My best friend’s name is Prateek, does he have to change his name?
I am planning to get married to my best friend. He is a Hindu, but is planning to convert to Islam Insha'Allah. His name is Prateek. Is it required for him to change his first and last name? I have heard that he can still preserve his surname since it belong to his father. Is it correct?
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Dear Sister,
To my best knowledge and understanding, first of all, your relationship with him be it love or friendship is haram in the light of Islam. so you should seek forgiveness of Allah (Swt).
secondly, is he converting Islam for being on right path or just to marry you. If his coversion is for the sake ot marrying you only and if he does not feel to have it within then , to my best knowledge, this marriage will not considered valid (i would request any authentic islamic scholar to verify/confirm it please) and you will be doing a sin if know this fact. So it is important to confirm his faith in Islam.
About name, it not required to change the name unless it embodies the worship of someone or something other than Allah (swt) and in your case, the meaning of the name is 'The image or symbol of God' as i could get on internet ( i hope i am correct), hence ,it is advisable that he should change his name to some Islamic one. Also once done, it will save you being called as wife (as well as future kids) of Hindu name.
About keeping surname, to my best knowledge, yes he can but i would advice to get it confirmed from some authentic islamic scholar.
Before taking further step to marriage, please confirm his faith and interest in Islam.
All the best.
I'm very pleased for you and your friend that he is reverting to Islam, and I wish you both happiness and peace in this life and the next, inshaAllah. It's important to maintain Islamic boundaries prior to marriage, and if your friend is not yet aware of these, it might help him to learn about these from a reputable source, such as a local masjid. He might also want to look into "New to Islam" classes or groups in his area, so that he can learn about Islam and be in an environment where he can ask questions and get support from other people coming into Islam.
As far as I am aware, Prateek means "symbol/image of God", which would not be a name in keeping with Islamic principles - your friend might therefore want to consider changing his name to an Islamic name with a more appropriate meaning. There are lots of inspirational men in Islamic history, and guidance in the Quran and hadiths; as well as accessible online resources for naming.
He should keep his last name, but if it means something haraam, he should discuss this with a scholar or respected member of his local masjid - it might be that different guidance would apply?
Names are very important. It is reported that The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "On the Day of Resurrection, you will be called by your names and by your fathers' names, so give yourselves good names", (Hadith Abu Dawud).
Midnightmoon editor
As a Muslim Girl, if you are marrying a guy who is a non-muslim, then you need to know the following things:-
1. The person should willingly accept Islam and he should not intend to accept Islam just for the sake of marrying you.
2. He should develop thorough and deep understanding about Islam, because then only he will be fearful of Almighty Allah
3. By doing this practice he will know that what he is going to do, will be based permanently and he will abide by the same for ever.
4. Sister, try to inculcate such things in his life. I hope that he will abide by such things and that your union will come out to be the most happiest thing in your lives.
I am not a scholar, and I have only wrote the things to what I felt right.
Dear sister!
I am like the answer of a repenter muslimah that given you. just follow