How should women pray Salaah?
I live in Bangladesh and people teaching us a Arabic or salah are called huzur. My huzur as well as my mother"s huzur taught us that male and female have different sitting position after sajud (prostration). But recently I've seen a youtube video which show how to pray like Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and it didnt show how female sitting should be different. So I went on to browse on such topics but didn't really understand.
~ Does sitting of male and female after sajud differs?
~ Is it not necessary to say this dua (ALLAHUMMA inne jalam tu nafsi julman kasi ro wala ya fagh firli magh firatam innaka hamidum mazid) after darud sharif, as the youtube video didnt include it and my huzur taught me that
~ My mother told me that (although she is not that sure) it is not permissible on part of female to recite "dowrud sharif" during her period...does this carry any weight? is it true? if not why?
~ Also a few days back one of my friend told me that female have to cover their feet as well and female even have to cover it during their prayer? Do we have to do it? And if so can you plz highlight points from hadith where it says so.
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Bengali: Apa huzur e jeta koison ita sotik huzur re jela kan koison olakan porin.
English: Sister what imam said its right you should follow what imam said and taught how to pray.
Asalamualaikum sister Emma,
It's always good if you make dua, and the dua you mention It's probably "dua masura"? Which is "Allahumma inni zalamtu nafse zulman kaseeraw walayagfiruz zunuba illah anta fagfirli Magfiratam minindika warahamni innaka antal gafurur Rahim".
And yes as far I know when women in periods they are not allowed to pray, read quaran nor durood sharif. You need to be clean.
And Iam sorry couldn't answer you other question but as far I know you need to cover your feet during prayer.
Walaykum assalam wr wb.. Mya llah swt guide you always to the right path and i congratulate you for asking this important question which many of us neglect
It is obligatory upon a free Mukallaf (person meeting the conditions to be held legally accountable for their actions) woman to cover all of her body except her face and hands when offering Salah, for all of her body is `Awrah (private parts of the body that must be covered in public).
If she offers Salah while some of her `Awrah such as her leg, feet, or head is uncovered, her Salah is not valid. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Allah does not accept the Salah of a menstruating woman (i.e. an adult woman) unless (she covers her head) with a head-cover.”
> Secondly inline to what your mom said well It was reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Abu Dawud, Sunan, Book on purification, no. 232."I do not make the Masjid lawful for a menstruating woman and for a person who is in state of major impurity.
when it comes to reading durood or any verses of quran its completely allowed. there is no doubt but you should not touch the mushaf(pages of quran )
if you can read it online or the verses which you have memorised then its good.
but if in the state of janabah(impurity) you should not read anything unless you take ghusl
>Yes it is NOT necessary to read that allahumma zalamtu nafisin zulman kaseeran ....Niyah mean the intention , just you need to raise hands to the level of shoulder whilst saying allahu akbar then say sana subhanakalalhumma wabihamdika ..... then audhubillahi minash shaitanir rajeem bissmillahir rahmanirraheem ,then recite fatiha
and llast but not least there is no difference for women and man after sajud ,while doing sajud.. etc..
Wallahu alam. bis sawwab
How can you read durood, if you don't do wadu? And if you in period are you clean if you make wadu?
Sorry I don't know that's why Iam asking
Thank you
Salaams NRH,
Since you have a quick question I will answer it briefly. If you are menstruating, wudu alone will not put you in a state of purity. The only remedy for the impurity of menstruation is to take a ghusl after the menses are over.
-Amy Editor
@ mazedul Hasan nice bengla....
@Amy Thank you for your reply. But I am still confused when we in period how can we read durood? As far I know you can't pray nor read quaran nor durood. As Imane said you can read.
Sorry for my another question.
If you can recite something from memory or reading it without touching the Arabic writing is what I believe she meant. The pure state is needed to touch the Arabic writing, not for recitation itself if I'm not mistaken.
-Amy Editor
Prayers do not differ for men and women according to the majority of the Ulama.
Both men and women cover their Awrah (privet parts) and for women, it is the entire body except the hands and the face. And thus, a woman must cover her feet.
Darood is common for both men and women, because there is no difference between men and women in this. I am not sure about the issue of menstruating women mentioned by the sisters above. But the Ulama say that menstruating women can recite dhikr and thus, I believe she can recite the Darood during her periods. And Allah knows best. Read the following fatwa in this regard:
And this:
For more details on how the prayer differs for men and women, if it does read this fatwa:
You can read the following book in order to know how the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam. You should know this, because, as the image above says, Allah's Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam said 'Pray as you have seen me pray'
The book was compiled by Shaikh Albani Rahimahullah:
Shaikh gives enough proof for each action in prayer.
I hope all this helps in giving you the correct understanding.
May Allah Guide us all to As Siraat al Mustaqeem
Muhammad Waseem
Sister emma, As-salamu alaykum. Here are the answers to your questions:
1. As far as I know, the method of sitting is the same for men and women. I have never heard of it being different.
2. By durood sharif you mean the final jalsa (sitting position) when we call for blessings upon the Prophet (sws)? After that, your salat is essentially finished, but if you want to continue to say more dua' at that point, you can. It is considered meritorious to supplicate Alllah while still in salat. So the dua' that your teacher gave you is not required but there's certainly nothing wrong with it and it's a good dua'.
3. Menstruation - others have answered this for you already.
4. The feet - already answered. The 'awrah of the woman is everything except the face and the hands.
Here is a page that shows simply and properly how to pray. This is exactly how I do my salat as well:
Wael Editor
JazaakhaAllahkhayr for that link Wael.
SisterZ Editor