Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Severing ties with family

Family shattered by husband's addiction

Assalaamu alaikum, my brothers and sisters. I have a problem and I fear I will burn in hellfire because of it. It is the fact that I don't get along with my older sister and my aunt.

My aunt always puts me down and uses me to fulfill her own dreams so I feel it is best to avoid her. My older sister has physically harmed me and is very jealous of me and hates me. Since both of them are negative, I don't talk to them anymore. I have become very angry especially with my older sister because she tried to put me in jail for no reason. She has also said that her friends are her sisters and that I am nothing to her. Out of anger, I used foul language with her and said I wish she was dead. We do not talk to each other anymore. I think it has been 5 years that I haven't talked to her.

My question is, will I go to hell for severing ties with my aunt and older sister when they have been so emotionally and physically abusive with me? I try to be a good muslim but I'm struggling with this problem. They want nothing to do with me either and I think for everyone's safety it is best that way. Hope to get a response soon. Thanks.

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4 Responses »

  1. OP: I try to be a good muslim but I'm struggling with this problem. They want nothing to do with me either and I think for everyone's safety it is best that way.

    Just be nice to people even who treat you bad. Sooner or later they will realize their mistake. If some one insult you and you insult them back, you both are equally bad.

  2. It's a very serious thing to cut off family. However, given what you've written here, I have to say that you make a good case for not speaking to these people again, particularly your sister who tried to send you to jail and has physically hurt you. I don't see that you should deliberately put yourself in harm's way out of a misguided sense of obligation towards people who appear to bear you nothing but ill will. Of course, if your relatives some day approach you with the desire to make amends, then you should accept them with open arms.

  3. Thanks for your response. I think for my mental and ohysical well being, it is best to avoid them. Of course, if they change and try not to repeat their mistakes again, I will definitely forgive them, but unfortunately, that hasn't happened.

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