My mother got a negative isteqara for me but I didn’t
I met this guy through my parents for marriage. I found him decent and religious enough for me. I decided to do isteqara for him and since I didn't get any clear negative sign, decided to go for him and we kept in contact. But then my mother did isteqara and she got negative signs (dreams). She did it thrice and each time it was negative . The guy did isteqara too (twice) and his result could be interpreted as positive or neutral but definitely not negative. There is nothing negative against the guy except for the isteqara dreams. My mother is pretty adamant because going for this guy is going against Allah's will and nothing good can ever come out of it. I'm totally lost as to what I should do because at some level I have developed a soft corner for him and I see a good life partner in him. please advise .
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Assalam alaikum,
Please read the information on the following website:
Also, it is best to perform the Isthikhara prayer yourself--and finally, the result isn't necessarily a dream--but instead it could be a feeling or simply that you go ahead with your plan and put your trust in Allah swt.
May Allah ease your difficulties, Ameen.