, unncessary and only portrays one thing: obsession. Being obsessed and blinded by love that you would even change its definition by referring to it as 'religion of love.' Lets stick to the 'feeling of love'. thats it.
"As u said that love is blind, has no religion like that only love cannot be control and another thing i want to say u that love cannot dictate , faith........................there is a famous saying that "<pyar kabhi kiya nahin jata pyar ho jata hai"
Ishi liye hamein apne dil aur ankhon keh saat pardha karna chahiye..taake pyaar mein andha honein ka moqaa hi na aaye.
Love CAN be controlled, if we follow certain precautions. How can you fall in love with someone if for example you lower your gaze and do not even look at them except when you are intending to get to know them strictly for marriage porpuses? You tell me...can you fall in love with someone if opposite gender relations are strictly formalised and you cannot gaze at the opposite gender? Naturally no. Yes you may feel lust but love? No way. And that is why as Muslims we stop the root cause of the evil. Instead of gazing and interacting with opposite gender, falling in love and then dealing with problems, we have been ordered to lower our gaze, keep opposite gender interaction minimal, in order to have a clean and chaste society, where love exists between the spouses only.
When we have ourselves crossed boundaries and our emotions are now flying around in the name of love, we should have the courage to admit its our mistake of allowing that to happen instead of taking the easy way out by saying 'well..thats love. it just happens, we do not do it.' .
"if u love anything then how u wl get afraid of that thng........? And i really respect ur feelings and devotion 2wards god but as u tld that as in the law of god it is nt permitted then y god tld 2 love evry1 in dis wrld? Please dnt mine wid my question......"
Because if you truly love someone, you are araid of their displeasure/anger. If you truly love someone, you fear lest they become upset with you and its this FEAR of upsetting them that makes you want to obey them and respect them, not just love them. Love on its own, without this fear present is not of much value. It is like a child that claims to love their parent, yet has no respect for them and continuously disobeys them. What use is this love? What value has this love of theirs got? None. Do you expect those parents to be thankful and content with such a title? I certainly wouldn't be if my child was such. Infact, I would much rather he/she respected me and obeyed me more than love me without fearing upsetting me!
Similarly, we fear our Lord. We love Allah (swt) and fear him simultaneouly. We are not afraid of Allah in his being - we are afraid of His displeasure...we are afraid of him and look at him in awe because of how Mighty He is. Look at what this scholar of Islam said regarding fear and love of God/Allah, and hope too. If you think deeply inshallah, you will see so much wisdom behind this.
“The heart is like a bird: love as its head and its two wings are hope and fear.” ibn al Qayyim
I know where you are coming from love, because I remember a very long time ago, I used to say exactly the same. I had no understanding towards this concept and I remember saying.." I love Allah so much...how can I fear him?"...I didn't get it. But alhamdulillah over time, i have come to understand it a lot better than I did then.
As for your last part, where has God instructe dus to love 'eveyone in this world?' Yes we are required to love and care for humanity generally...and want good for everyone, but that is not restriceted to loving everyone equally, regardless of their faith or behaviour. Thats first point. Secondly, you can love and care for all the way God expects you to be - kind hearted- but you are not required by God to dedicate your emotions and devotion to someone he has forbidden it to. Hence it all comes down to following the law of God and knowing where to put our emotions and devotion into.
We are gonna be told off now lol... for posting here like this, and you will be required to submit a new post so if you have questions then I suggest you to do that inshallah and we will be more than happy to discuss and answer your interesting philosophical queries in your post. 🙂
Was salaam
@ faith
Pyar khabhi kiya nahi gta ho gta hai is a song
Lastly , how do u know hindi ?
I know Hindi and Urdu because I am multi-lingual. 😉
I'm sure it is a song. How could bollywood ever spare such a phrase? lol.
MA'AM LIKE I WROTE ONE IMPRACTICAL THING THAT " pyar kabhi kiya nahin jata pyar ho jata hai" but its true thats y u tld 2 prevent ourselve so cn i say dis as partially practical...........................maam please dnt mine wid all da things i wrote here and another thing sister i am nt ur sister i am ur brother...................
@ love
Brother, thank you for the respect but you really don't have to address me with such a title. I am not worthy of it. Sorry for calling you sister all this time, dunno why I just assumed you were a girl.
Okay-alhamdulillah that we agree on something - that love is blind and knows no rules, etc. Also great that you got my point about us putting restrictions in life in order to not allow that love to develop.
Why not? Of course you can. I have, and I have seen numerous people around me who have gone away from people that love them very much in order to do the right thing, because they chose to follow their logic over their emotions.
Bro, it boils down to this - what do you choose to lead you - your brain or your heart. Unfortunately it looks like the bollywood message of "apne dil ki baat suno" has affected you. A wise human being would do the exact opposite. When we are in a situation where there is a conflict between our heart and mind (emotion vs logic), atleast 99.9% of time, if not all, our mind is telling us the correct thing whereas our heart is leading us astray. I haven't yet figured out if you are a Muslim or not, because I had an analogy to offer to make you understand this much better but it would only mean something to you if you were a Muslim.
I agree that MOST people do, however, not everyone. There are still (thank God) some people who can control themself, despite our human weaknesses. This is exactly why society has become so corrupt, there is moral degeneration, STD's, fly high divorce rates, very few stable families - because people cannot stand up and do the right thing and choose to follow their desires and emotions over anything else. Because youngsters are falling in love, following that love, doing ridiculous things in the name of love and then in the end, they are the same couple that fall 'out' of love too! Love has existed forever, right? Why is it a century back people were married with true love present and had stable families for a lifetime with that partner, yet now, that is something so rare to find? Because how and where we devote our love to someone has become corrupted.
We all want love, we all need love but for a Muslim, it matters who that person is and how you come to love them. Because as a Muslim, it is earning the love of ALLAH that is our ultimate goal in life. And that cannot be done by disobeying Him and going against the boundaries that He set for us. Our aim is to fulfill all our needs, that including of receiving love, but through the right channels that God told us to seek it through, not forbidden ones. If we find ourselves hurt and in the forbidden path, its coz we crossed the boundary, simple.
I'm sorry ppl could not log in using opera that y have to comment like this
@ love , offcourse what ever I told was my perspective of the current scenario that y I put the disclaimer at the starting
Secondly , well ur theory of love , well u said if a person restrict him for speaking with ppl of other religion in order not to love him
Well I got to add is a boy/girl interacts with ppl of same or other faith doesn't mean it eventually or should lead to love(every boyor girl u talk doesn't mean ull start loving them )
Thirdly , coming to the same point islamically
Well a human being is weak by this I mean that his emotions/love/lust/greed can over take him at any given time , that what make us all human being irrespective of religion every person is not immune to this
That where religion(islam) come into picture if u can controlled ur weakness for the love of allah and believing that if u do this for sake of allah ur life will be much better in this world and hereafter
thirdly , love is important every person need love and to be loved , but unlike hate love has certain boundaries which might be based on religion/caste /creed etc
And love has to be done remaining in those boundaries(religion),now many will argue that love knows no boundaries
But if u go by this topic about muslim girl marrying non muslim then that boundary is of religion and it there for the best of human beings
Lastly ,I cant believe that for particular post more that 145 comment have been made , and many of then don't relate to the topi(directly)
Well brother love , its a good topic(love) , to share each persons views but its not related to the above topic directly , its gonna be better if u post a seperate post for this (that depends finally on the mod to decide not me )
ma"am trueblood,
before the above topic discussion we should know what is love according to all of us and then we can start the above topic and the most important thing is dat marriage is directly or indirectly related to love ma"am.............................and sorry both of u and faith ma"am 4 my comments if it hurts ur sentiments...............
@ faith and love
What the discussion about love have to do with , muslim girl marrying non muslim (which is the current topic )
It is the same as like this
Someone telling about the BMW M3 silver edition having 4.0 litre , MV8 engine , 414 horse power , 0-60 mph acceleration in just 4.5 second
And ppl telling , whoo isn't that fast or not
@ love
Firstly , I'm not a female , I'm a MALE
I think u must have realised it by my comment (nor there is any one name Troublehood also )
Lastly , that all I wanted to say
I m sry sir 4 my mistake ..........................................4gve me
I'm just 22 , I'm not entitled to be call sir,
U can call me dude / bro/ Truebloood even bradpitt (lol) I don't mind
never call me sir/abuse me
That all I wanted to say
so now we r on the same page aren't v dude
Go ahead BRO
allah, god and the almighty all are the same. . .We came into the world without any tags, remember we all are created equally,.
We all respect our religion and we've to respect other religions as well.
Answer one question-
Is there some additional body parts the almighty have given to people of different religions?
I think no. . We all have four limbs, pair of eye, ear. . And most importantly ONE HEART. . .
If the almighty haven't distinguished between us, then who the hell we are to bound ourselves with the rules and laws of religion. . .Humanity is the only religion as far as we all know. . .And The fuel to drive Humanity is LOVE. . .It can be in any form. .
A muslim mother adopting a hindu child, a hindu sister tying raakhi to a muslim brother. . .
Remember people we came on earth, why?? We are just a creature like every other creatures on earth. . .Almighty sees every creatures as the same. . .
I am a 23 year old guy, i don't consider myself even a 1% qualified to throw my opinions when the experts are already here. . .I am just shocked and suprised that when i can think somewhat logical and intellectual and spiritual, then why all of you can't think the same?
Humanity is the only religion? That is to say that we are our own gods, but in your opening sentence you are contradicting yourself. If you do not accept religion, that is fine and you will choose to do what you please. Yet for those of us that do, we find the Greatest Love from the Source of All Love, Allah (swt). As such, seeking His pleasure is the greatest goal and so, obeying His commands is above our own ego and lower desires. Being determined to attaining Heaven is not such a bad thing.
By the way, you never see an ant with an elephant. These two creatures are both creations of God and so have equal status as His creation. Yet what sets humans apart if the "free will" to obey and disobey God when you are religious. Worldly love is thus secondary to God's and as Muslims, we here aspire to that Ultimate Destination of Love.
I had posted this excerpt from a site earlier. Perhaps it will allow you to understand Islamic love and the order of it in the life of a Muslim.
The Noble Qur'an says: "The believers are stronger in their love for Allah." (Surah Al-Baqara, 2:165)
According to Islamic teaching, the minimum expectation from believers is that God should have the first place in their heart, in the sense that no other love may override one's love for God; God should be the highest and foremost object of love.
Iam in love with a hindu guy.
(Then rest of your comment has been deleted. Please log in and write your question as a separate post, thank you. - IslamicAnswers.com Editor)
Assalamo alaiqum m a muslim boy and m in love with hindu girl for 5 years and we want to get marrid but my parrents againts this marriage i m very upset because she loves me alot and i cant live with out her because we like to each other since schooling time i dont know wht should i do plz help me bro????
Sami, Walayumsalaam,
It is forbidden for a Muslim man to marry a Hindu woman. If you marry her, you will be disobeying Allah greatly and incur Allah's Anger. Is this what you want? Ask this girl if she will accept Islam truly. If she does, this is the only way you can marry her. If not, then its time to wake up brother. Your parents are completely within their rights to be against this marriage. If my son on brother wanted to marry a hindu girl (Allah forbid), I would be totally against it too.
If you have any further questions, please log in and submit them as a seprate post. Anything else will be deleted.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Dear All,
there is a huge discussion on the issue that whether a Hindu man can marry to muslim girl ? or in other words can a muslim girl who is in love with a Hindu man can marry him ? The islamic supporters have tried to convince the girl not to marry a Hindu guy if he is not converted to Islam. The major threat given to girl is that such marriage is Harram and Lord Allah will not forgive her and she may not get place in heaven after death. This is a very narrow minded thought.
If the girl marries a Hindu guy and if follows Hinduasim , then will she be definitely punished by Allah ? We all Hindu believes that there is only one mighty power and known world over by different names and also prayed with different styles. But ultimately all prayers go to single point power, whatever may be the style worship. Also I want to ask the muslim supporters , if a muslim girl after marrying to Hindu man follows the Hindu worships, then will Allah send her to hell after death ? If so what the Hindu Gods will do that time ? Will the Hindu Gods will just see her path to hell ? Anyone she has worshiped them will be useless ? Or the muslim supporters want to say only Allah has the power to decide who will go to Heaven or Hell ? What about the other Gods of the different religions ? Do they don't have their own power to decide path of any body to heaven or hell who have accepted them ? The way to heaven or hell is dependent on the good or bad acts that you do in your life.
Also only when there is the matter of inter cast marriage the muslim supporters are aggressive on the issue. But what about your own muslim people who drink alcoholic drinks ? What about your muslim people who do not respect their wives and care for them , beat them ? What do you think still Allah supports them only because they are muslim ?
So muslim supporters stop fooling people of your own religion and allow them to think in a broad way. You people have created a deadlock in the minds of your community. Let the people marry to anyone they love and dont interfere on the name of Allah.
Allah and also all the Gods of different communities are merciful and love is the most beautiful feeling created by the super power ( of all religions ) on this earth.
I wish Good Luck to all who want to marry, one of their own choice whatever is caste of the opposite side. Just respect one anothers religion.
May god bless you all.
Anand, your questions are all good ones and while I don't want to go into great detail here as that is not the purpose of this website and not related to this particular post, I'll give you brief answers:
1. Muslim believe there is only one true God, the Creator of all, the Eternal. His name in Arabic is Allah. The gods of the Hindus, Buddhas, saints, etc, cannot reward or harm anyone because they are not real.
2. As a general rule, anyone who denies the one true God and worships false gods will go to Hell. In creating us, the only thing that Allah has asked in return is that we worship Him alone. So if we violate this basic covenant then we will be punished. Of course, Allah is just and will judge everyone according to what they knew, and how they acted on it.
3. Muslims who commit sins will also be punished.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Dear Wael,
We agree your comment that muslims believe, there is one true God the creator of all and his name is Allah.
OK. The same thing we Hindus do believe that the earth and the human beings are created by Lord Bramha. So do the believers of the other community also believe for their respective Idols. But we never denied the existence of places of worships in the minds of other communities.
If you mean to say that the other Gods of other communities are powerless to bless or harm anybody because they are not real, then first you should prove the existence of Allah only on this earth. Otherwise you do not have any right to decide who's God is real or not.
Nobody of any community can say that he has seen God in reality. Still everybody who believes in God of any community accepts the existence of the unknown Super power.
If the Gods are separate as you say, then the Sun, the Moon, the rivers, the mountains, the sea, the Earth are of who's property? Can anybody from any community say that one particular thing amongst above belongs to them only because their God has created the one ?
Think in a broad way.
Easily answered questions:
Also I want to ask the muslim supporters , if a muslim girl after marrying to Hindu man follows the Hindu worships, then will Allah send her to hell after death ?
Yes, she will be punished for committing shirk. It is the greatest sin.
If so what the Hindu Gods will do that time? Nothing, they are powerless now and then, since there are no other gods, but Allah (swt).
Will the Hindu Gods will just see her path to hell? See above answer.
Anyone she has worshiped them will be useless? Yes.
Or the muslim supporters want to say only Allah has the power to decide who will go to Heaven or Hell? Yes.
What about the other Gods of the different religions? None exist beside Allah (swt).
Do they don't have their own power to decide path of any body to heaven or hell who have accepted them? No.
But what about your own muslim people who drink alcoholic drinks? They are sinning.
What about your muslim people who do not respect their wives and care for them beat them ? They are sinning.
What do you think still Allah supports them only because they are Muslim? Allah (swt) will judge them as He wills.
To close:
But you are denying the command of Allah so you are titled as kaffir[denier] see this truth of your birth right.
The Primordial Covenant
"And [remember] when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed, and made them testify of themselves, [He asked]: "Am I not your Lord?" They said "Yes, we testify!" Lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: "Of this we were unaware.Quran, The Heights 7:172>
The definitive attribute of man is his ability to forget.The very word used in the Quran for "man," insan, is related etymologically to the word nisyan, or forgetfulness.
Thus the human as he is initiated into the world progressively loses his awareness of the immediate presence of Allah.It is the function of religion to make us remember.
1.This is related to the five stages of the lives of man, one of which, is the 'preconceptual life', which took place before we came into this world.
2.This world, known as dunya in Arabic, is derived from the word 'low' and is seen in Islamic cosmology as the lowest world. Indicating that there are worlds above this one, and that man descended from the highest, which is from the presence of Allah.
This stage of preconception is when, according to the Quran, Allah took all the created souls, and brought them together where He said to them
"Am I not your Lord?" and the souls responded in affirmation,
"Yes, we testify!"
“Then did you think that We created you in vain and that to Us you would not be returned? Therefore exalted be God, the Sovereign, the Truth; no deity is there save Him, Lord of the Supreme Throne.” (Quran 23:115-116)
[22:73] O people, here is a parable that you must ponder carefully: the idols you set up beside GOD can never create a fly, even if they banded together to do so. Furthermore, if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it; weak is the pursuer and the pursued..
[22:74] They do not value GOD as He should be valued. GOD is the Most Powerful, the Almighty.
Idol-worship not to be taken lightly
God warns us that idol worship is an unforgivable sin if maintained until death. So God willing we should try not to fall into such an offense that has grave consequences.
[4:116] GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death), and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside GOD has strayed far astray.
[4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.
If we do fall into idol worship by ignorance, we pray that we realize it before it is too late, and repent for it. Otherwise all our works might be nullified. God has made this point very clear in His revelations:
[39:65] It has been revealed to you, and to those before you that if you ever commit idol worship, all your works
will be nullified, and you will be with the losers.
Even the messengers of God are not exempt from this rule:
[6:88] Such is GOD's guidance, with which He guides whomever He chooses from among His servants. Had any of them fallen into idolatry, their works would have been nullified.
Look sisters first read quran at your home and hadith of (saw), Please understand the words of quran and hadith,you are a muslim why dont you understand u are not allowed to begin relationships with non muslims as a husband ,you said that "you fall in love with him" but in my opinion its just a physical attraction of human beings toards one another, Allah allows you to fall in love with your husband (Muslim Boy), dont do harram things please other wise allah will punish you here and hereafter, Listen sister i am not your relative but i am a muslim boy who wishes you a beautiful and happy life, So please think about your Love with non muslim and think about the "Day of Justice".
Be a sweet muslim girl, muslim daughter, muslim wife, muslim sister and muslim mom.
Allah Hafiz
Marriage between two people who do not follow the same religion creates problems in the day-to-day life of the couple because no aspect of our life is outside the jurisdiction of the Islamic shari'ah. Consequently restriction in marriage based on religious differences is quite natural
Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise.
Wed not idolatresses till they believe; for lo! a believing bondwoman is better than an idolatress though she please you; and give not your daughters in marriage to idolaters till they believe, for lo! a believing slave is better than an idolater though he please you. These invite unto the Fire, and Allah inviteth unto the Garden, and unto forgiveness by His grace, and expoundeth His revelations to mankind that haply they may remember.
hi to all,
i am not bothered about who marries who , but i am more concerned about their parents . they have to live in their socitey and they have to face million questions , for which they do not have any answers as they have no control of situations. today's law and media supports love marriage but nobody has a little concern about parents and children after getting full support from parents in life from birth to getting settled in life, afterwards parents cannot question their decision and think they are self made.
Hello All,
Without making this a novel and going into too much detail, just want to add my two cents of advice for my fellow Muslim girls here - this is in no way meant to be disrespectful to Hindus. I fell in love with a Hindu boy few years ago who initially agreed to convert to Islam since he wasn't very religious. As time went by, the conditions changed as I was very young and submissive - it came to a point where I was being advised to leave my family, move with him, go to India get married and pretend to be Hindu so his family could be happy and call it a day since he lived overseas so we wouldn't be seeing his family that often anyways. When it came to discuss children, he clearly said he wouldn't let them go inside mosque and would raise them Hindu...it came to a point where I had been raised to respect all religions so I went with him to a gurdwara and mandir but he refused to visit a historical mosque with me, let alone step foot inside it.
Long story short, I loved this man dearly and constantly ask Allah for forgiveness for whatever mistakes I made but something about my upbringing kept me from marrying him and giving up my religion and family - I ended up agreeing to marry a Muslim guy and alhumdulillah my life has been amazing. I have been married for two years mashallah and I'm as happy as I can ever be because guys, nothing is more important than your Imaan and family...dont give up your akhirah for the pleasure of this duniya...control your nafs. I feel like this decision was my inner Jihad and Allah has rewarded me with the most humble and loving husband ever. Although he isn't very religious, we share the same ideologies of how we want to raise a Muslim family and the biggest factor is, our families get along with each other and both families have respect for each other's spouses.
Don't ever give up your Imaan. You realize how important this is once you get married and think of raising a family and bringing children into this world.
I'm not gonna say it was easy letting go of my first love - Allah has made us weak as human beings and has set trials for is every step of the way. But at the end of the day, alhumdulillah I know my conscience is clear.
May Allah guide us all on the right path - Ameen.
Jazak'Allah Khair.
now, what about me? I belong to a Hindu family but accepted islam..and only few of my friends knows this..m very afraid to tell this to my parents , and i know they will not accept this and will ask me to marry a hindu girl, which i really don't want..so please help me in this..and will it be fine..if the hindu girl i ll marry accepts islam after marriage ? 🙁
Why did you delete my comment? You know there are non-Muslim guys out there who are married to Muslim women and they have amazing, wonderful and loving relationships. I happen to be one of those guys.
If there is a God out there who is against my marriage to my wife just because she's Muslim and I'm not, then "loving" is certainly not an adjective we could use to describe him.
I think you seriously need to reassess what kind of God you are praying to >_>
Josh, your comment exhibits perfectly why Muslims should not marry non-Muslims. You insult God and question our worship of Him. How could anyone thrive in their spiritual life as a Muslim while married to someone like you? As Muslims, the entire purpose of our lives is to please God in everything we do, and to earn a place in Paradise in the hereafter. You could never understand that, and I doubt very much if you would help your wife on that path.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
It reminds me something that happened to me long time before marrying my husband I made huge mistake to fall in love with a British guy non Muslim. But were dating only for few weeks. he said he would convert but was changing his mind many times, he was not clear. Sometimes he sayd he loves islam, sometimes he said his father would be shocked. I thought he needed time. But I woke up and left him. He kept calling me, I started hesitating again to give another chance. Then one day, he was upset of all the religion thing and said: let's get married and have babies, who cares of f.... (bad word) Jesus and who cares of f... (bad word) the prophet Mohamed, who cares of God. It's our life."" he actually exploded. That exact moment, I truly understood why we, women should marry only Muslims. Then, I understood the value of someone who understand the respect of the prophets and God. Muslim man, even not perfect with all his mistakes and bad points but at least he will never say something like this about God or our Prophet swt so shocking front of me or/and children.
Saraa, thank you for sharing this experience.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
What ever be the extent to which a Muslim practices his faith, every Muslim believes Koran is a word from Allah revealed to Prophet Mohammad through Anger Gabriel. And Koran says these on inter religious marriages:
1. Muslim men can marry women from people of book i.e. Christians and Jews and of course Muslim women.
2. Muslim women can not marry men from other religions; it is forbidden (haram).
@all the non-muslim reading this.
I would like to invite you to Islam.
We Muslims worship Allah - the only one GOD who created you and me and all that exists.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allaah), Who has created you and those before you so that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious).” [al-Baqarah 2:21]
Do you think the idols that you worship can listen to you ? can they hear your prayers? can they respond to you? have you ever asked these questions to yourself ?
Everything that is worshiped instead of Allaah can neither bring benefit nor cause harm, it can neither create nor provide. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say (O Muhammad, to mankind); ‘How do you worship besides Allaah something which has no power either to harm or to benefit you? But it is Allaah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower.’” [al-Maa’idah 5:76]
“You worship besides Allaah only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides Allaah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allaah (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back.” [al-‘Ankaboot 29:17]
Allah is the one who created you and me and all that exists.
Allah alone deserves to be worshiped.
HE has no father, mother, brother, sister or son.
HE is not like us.
There is no one like HIM.
Allah says,
Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,
"Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).
He neither begets nor is born,
"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."
(Quran 112: 1-4)
what is the purpose of this life? just study, earn, marry, children and die or there is more to it?
Do you know that this life is temporary?? and we will die and will be raised up again and there is going to be a day of judgement?
Please Research about Islam. See how it makes sense inshaAllah.
I want you to be saved from the hell fire and enter Heaven so I invite you to Islam.
Here are some links for you where you can learn more about Islam inshaAllah
-> quran(dot)come
- > Invitation2Islaam(dot)wordpress(dot)com
replace above (dot) by . and paste and search in your address bar
May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, his family and Companions!
Hii...plzzz hlpme m.madly in love wid a hindu guy he to loves me a lot he said dat he vil mary me n I vil flw only my relgn.bt wo muslm ni hngy bt futr mn wo mjhe kbi frce ni krngy k mai unka rlgn flw krun mai islam ko he flw krungi m prd to b a sunni n ummati of rasool sallallaho alyhe wasallam n I vil mk sure k hmare baby jo ho wo b muslm he ek schcha pkka muslmsn bne mai is nkkah ko haram.ni halal bnana chahti hu is it posbl????
I only understood the English portion of your question. A Muslim woman cannot marry a Hindu man under any circumstances. There are no exceptions to this rule.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
M a muslm girl n I knw d rules in islam I cnnt marry non muslm guy bt what if he turns into a muslm........accordng to islam a muslm grl cn marry a muslm boy so if he qubools islam dn our marg vil b halal????plz answr my qustn accrdng to hadith n rules of islam
Yes but he has to convert first
Sister ,if some one is converting for the sake of marriage ,or for the girl then it is not a valid conversion .conversion should be for the sake of Allah alone ...if he has studied islam and follows and likes islam from heart and only for the sake of Allah then it is valid conversion n your marriage will be valid ..but if just for the sake of marriage this conversion is taking place then it is not a valid marriage. ..in the same forum we have seen how sisters struggling after marriage with some of converted guys who did just fod martiage .please note it is haraam to have boyfriend even if he is muslim ...I suggest you to leave this man n focus on deen
M a muslm girl n I knw d rules in islam I cnnt marry non muslm guy bt what if he turns into a muslm........accordng to islam a muslm grl cn marry a muslm boy so if he qubools islam dn our marg vil b halal????plz answr my qustn accrdng to hadith n rules of islam
Most of the time in Asia and Middle East it is parents who decide whom their daughters/sisters are going to marry. First talk to your parents and see if they will let you marry a Hindu revert to Islam.
Sisters ☺️☺️☺️
I agree that your boyfriend loves you and allows you to follow islam after marriage.. But slowly slowly he will tell you in a lovely voice to visit temple.. Just visit.. After some time.he will tell you in a lovely voice to fold hands infront of idols..just fold hand...and finally he. Will. Tell you to do worship and to do shirk in a beautiful manner and you will do shirk and finally you will loose your emaan(astagfirulla)this is how iblees works... I seen many girls doing shirk and kufr after marriage
.""☹️☹️ since the man of the house is mushrik or kafir..for the timing you can become princess of a mushrik. But in akhirat you. Will also become dozakhi along with your children(if they also choose the path. Of shaitaan) .. May allah protect us from hell fire and from drakness of qabrr....