my parents reject the guy of my choice
assallamu-alaykum brothers and sisters,
Hope you all are well. I really need all your help. OK so here goes: this guy and I really like each other, and he's Muslim. He's even an aalim, alhamdulilah, and he prays 5 times a day and is very religious. We both want to get married as we know it's the right thing to do.
We've never spoken or touched each other alhamdulilah, however my parents don't want him because they don't like his family 🙁 His family has proposed to me, but I don't know what to do. I really don't want to let him go, we even read our istikhaara namaz and both gave our answer as yes. Please help me, what do I do? 🙁 🙁
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Well if he's a good guy and makes u happy then marry him. You can't please everyone in life you'll get nowhere, and am talking from personal experience.
Assalam alaikum Sister,
I don't know if your post has enough information to answer it properly, but based on what you said, I would suggest that you try talking to your parents again. It might be difficult for you to see the reason why your parents are rejecting this proposal, but there is a chance that the reason they do not like his family is valid--I don't know what that might be--but it is important.
My first instinct is to say that you should stand your ground if you are firm in your belief that this boy is good for you--but do not let that cloud your judgement and stop you from listening to your parents. Yes, sometimes parents might not have the best reasons, but listen to it thoroughly and after you have done that, and you are 100% sure, then stand your ground on wanting to marry this man. If possible, try to involve a close family friend/relative that your parents respect to speak on your behalf.
May Allah do what is best for you, inn shaa Allah! Ameen!
hi i need i feeling really distress about my past i can t stop think about it. I really get with life and move with my life keep saying i wish i could done things differently. Please advice i stop my stress go away as my mum is noticing it.