I have been surrounded by problems
Asalam Alaikum
How are you all? My name is Naheed Akhter, I am 27 years old and my date of birth is **/**/****. I am very much depressed. I am not able to do anything in life, neither education, nor marriage; and infact no proposal comes for me. Nobody even comes to my home. Can you please tell me why all this is happening?
And I want to change my name, so which name should I keep? Please advise me and please help me. I am very much depressed, I will be grateful.
Allah Hafiz
~ nido
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I believe it will help everyone who wants to respond to your post if you can give a little more information. Why is it that you cannot pursue an education? What kinds of things are being done by your family or yourself to seek out proposals or let others know of your availability for marriage? Without knowing exactly what your obstacles are, it would be hard for anyone to advise you how to go around or through them. Needless to say, if you are staying in the home all day every day, expecting life will magically happen for you, I can tell you it doesn't work that way. You have to be proactive about your goals.
From my research, "Naheed" can mean anything from pure/immaculate to representing the name of an ancient Persian goddess. As far as changing your name, if you are doing it to have one that's more Islamic, then you can choose any Arabic/Muslim name that has a special meaning to you or has an attribute you feel represents you or that you would like to acquire.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Dear sister Naheed,
I can perfectly understand your plight and worries about the future. though i have a good job and an good educational background, i am in your situation as far as marriage is concerned, however sister you should not get desperate, keep on praying to Allah, keep on asking him with sincerity and certaiity that your duas wil be accpeted by him. Remember he alone can help us so we should continue to pray. Be patient, may be Allah is testing you and your ability to make sabr and Allah test people that he like most, so sister, please do a lot of sabr and at the same time seek Allah's help with insistance, i am sure sooner or later he will answer to your prayers as Allah is full of mercy and pity.
My Sister,
Please, use your time in prayer and offering duas to truly become closer to Allah. He is there, he has a plan for you.
But as sister Amy said, you have to be proactive about your goals.
Consider two people. One person prays to Allah for a spouse, then sits at home waiting. Another person also prays to Allah for a spouse, and then goes on to do everything within their power to make themselves the best possible spouse they can be. Which one will most please Allah? I think the answer is obvious.
Even if you cannot attend university and study, you can still study. Even with no other resources, you can read and study the Holy Qu'ran. Read the Hadiths. Become a learned Muslima. Be in the position to know and understand as much as you can of Islam, of every facet. This will please Allah greatly and make you a wonderful wife to the man Allah is preparing for you.
And, it appears you have access to the Internet. There are many things you can study there. Just be careful and keep to the halaal subjects, so as to remain steady on your path.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
I second American Muslim's comments. For more on this theme, see my article from IslamicSunrays.com:
Be the person you are looking for.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor