Need guidance on sexual intercourse with wife.
Can I see her naked during intercourse, or what are the limits between husband and wife (during intimacy) from an Islamic point of view?
-zamir abbas
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Can I see her naked during intercourse, or what are the limits between husband and wife (during intimacy) from an Islamic point of view?
-zamir abbas
Is this a serious question?
Why not? There is an Islamic etiquette for intimate relations and considering all the lewdness that goes on nowadays, young inexperienced Muslims do not want to inadvertently indulge in kuffar practises if they don't know what is unlawful.
However, I'll leave the editors to provide a comprehensive answer to this one.
You have to be naked to have sex, you have to see each other's naked bodies at some point and its halal for you because you are married.
The only limit is Anal sex, as its forbidden.
Also forbidden is intercourse during her menstrual cycle as well. I believe there are other posts on this website that go into details about other matters as well, but I do believe these are the two major things that a husband should not do with his wife.
you must not talk from ur view point rather he should consult ullema
muslim brother,
I agree with sister Samira and you should go a purchase an islamic book on husband & wife sexual side and thats all i can say to you and all the very best.
Yes, you can see your wife naked.
When a couple marry, they are able to enjoy physical intimacy; you may see each other unclothed during, before and after intercourse - husband and wife are described as being garments for each other, which indicates the closeness and intimacy possible. Of course, it takes time to develop this depth of relationship, so take time in getting to know your partner and building a healthy relationship in other aspects as well.
With regards sexual intercourse, as far as I'm aware, vaginal sex and touching each other to give pleasure are acceptable and couples are free to express themselves using these ways. There are conflicting schools of thought with regards oral sex - some scholars say it is acceptable, some say it is makruh, and some say it is haraam; if you are curious about oral sex, you could study the different opinions and then come to a conclusion yourself. Anal sex is strictly forbidden - this is plainly described as a sin, and was cited as one of the reasons Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed (the other term for anal sex - sodomy - comes from the name of the city).
As was mentioned earlier, avoid sex when your wife is menstruating. After she finishes her period, she can perform ghusl and then you are both free to have sex again.
I would advise that you read a book on Islamic sexual etiquette and husband and wife relations, as these tend to be written by people who have studied the area and therefore probably can give clearer advice and information.
Midnightmoon editor
As Salamu'alaikum,
There's a book by Shaikh Albani Rahimahullah about the etiquette of marriage in which he discusses the intimacy issues. It can be accessed here.
This should be very helpful in sha Allah.
Abu Abdul Bari Editor