Not Praying Salah – 14 Year Old
This is my first time using this website sorry for any mistakes.
I desperately need help with salah. I don't pray at all but I want to however I'm not 100% sure how to do it because my mother couldn't teach me when I was little as she was mentally unstable and ill. My dad never taught me and neither has any of my relatives. My parents are divorced and my dad works all the time and he always shouts at me for not praying. I don't know what to do I'm so upset because I probably have a lot of sin because I've never prayed and I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone because they will make fun of me. Also am I a kaffir for not praying? I really want to but in the right way.
Please help needed desperately I'm honesty so lost right now my mind is tearing me apart.
Tagged as: don't know how to pray, how to pray, learning to pray, prayer, praying, salah, teen issues, Teenagers Issues
Waleikum assalam!
First of all no you are not a kaffir and dont ever think of yourself as one. Kaffir is basically someone who dont believe in Allah and goes against him. However you are not in that category.
Your parents should have teached you how to pray and since youre not 15 yet it is their responsibility to make sure you learn it and pray.
I would recommend you to search on the internet how to pray or learn how to pray and there are a lot of islamic sites and forums that describes how you pray and theres also pictures in the descriptions to show what to say doing the different movements.
So let's start with conditions of Salaat:
1. Acceptance of Islamic Faith - disbelievers are not
required to perform Salaat until they believe in Allah (SWT)
and bear witness that there is no God but Allah and bear
witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is His
2. An-Niyyah - In Arabic, it means intention by heart to
perform the particular prayer.
3. Cleanliness - This includes cleanliness of the body, the
worn cloth and the place where the prayer is performed.
4. Purification - this refers to the performance of Wudhu
(or Ghusl as the case maybe) prior to undertaking the
5. Clothes and concealing of the ‘Awrah - For man, it is
essential that he be covered at least from navel to the knees
all around, while in the case of a woman, her body should
be totally covered except for the face and hands up to the
wrists. But if there are men around, she should cover her
body totally including the face and wrists.
6. Facing the “Qiblah” - A person who prays, must face
towards the direction of the sacred mosque in Makkah. If a
person is in a strange place, and is not in a position to find
out the right direction of Qiblah, he/she can make the best
guess of the Qiblah and perform the prayer.
7. Timing - prayers are to be observed at the prescribed
Now let's see how to perform Wudhu:
1. Making the intention (Niyyah) to perform wudhu as an act of
sincere homage and worship for the pleasure of Allah
(SWT). The intention is not to be uttered but it should be
kept in mind during the wudhu.
2. Invoking Allah (SWT) at the start of the wudhu by saying
“Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah).
3. Washing the hands up to the wrists three times, while
rubbing them and allowing the water to reach between the
4. Rinsing the mouth with water thrice, preferably using
“Miswak” - (tooth stick), tooth brush or fingers to brush the
teeth and the gums. Regarding the importance of miswak,
the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, “ If it had not been a
great burden on my Ummah, I would have ordered them to
use the miswak at every wudhu.” Narrated by Imam Malik.
5. Cleaning the nostrils by sniffing water in and out three times.
6. Washing the entire face thrice using both hands from the top
of the forehead down to the bottom of the chin and from ear
to ear.
7. Washing the arms three times up to the upper end of
elbows, right arm first and then the left. Arms should be
rubbed while being washed.
8. Moistening both hands and passing them over the head
starting from above the forehead down to the nape (the back
of the head) and from there bringing the hands forward up to
the forehead. Do not wet the neck.
Now the pillars of salaat:
The prayer has obligatory pillars which must be fulfilled for its
validity, and these are as follows:
1. Al-Qiyaam - prayer is to be performed in a standing position
if a person is physically capable.
2. Takbeerat-ul-Ihraam, that is saying “ALLAHU AKBAR”, at
the commencement of the prayer.
3. Al-Fatihah – The recital of the opening chapter of the Holy
Quran in every Raka’a.
4. Rukuu’ - this is the bowing posture wherein the head and
back are positioned on the same level and both hands are
rested on the knees with the fingers spread apart.
5. Raising up from rukuu’ position.
6. It is required to stand up from the rukuu’ position in such a
way that the person feels that all his/her backbones are
7. Sujuud - Prostrating oneself in such a way that the following
seven parts of the body are firmly placed on the ground. i.e.
forehead together with the tip of the nose, both palms, both
knees, the bottom surface of toes of both feet.
8. Raising the head from the Sujuud position.
9. It is required to sit upright during the pause between the two
10. Taking a sitting position for the recitation of “At-Tashahud”.
11. Recitation of “At-Tashahud” - words of witness.
12. Reciting the words of supplication for the Prophet (Peace be
upon him)
13. Conclude the prayer with the words of peace “Tasleem”.
i.e. “Assalamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu.”
In addition to the proceeding 13 pillars of prayer, there are also
certain necessary duties, which need to be fulfilled in the course
of the salaat. They are as follows:
1. All Takbeers except Takbeerat ul-Ihram.
2. Saying “ SUBHANAA RABBIYAL ATHEEM”, (once) in
Rukuu position.
3. Saying “SAMI ALLAHU LIMAN HAMIDAH”(once) while
resuming standing position from the Rukuu, whether the
person is an “Imam” - leading the prayer or is praying alone.
4. Saying “RABBANA WALAKAL HAMD” (once) after resuming
the standing position from the Rukuu. This is required from
the Imam, from the congregation and also when the person
is praying alone.
5. Saying “SUBHANA RABBIYAL A’LAA” (once) when in
Sujuud (Prostration) position.
6. Saying “RABB IGHFIR LEE” in the sitting lull between the
two prostrations of every unit of the prayer.
7. Taking a sitting position on the recitation of the first
Tashahhud at the end of first two rakaats (units) of Dhuhr,
Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers.
8. Reciting the Al-Tashahhud (words of witness) after the end
of first two rakaats of Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers.
The above 8 acts constitute the necessary duties of the prayer
and if one of them is missed unintentionally, then the person is
required to correct the mistake by performing two prostrations of
forgetfulness at the end of the prayer. However, if any of these
duties is left out deliberately, then the whole prayer is nullified
and shall require a repetition.
“Al-tahiyatu lillahi wasalawaatu watayyibaatu, Assalaamu alayka
ayyuha-n-nabiyyu wa rah-mat- ullahi wa barakaatuhu.
Assalaamu alayna wa ‘alaa ibadi-l-laahi-s-saalihiyn. Ash-hadu
al-laa-ilaaha ill-allahu wa ashahadu anna Muhammadan abdoho
wa rasooluhu. Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala aali
Muhammad, kama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa aali Ibrahim. Innaka
Hameedon Majid. Wa baarik ala Muhammad wa ala aali
Muhammad kama baarakta ala Ibrahima was ala aali Ibrahima.
Innaka Hameedon Majid.”
“Greetings, prayers and the good things of life belong to Allah.
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be on you, O Prophet.
May peace be upon us and on the devout slaves of Allah. I
testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad
is His slave and messenger.
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family as You blessed
Ibrahim and his family. You are the Most Praised, the Most
1. Saying the opening supplication (Dua al Istiftah) -
“Subhaanaka Allahumma Wabe Hamdika Watabarak
Ismaka Wata’ala jadduka Wala Ilaha Ghairuka” The
meaning is: Praise and Glory be to Allah, Blessed be your
name, Exalted be your Majesty and Glory. There is no God
but you.
2. Put one’s right hand over his left hand and put them both
over his chest while standing.
3. Raise one’s hands up to the level of shoulders or near the
lobes of his ears in the following cases:
i. Declaring: Takbeer al Ihram”
ii. Bows in Rukuu.
iii. Raising from the position of Rukuu.
iv. Standing up after reciting the first Tashahud.
4. Saying more than one time “Subhana Rabbi al Atheem” in
the Rukuu.
5. Stating “Ameen” upon concluding the recitation of “Al-
6. Remarking “Aoothu billahi Mi-nas-Shaytani-r-rajeem.
Bismillahi-r- Rahmani-r- Raheem.”
7. Proclaiming more than one time “Rabbi ighfir li”, while taking
a pause between the two prostrations. (Sujuud)
8. Keeping one’s head and back level while bowing for Rukuu.
9. Should neither bring his hands close to his sides, nor stick
his abdomen to his thighs, in the prostration position.
10. Elbows should be raised from the ground, while in
prostration. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said
“and stretch not your hands on the ground as dogs.”
11. Laying one’s left foot flat on the ground and sitting upon it
keeping his right foot erect while,
a. Reciting first Tashahhud;
b. Pausing between two prostrations;
c. in the last Tashahhud if the prayer consists of Two
rakaa e.g. Dawn prayer
12. ATTAWARRUK - It is position of sitting, wherein the person
protrudes out his left foot from underneath his right leg, in such
way that the person rests the left buttock on the floor. It is
preferred to practise this, when sitting for the final Tashahud in
the Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers.
Finally, actions that invalidate prayer:
1. Talking intentionally and deliberately (If are aware that your
prayer will be invalidated if you talk).
2. Laughing
3. Eating
4. Drinking
5. Uncover one’s body. (‘Awrah )
6. To shift position from the direction of Ka’aba.
7. To do any noticeable act or more outside the acts and
movements of prayer
8. To do anything that invalidates the ablution.
9. To fail in observing any of the pillars of prayer, such as
standing when capable, reciting al Fatiha etc.,